Finally Found by Aria Grace Book Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi peeps, Aria Grace is stopping by for a visit with her newest release Finally Found, there’s a brilliant excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so celebrate Aria’s release with her and click that Rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~

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Finally Found

(More Than Friends 08)

Aria Grace

For the past six years at the University of Oregon, Trey has been completely focused on studying. With no time for relationships, he’s had to rely on the occasional hookup to fulfil his physical need for companionship. Now that he’s almost done with his Masters in Biology, his attention is on his career. Relationships will have to wait. Again.

Chuck is hitching his way down the coast, taking odd jobs to survive while trying to stay off the radar of an abusive ex. He just wants to get to L.A. in one piece so he can start over. His job skills are limited, but even working in porn will be better than what he’s running from. Hiding is hard but Chuck isn’t ready to be found.

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“Who pissed in your cheerios?” Hayden asks as he sets the glass in front of me.

“Who do you think?” Hayden has met Gary a few times and hates him more after each visit. I should listen to his advice more often.

“I don’t know what you see in that douche bag.” Hayden pulls a bowl of pretzels out from under the counter and grabs a few before setting it next to my beer. “You can do so much better.”

“Well, I think I’m gonna have to.” I take a drink before looking up at Hayden. “He might have broken up with me.”

“What does that mean?” Hayden nods to a waitress and fills two pints from the tap without taking his attention away from me. “Did he or didn’t he?”

“He told me to wait until he’s ready to come back.” I shrug and twist on the stool, hoping to see something to distract Hayden from this conversation with. There are only a few people sprinkled throughout the dark room. A couple guys in the back look familiar but their heads are down and turned away from me so I can’t tell if I know them.

“Hey.” Hayden flicks the back of my head. “You’re better off without him.”

“I know.” My brain knows it’s true but I hate being alone. I really hate it. I’ve been alone since I was sixteen and it hasn’t gotten any easier. “But he wants me to wait for him. So I can’t just move on or anything.”

“You can.” Hayden grabs my shoulder and twists me again so I’m facing him. “And you will. Just stay away from him. I’ve heard rumors about how he treats his exes and you don’t want any part of that.”

My blood runs cold at his words. I’ve heard similar warnings from people for the entire time we’ve been together. The few friends that knew I was seeing Gary were all worried about me. He has a reputation for getting too rough and driving his boyfriends away.


One guy just up and left town without a word to anyone and the guy before me committed suicide. He was found in his bathtub a week after he and Gary broke up. At least that’s what I heard from some questionable sources.

“You’re right.” I stare down at my glass, swirling the foam at the bottom. “I should just forget about him and move on. And I’m going to start right now. Can you get me a double shot of Jack?”

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About Aria

Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Aria enjoys the year round sunshine and laid back environment of the west coast. She lives with her husband and two children on a quiet hill that gives her lots of time to read and write. Once she ventured into the exciting world of gay romance, she never looked back. She loves to hear from readers so please feel free to drop her a note or visit her at .

Where to find the author:

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(Ends 22nd June 2015)
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