Crossing Divides by Andrew Grey

CrossingDividesLGTitle:  Crossing Divides

Series:  the sequel to In Search Of A Story

Author:  Andrew Grey

Genre:   Contemporary Romance in a War Torn country

Length:  Novel (200 pages)

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (December 20th 2013)

Heat Level:  Moderate to Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb:   Carter Hopkins is on a mission. He has already written about the conflict in Syria, but is determined to go even deeper. With his editor’s help, he joins a band of freedom fighters led by Jalal. But it is Jalal’s brother, Nemat, who draws Carter’s attention. Nemat has left the family olive grove to join his brother in fighting the Syrian government in Aleppo. When Carter saves his life and is declared an honorary member of the family, Nemat couldn’t be happier, even though he knows his family will never understand his true interest in Carter.

Carter and Nemat say their goodbyes after the end of the assignment. Carter’s stories garner a lot of attention, but he can’t stop thinking of the man he left behind. Then rumors of the use of chemical weapons give Carter another chance at a story, and he jumps at it. But much has changed in Syria, and any chance of getting Nemat out of harm’s way seems more impossible than ever.

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Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  Carter Hopkins is a journalist on assignment in Syria. He’s found refuge with a group of freedom fighters and is learning a lot from them about the conflict between the government and the people. Led by brothers Jalal and Nemat, Carter learns of the war and unease within Syria first hand when bullets start flying. Carter is taken with Nemat from the start, and when the pair are separated from the other’s and have to hold up for the night in an abandoned building, Carter learns the feelings are mutual.

Jalal and Nemat’s family take Carter in without a second thought, but would they be so welcoming if they knew the feelings the two men harbored for each other? Stolen moments and kisses are shared, and soon stronger feelings start to form. But soon it’s time for Carter to go back home and leave Nemat behind. Once he’s back home his story goes to print and the shit hits the fan in Syria. Carter knew how unlikely it was that he’d ever see Nemat again, but he can’t stop thinking about that face that smiles back at him from the picture on his phone.

When Carter learns that Aleppo has been bombed, he makes the decision to go back to Syria and try to find the man he fell in love with. This time he’s more prepared growing out his hair and beard, learning the language. What he’s not prepared for is the desolation he finds in Aleppo when he finally makes it back.

This was a different side of Grey than I’ve seen in his writing previously. Action packed and suspenseful read for sure. Every corner you turn there is something else to learn. Not just about the characters, but about the war and how it affects Nemat’s family. And now the affects are being felt across the globe as well, by Carter who had to leave Nemat behind. Nemat struggles with his feelings for Carter because in his country it is a sin that is punishable by death. In fact, Carter and Nemat share a beautiful moment in the story that is marred with the death of men who are presumably “like them”. And then you have Carter who is willing to risk everything, including his life, just to see Nemat again, and to know he is alright.

As I said it’s different, gritty and emotional. But it just might be Grey’s best work yet! Carter and Nemat truly fight for their happy ever after, and Grey was not afraid to show that fight and the pain that came along with it. I still say that Andrew Grey is an author whose books should be read regardless of content. But if you’ve never read his work before, this is an excellent title to start. This is the second book in a series (In Search of a Story) and you will recognize a few characters if you’ve read the first book; but this book can easily stand-alone as well.

{Link to Tams review of In Search of a Story:}

** Check out this bonus blog post from Author Andrew Grey for a behind the scenes look at him writing ‘Crossing Divides’…

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through MM Good Book Reviews*