Hi peeps, we have Julia McBryant stopping by today with the tour for her newest release Hurricane Dreams, we have a brilliant character interview, a great excerpt and a fantastic $20 Amazon GC, eBook copies of It’s Enough, Like Sunshine, and Slow Dance giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~
Hurricane Dreams
Julia McBryant
Audie Currell, the only son of one of the richest families in Charleston, runs off from his parent’s wine tasting with his father’s business associate’s son, Calhoun Chatterton, another well-off teenager from Savannah. They start dating in secret. But Audie’s abusive childhood stands in the way of an authentic relationship — as does their family’s homophobia. They have to hide their relationship while coping with Audie’s trauma. Can two naive teenagers manage such a difficult task?
Series Blurb:
The Southern Seduction series chronicles the interconnected lives of a group of well-off, high society young adults in Savannah, Georgia, most of whom have known each other since kindergarten. Their complicated relationships (and unconventional sexcapades) form the meat of the series, along with a careful attention to chronology, character, and prose. More than romantic erotica, the Southern Seduction series details a fully realized world of drama, theme, and most of all, memorable characters.
Warnings: depictions of previous child abuse, use of the word f****t once

Calhoun Character Interview!
The interviewer was clever: Lucky and Thor Jasper thought she knew Quinn Rutledge. Quinn Rutledge thought she was friends with his cousin Delia. Calhoun Chatterton figured she knew someone there, and that’s how she ended up getting him plowed enough to answer her questions.
Interviewer: So you wanna do another shot?
Calhoun: My boyfriend’s gonna kill me if he finds out I was doing shots with a blond girl.
Interviewer: Why, is he the jealous type?
Calhoun: Um, kind of. Um … yeah. Yeah, I think Audie’s kinda the jealous type. More like insecure? Like I don’t think he would be mad. I think he would be sad and think I didn’t love him or something.
Interviewer: What, like you suddenly became straight?
Calhoun: No, no, he wouldn’t think that.
Interviewer: Because you’re not bi, right?
Calhoun: No, I’m like, totally not bi. No girls. I’ve never like, kissed a girl. I went to prom but I took Twenty Sunderland? She’s like, the sweetest girl ever and no one had asked her yet.
Interviewer: Her name’s Twenty?
Calhoun: Yeah, it’s a family name?
Interviewer: I assume Calhoun is also a family name.
Calhoun: Duh. You think people just like, walk around and name their kids Calhoun? It’s not like, for the vice-president of the Confederacy though. We’re just related. I’m not named after him or something. That would be so, so, so embarrassing.
Interviewer: So tell me about your boyfriend.
Calhoun: Oh, his name is Audie? He lives in Charleston and goes to USC and he’s soooooo hot. When I met him I thought he was so cute he would never ever like me. He’s really smart and he’s a poet. He’s kind of broody, though.
Interviewer: And you study lit too, so if he were a literary character, who would he be?
Calhoun: Everyone would like, say he’d be Heathcliffe because he’s all tall and broody and dark. But he’s hot. Like Mr. Darcy. I bet Mr. Darcy was soooo hot.
Quinn Rutledge, interrupting with a clear drink in his hand: Dude, I’ve met Audie. He’s absolutely nothing like Mr. Darcy, Calhoun. You just want your real boyfriend to be like your book boyfriend.
** Calhoun smacks Quinn. Quinn smacks Calhoun back **
Henry Culliver, clearly drinking bourbon: Christ, are you two at it again?
Interviewer: I was just asking Calhoun to describe his boyfriend.
Henry: Oh, Audie? He looks like that dude who plays Sherlock. I fucking love Sherlock.
Quinn: Oh my god, he totally looks like Sherlock! Does that make Calhoun Watson?
Henry: No, it makes him Irene Adler. You know, the dominatrix.
** Both of them crack up **
Interviewer: Why are they laughing so hard?
