Fool School by James Comins Cover Reveal & Excerpt!

James Comin - Fool School

Hi guys, we have James Comins visiting today to show off the cover to his very first published novel Fool School and I’ve nicked a bit of an excerpt so you can have a peek 😉 So lets check out what this debut author has to offer! <3 ~Pixie~

James Comin - Fool School _FinalCover

Fool School


James Comins

In the year of our Lord 1040, fourteen-year-old aspiring jester Tom is en route to Bath to begin his studies in the art of being a Fool, following in the footsteps of his father, and his father before him.

Along the way he meets Malcolm, a fire-haired boy with eyes green as forest glass. A Scotsman who’s escaped from the ravages of the usurper Macbeth, Malcolm elects to join Tom at school. Though the journey to Bath is hazardous, it pales in comparison to what they face at the austere and vicious Fool School, where all is not as it seems. A court jester must aim to be the lowest rung on the ladder of life, and the headmaster will not abide pride.

As they journey through life’s hardships together, Tom and Malcolm find they only have each other to depend upon.

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