Users of All Romance Ebooks (ARe) Please Read.

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All Romance Ebooks is closing its doors with little notice to authors and readers.

Authors please check to ensure you are getting the royalties owed and readers please back up your libraries as the site will go dark on 31st December.  


Authors are asking readers not to buy their books from ARe as they will only receive a fraction of what they are owed in royalties. 

Some authors and publishers have pulled their books from ARe.

Anyone who has pre-ordered from ARe it doesn’t look like ARe will be filling those orders. Refunds have to be requested before 31st December.

If you pre-ordered any books through All Romance that were set to release there after 12/27, please contact All Romance for a refund before 12/31. Refunds, it appears, will not be automatic. You must REQUEST a refund from All Romance for pre-orders..

Dreamspinner Press have promised to honor their books pre-paid pre-orders with ARe if you show proof of purchase. Other publishers may follow suit.

Some readers are having trouble using their ARe ebucks (credits), authors are encouraging readers with ebucks to spend them as they don’t want you to lose out because of the actions of ARe.

2 thoughts on “Users of All Romance Ebooks (ARe) Please Read.

  1. Thanks for the post. I tried backing up my library last night, but the site just kept crashing. Luckily, today it worked better and I got everything squared away. I will say that it looks like many authors have pulled their books (can’t blame them), so those with credit left may have slim pickings.

  2. I was “lucky” that I read the news early on the 28th so I could still use my ebucks on some titles, even if those I didn’t want/need. But for those get later today or this week, like Jen said, the choices for them will be slim because authors/publishers are taking down their books. Which I totally understand because of the shitty deals that ARe given them regarding royalty payment

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