To Love and To Cherish by Addison Albright Audio Blast, & Giveaway!

Addison Albright - To Love and To Cherish RBBanner

Hiya guys, we have Addison Albright popping in today with her new audio release To Love and To Cherish, we have a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Addison Albright - To Love and To Cherish Audio Cover

To Love and To Cherish

(Vows 03)

Addison Albright

Jilted by his fiancé two weeks before their wedding, Nash Marino’s outlook on life in general, and love in particular, is jaded. After months of couch-surfing, Nash is fed up. He’s sick and tired of his living conditions, worn out by the demands of his nursing job, and despairs of ever finding love again. In fact, he doesn’t think he’s capable of true love. Monogamy, commitment, companionship, and regular sex…that’s all he wants, and the sooner, the better.

When Nash crosses paths with a like-minded man who’s also in need of a live-in nurse for a beloved relative, Nash figures all his problems are solved. But matters are complicated by a freak accident and amnesia. When Nash’s marriage of convenience scheme is muddied by notions of love after his memory reboot, will their plans go awry, or will Nash’s new outlook on life be just what the doctor ordered?

Companion to Til Death Do Us Part

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