Calhoun: Because they know I’m a total bottom because they’re the only other two people I’ve ever hooked up with except Audie, okay?! (He turns a shocking shade of red)
Interviewer: So which one did you kiss first?
Henry: That would be me.
Calhoun: This is so embarrassing.
Quinn: Well I was the first one he —
(Calhoun claps his hand over Quinn’s mouth. They wrestle, with both of them carefully setting their drinks on tables beforehand)
Henry: They’ve been doing this since they were like, five. It’s a sign of affection at this point.
Quinn: (disentangling himself and rearranging his blond hair) Yeah, well, we never had sex.
Henry: (snorts) Probably because you could never agree who’d get to be on the bottom.
Quinn: That’s not far off.
Calhoun: (head in hands) Oh sweet baby Jesus in a manger, will you two SHUT UP.
Interviewer: So you’re friends with both your exes?
Calhoun: We’ve all been friends since kindergarten? It’s kind of hard to not be friends with someone you’ve known for that long just because you make out. I mean, look at Lucky and Isabel. They’re over there doing shots.
Henry: Yeah, they dated for like, a year or something in ninth grade. I think she —
Calhoun: Dude, gentleman never asks, lady never tells.
Interviewer: So if we could talk about that boyfriend of yours again …
Calhoun: Audie, yeah. We met at his parents’ wine tasting? It was super boring. But he took me out to this amazing lunch and then on a ride in his super-cool car — he has a Porsche 911 Carrera and it’s cherry-red, like, who has that car?! — to his beach house. It was super romantic.
Interviewer: What happened at the beach house?
(Calhoun turns bright red)
Quinn: HA! Calhoun totally lost it!
(Calhoun smacks him again. Quinn smacks him back)
(Henry orders another shot. And one for the interviewer): You shouldn’t have to deal with this, sweetie. They’re drunk.
Interviewer: It’s entertaining.
Henry: I can be very entertaining.
Interviewer: Yeah … I’ve got to run. It was fun hanging out. Bye, Calhoun!
Calhoun: Later. Imma have such a wicked hangover. Here, take a selfie with me for Audie so he sees what I was up to tonight.
(Calhoun snaps a selfie while interviewer kisses his cheek. Calhoun blushes. Interviewer gets the hell out before this gets worse and Henry gets more ideas).

“God, I fucking love your car. You’re super hot and you come with a Porsche Carrerra. Jesus, Audie. Are you seriously real?”
“Are you?” Audie laughs and tucks Calhoun’s hair behind his ears. He still can’t believe the things he says to Calhoun every goddamn day. Audie never imagined using words like these with another person. You don’t hand your heart to someone else. As soon as you do, you know it’s going to shatter one day. It reminds him of a hurricane slamming down the Carolina low country, Hugo or another big one: you can’t stop the storm from coming. You can only close the shutters and pray the seawall holds.
Audie tries to catch Calhoun’s hand when they get to the restaurant, but his boyfriend shakes his head. “We can’t.”
“Not at all?” Audie asks.
“No. But we can go out to Tybee.”
Calhoun seems to relax with the change of scenery. Audie thinks some alcohol helps too. It helps Audie. Always has, since he was fifteen years old. He doesn’t share that with Calhoun. Some things you just don’t tell anyone. Like, my daddy belted me bloody. Or, his business partner’s daughter Easter stood there terrified while it happened. And that’s why I bought bourbon the first time.
You don’t say it. The same way you don’t talk about high school.
The Savannah heat slams them when they come out of the restaurant. “Been hitting like, a hundred this week,” Calhoun says. “At least Tybee has the sea breeze. You really don’t swim at all?”
“No,” Audie says. “But I’ll wade.” Another thing you don’t say: why you don’t swim. My daddy marooned me in a pontoon boat when I was eleven because he said I had to get over my fear of bull sharks. Told me to swim over to his boat and we could go home. It took me four goddamn hours to get the courage to do it and it was the worst thing in the world and I will never get in the ocean again ever. You say: I have this shark phobia. Can’t shake it, sorry. You can tell the truth without telling it. You can come close to a thing without touching it at all.
