Amnesia by Sean Michael (2nd Edition)

Sean Michael - Amnesia Cover sTitle: Amnesia (2nd Edition)

Series: N/A

Author: Sean Michael

Genre: Contemporary, Cowboys

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (13 June 2016)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Who wouldn’t want a do over?

When Thaine wakes up in the hospital after a bull-riding injury, he immediately asks for his lover, Jerry. He has no idea who this man next to his bed is, despite the fact Drew insists they have been an item for the last five years.

Thaine’s best friend, Jesse, calls Jerry. He thinks it’s a pretty crappy thing to do to the new boyfriend, but tells himself it’s unlikely Jerry will come after so many years. He also doesn’t get why Thaine would pass up the opportunity to be with Drew since he’s young, optimistic, and hardworking. In short, everything Jesse ever wanted in a man.

Jerry still carries a torch for his cowboy, so when Thaine asks to go home with him to recover, Jerry agrees. At first they pick up their intense physical relationship right where they left it before the breakup. Jesse, in turn, consoles the now homeless Drew and offers him quite a bit more than a shoulder to cry on. But in the back of all the men’s minds loom Thaine’s lost five years.

1st Edition published by Torquere Press, 2006.

ISBN: 9781634769754

Product Link:

Reviewer: Prime

Review: Amnesia by Sean Michael, I have to admit, is pretty much exactly what I expected it to be. In many ways it’s a relaxing read because from just reading the blurb I figured out what was going to happen, i.e. who ends up with whom. For me Sean Michael books go into 2 categories – “love it” or “hate it”, or perhaps more accurately, because I rarely fully outright hate a book, “I can’t put it down” or “can’t keep my interest”. Obviously, considering I’ve given this a good rating, this one falls into the former category.

There are four main players in this book: Thaine (who has amnesia after falling a bull), Drew (the current boyfriend Thaine has no memory of), Jerry (the ex that Thaine thinks they are still together) and Jesse (Thaine’s best friend who wants to protect him from Jerry – who is selfish – yet has feelings for Drew). I honestly think if you’ve read the blurb and read this you have already figured out what happens. For me, though, I am a sucker for the melodrama that comes from the whole amnesia thing and the ex boyfriend swooping in the save the day.

Two things that did piss me off that, however, were all about Jerry. 1) He was an arsehole. Simple as that, but thankfully there is such a thing as character development. 2) When he and Thaine initially broke up 5 years earlier he really didn’t try and so really, Thaine was better off with him. But Amnesia is really all about second chances, because people can change when they have their own epiphanies. In fact, all the characters see things from a different light when their lives are changed the day Thaine are almost killed during competition.

Amnesia, I think, will be a guilty pleasure for anyone who loves the melodrama of amnesia and life or death situations. Also, for anyone who loves a cowboy, you will not be disappointed. In fact, I found myself falling just a little bit in love with Thaine and Jerry… and I find myself wanting to know more about Jesse and Drew.