Cherished by Dianna Bell

816-XUhvrDL._SL1500_Title: Cherished
Series: N/A
Author: Dianna Bell
Genre: Paranormal
Length: Novella (91 Pages)
Publisher: Cool Beans Publishing (February 16, 2015)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts
Blurb: Kaevan is tall, dark, mysterious, and one of the most feared Vampire warriors within the Blood Reign Coven, the lead warrior to be exact. He is also the right hand advisor and protector of the coven’s leader, Mikhail. With his unwavering loyalty, he faithfully guards and offers his council to his liege without question.

So, when his leader and his best friend found his mate in a human woman, Kaevan was happy for Mikhail. But Kaevan’s world was turned upside down when the beautiful woman arrived at the coven house with her little brother, Phelan in tow. Kaevan took one look at the gorgeous little human and everything about the boy triggered the vampire’s most primal, possessive, and protective instincts. Kaevan was bound and determined to convince his skittish little love interest that he was the only one that could love and cherish Phelan the way he deserved.

Read to see how the fierce warrior opens his heart and his world to the love of his life, in hopes that Phelan will be able to accept him as his true mate.

ISBN: 9781311420077

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: This is a fascinating tale of vampires and humans. The only true problem I had with this story was the print. And I’m not sure if that’s the norm or it was just my review copy. In any event, it was very difficult for me to read. The story itself was pretty damn good. It gave me the right amount of heart, soul, craziness, pain and more. It would have made for a great story had it been longer with more to it, then just a taste.

Kaevan is watching his best friend with his mate and wishing. That is until Mikhail’s mates little brother was his mate. He had been ready to sit back and show his loyalty for his leader. However now his head is so full of his gorgeous mate.

Phelan had been born with some kind of birth defect affecting his joints called Arthrogryposis. He felt that he was ugly and not worthy of attention. Kaevan just needed to up his game and prove to his mate that he was gorgeous and very much wanted.

Now if only he could keep one of his feeders away. One of his normal feeders, seems to think that he should be Kaevan’s mate, too bad the man is short a box of crayons.

I got a kick out of this story. That is once I could actually figure out the letters to it. It has great potential to being a top story. I had a blast reading it and would recommend it to others. Sexy vampires, suspense, laughter, danger and some hot sex is just a hint of what you get.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

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