Hi guys, we have Jason T Gaffney & Ed Gaffney popping in today with their newest release Fixing Frank, we have a great guest post from Jason & Ed and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Fixing Frank
Jason T Gaffney w Ed Gaffney
First grade teacher Terry O’Dell is thrilled when he’s chosen as a contestant on Fixing Our Future, a popular reality web series where the winner raises money for charity. A few weeks of light-hearted challenges and fun competition is exactly the kind of distraction he needs to get over his breakup with his fiancé. But when Terry learns that handsome landscaper Frank Vacca is another contestant on the show, his excitement turns to dread. Because Terry’s ex ran off with Frank’s ex. It’s only a matter of time before their embarrassing personal history is exploited by the show’s producers, in hopes of going viral with on-camera tears and maybe a table flip or two.
But Frank is not the kind of guy who waits for life to happen to him, and he decides to fight fire with fire. When their secret is exposed, he impulsively declares that he and Terry are better than ever, because they, too, have hooked up—in fact, they’re engaged. Already popular, the pair instantly becomes internet royalty. Of course it’s all a sham, and only a matter of time before the truth comes crashing down. But then, Frank and Terry—long at odds and constantly arguing—actually begin to fall for each other. And that’s when things really start to go wrong…
Kobo | Kindle

Jason T Gaffney & Ed Gaffney!
World building isn’t just for paranormals or SFF. Even when writing books that are contemporary, authors need to create a believable, consistent world. And when Jason T. Gaffney sat down with Ed Gaffney, his long-time screenwriting partner (who also happens to be his dad), to write their California Comedy series of m/m rom-com novellas, it was important to them both that their books were set in a friendly, loving, LGBTQ-welcoming world.
A few years ago, Ed and Jason teamed up to write the award winning LGBTQ indie rom-com movie, The Perfect Wedding, with those same parameters in mind: The gay characters in their books and movies are always loved and supported by their family and friends.
Jason: When I first started reading m/m romance and watching m/m movies, I found there were a lot of stories where being gay was the major conflict. Those are valid and extremely important stories that need to be told—but they’re not my story. I’m lucky, I know it! I grew up in this amazing bubble of love, surrounded by parents and grandparents and extended family who encouraged me to always be me, where my saying “I’m gay!” was responded to with “Yep, I love you!” I’m well aware that not everyone has that experience—but that makes me extra eager to share the hope and joy of my world in my novellas and movies.
Ed: Here’s an example of what we mean: The Perfect Wedding is set in Florida, and it ends with a shot of the big church wedding between the movie’s two heroes. We filmed it in Florida, and the movie’s debut was in (pre marriage equality) Florida in 2012—at the Sarasota Film Festival. We did a talkback after one of the screenings, and someone stood up and flatly chastised us, saying marriage rights would never come to Florida, so that final scene made the movie—for him—pure fantasy.
Jason: Yeah. Sadly, he’d lost hope. Our response was to say: a) we don’t agree with you, we believe equal marriage absolutely is coming (we’d been marriage rights activists in Massachusetts, and we’d learned a thing or two from that), and b) fiction can and should be a place for writers to create the world we want to see—the world as we want it to be. And that’s what we’d done with TPW. We do that in our books, too.
Ed: So while stories with a conflict about one or more of the characters’ sexual orientations continue to be important in m/m romance…
Jason: Stories set in my wonderful, love-filled, welcoming world are important, too. Even if you don’t see your own precise reflection in characters like Frank and Terry from Fixing Frank, it’s affirming to read a book where the biggest conflict is that the two heroes have to pretend to be engaged…
Ed: And go through similar high jinx to those that m/f rom-com characters have gone through for many, many years. Boy meets boy, boy loses boy, boy wins boy!
Jason: Gotta love that!