Calhoun directs him down East Bay Street onto the highway. They leave the windows down and let the wind whip their hair, Audie’s into a curly froth, Calhoun’s into mermaid tangles. Audie blasts the Charleston band Jump, Little Children, who Calhoun’s never heard and Audie’s seen a million times. “They’re really good,” Calhoun yells over the wind and the music, between bites of the black licorice he dug out of his bag. Audie had laughed when he unearthed it. “We should go see them sometime.”
Audie snorts. “Maybe if they play Columbia,” he shouts. “Not seeing you in Charleston again. Stupid. Just have to act like friends.”
“Same in Savannah.”
“Should say we chartered a boat in Pauley’s Island or Georgetown next time with some friends. Maybe the Outer Banks. I could even summon up some friends if we needed.”
“Me too.”
“Say we went fishing and picked up girls. Send pictures of fish and girls to our daddies.” Audie laughs even though it’s not funny and he’s not joking and Calhoun nods.
Calhoun’s Tybee house sits on the water, huge and modern, all sleek lines. “I love this house,” Calhoun says as they park underneath it.
“Hate that hurricanes’ll always take a beach house,” Audie says. “Hate it for our Folly house.”
Calhoun looks at him kind of strange. “I guess.”
They walk hand-in-hand, bags slung over their shoulders, up the stairs. Calhoun shuts the door behind them and Audie has him against the wall. “This okay now that we’re at the beach?” he says, intentionally talking right into Calhoun’s ear.
“Yeah,” Calhoun breathes. “Doesn’t matter in this house.”
Audie moves his leg between his boyfriend’s thighs. “Because I want you real bad.” He knows Calhoun likes it when he talks to him.
“Want you too.” Audie feels him stiffening.
Audie kisses him hard, like before, but his time braces himself against the wall and pins Calhoun against it completely. His boyfriend thrusts against him. God, Audie loves this. He loves that Calhoun loves this. He moves slightly so their cocks rub against each other through their thin shorts. Their belts clink and it’s somehow one of the hottest sounds Audie’s ever heard. He breaks off the kiss and moves to Calhoun’s ear again. “Go into the bedroom,” he says, “And get your fucking clothes off. I missed you and I want you.” Audie’s pretty sure Calhoun wants him to talk like this, and he wants to talk to Calhoun like this, and he thinks he can get away with it.
He knows he can when Calhoun sort of sucks in a breath and moves on him. “Okay,” he says. “Okay, Audie.”
Calhoun leads him into a big room with a king-sized bed. He strips. Audie rummages in his bag and takes out what they need, then takes his own clothes off. Calhoun watches. Audie knows his boyfriend’s watching, but when he looks up, Calhoun drops his eyes. Audie hopes he doesn’t fuck this up. They’ve only done it twice, once the afternoon in his beach house and once the next morning, which makes a total of two times Audie’s ever had sex in his entire life. Calhoun doesn’t know that and Audie isn’t telling.
“Get on the bed,” Audie orders. God, he’s wanted to say things like this his whole life. Every time, he gets bossier and bossier and Calhoun loves it more and more. Obediently, his boyfriend pulls down the bedspread and sheets, climbs into bed and waits for Audie. Who takes his goddamn time getting over there. Calhoun looks too good lying on his side, watching Audie with those big eyes and a hard cock. He messes with it a little, which makes everything better.

About Julia!
Julia McBryant is, as the saying goes, Southern born, Southern bred, and when she dies, she’ll be Southern dead. When she’s not riding her horse or writing, Julia likes to play with her German Shepherds and rescued greyhounds, make all the crafts (especially those involving glitter), and hike, especially in the North Carolina mountains. She is grateful her husband tolerates both the dogs and the glitter.
However, she spends most of her time writing like tomorrow won’t arrive, like she needs it to survive, every second she’s alive, etc. (see Hamilton for details). She also lives to sing in the car, especially David Bowie.
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