About Ed & Jason!
Jason T Gaffney and Ed Gaffney are a son/father writing team who have collaborated for over ten years on stage plays (Looking for Billy Haines), and movies (Jolly, The Perfect Wedding, Russian Doll). Recently, they joined forces to write m/m novellas that include laughs, emotions, and hot sex scenes. (#awkwardnotawkward) They are currently in pre-production for their next m/m rom-com movie, a micro-budget feature, working title Analysis Paralysis.
More info about the son/father writing team:
In addition to his novel writing, Jason is an award-winning producer, actor, and screenwriter. His credits include the web series The Comedy Minute with Jason T. Gaffney, and Fame Dogs, which just won the Indie Series Awards for Best Comedy and Best Ensemble, Comedy. Ed’s other projects include an Edgar nomination for his legal thriller, Enemy Combatant (Dell, 2008). He’s also the writer/director of the indie film Russian Doll, a f/f thriller about to hit the LGBTQ film festival circuit. Ed and Jason are currently in pre-production for their next m/m rom-com movie, a micro-budget feature, working title ANALYSIS PARALYSIS.
About Suzanne Brockmann Presents:
After childhood plans to become the captain of a starship didn’t pan out, Suzanne Brockmann took her fascination with military history, her respect for the men and women who serve, her reverence for diversity, and her love of storytelling, and explored brave new worlds as a New York Times bestselling romance author. Over the past twenty-three years she has written more than fifty-five novels, including her award-winning Troubleshooters series about Navy SEAL heroes and the women—and sometimes men—who win their hearts. Her favorite is the book where her most popular character, gay FBI agent Jules Cassidy, wins his happily-ever-after and marries the man of his dreams. Called All Through the Night, this was the first mainstream genre romance novel with a hero and a hero to hit the New York Times hardcover fiction bestseller list. In 2007, Suz donated all of her earnings from this book, in perpetuity, to MassEquality, to help win and preserve equal marriage rights in Massachusetts.
Her next novel, Some Kind of Hero, featuring a Navy SEAL hero and a romance novelist heroine, is available on July 11, 2017, in hardcover and ebook from Ballantine Books, and in audio from Blackstone Audio.
In addition to writing books, Suz has co-produced two feature-length LGBTQ movies, the award-winning romantic comedy The Perfect Wedding, and the thriller Russian Doll. She is also the publisher and editor of a m/m line of category romances called Suzanne Brockmann Presents.
Find Suz on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SuzanneBrockmannBooks, follow her on Twitter @SuzBrockmann, and visit her website at www.SuzanneBrockmann.com to find out more about upcoming projects and appearances.

Win an ebook of CREATING CLARK!
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(Ends when Ed & Jason pick a winner!)

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Sounds interesting…
Thanks for stopping by, Pat! I hope you get a chance to check it out! 🙂
Hi Pat! I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you so much, Pixie, for welcoming Jason and Ed during their FIXING FRANK blog tour!!
I’d love to second what my mom said, Pixie! Thank you so much for having us here on the MM Good Book Blog Tours! It is an honor!
I’m excited to see this come to it’s fruition Gaffney family! We definitely need more positive m/m romcom novels. Thank you!
Jace had the same thought about positive m/m stories! (It’s becoming family lore that when he recognizes something he wants to see more of in the m/m creative landscape, it’s only a matter of time before he sets off to create it himself!)
Thank you so much Cory! We’re hoping to bring way more to the table soon! One of my favorite parts of writing the California Comedy series is getting to revisit the characters from the other books.
This series sounds so good! I hope lots and lots of people agree and support you!
Thank you so much for your support!!! We hope so, too! 🙂
Thank you so much! I hope you get a chance to check them out and enjoy them!
I love the approach to life and love in all of the Gaffney/Brockmann works. You guys never disappoint! Thank you 💚💕💙💜💝🌈
Hi, Donna! Thanks for your kind words!!!! 🙂
Hi Donna! Thank you so much! I have to say it was easy for me to write that way because my parents always made me feel loved and welcome. Plus they taught me that love always wins!
I haven’t gotten to read any of these titles, but am anxious to pick up Fixing Frank. It is refreshing to see a family that is so talented come together.
Thanks so much for stopping by! (And as far as the family thing, let’s just say I feel very lucky, and very proud to be a part of it.)
Thank you so much for checking Fixing Frank out! I hope that you love it, because I loved getting to work with my family on it!
This story sounds so good. I love the idea of the reality, and the two “exes” together. A certain addition to my TBR list!
I think Jace had the reality show idea, and Suz had the two “exes” idea. What I do remember clearly is that when Jace described the story to me, and then showed me the first draft, I couldn’t wait to dive in! It was a blast to help write it!!!
Hi Susana! It was a really fun book to write. Once we got going the ideas kept pouring out of us. My dad and I share a similar sense of humor and we love to keep building on what the other person brings to the table. I hope that you enjoy it a ton!
This sounds like a fun series, I’m excited to read it!
Thanks for stopping by, Lisa!
Hi Lisa! I can’t wait to hear what you think about it! Hope you enjoy the books!
Looks intriguing and I’ve always enjoyed stories that can make me laugh or smile.
Hi H.B.! Thanks for coming over and checking our stories out! I hope you enjoy them and they can bring you some laughs!