Enchanted by Pelaam

pelenchantedTitle: Enchanted

Author: Pelaam

Genre: Fantasy, MM, FF

Length: Novella (94pgs)

Publisher: Silver Publishing (2nd March 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Lucien is betrothed to Evania, and his new-born sister to Evania’s brother Teige. On the day of her christening, Isabella is cursed. When she and Teige fall under the sleeping spell, whose kiss will awaken the sleeping beauties?

A re-telling of a well-known tale—with a twist.

Prince Lucien has been betrothed to Princess Evania from her birth. When his sister, Isabella, is born, she is immediately betrothed to Evania’s younger brother, Teige.

On the day of her christening, Isabella falls victim to a curse from the black witch, Caera, but instead of death, the white mage, Marged, makes the curse one where Isabella will sleep until wakened by true love’s kiss.

Despite the precautions taken, Isabella falls under Caera’s curse, as does Teige and Lucien, Evania and Dashiell are the only ones who can save them. They must defeat Caera to reach them. But whose kiss will awaken the Sleeping Beauties?

Purchase Link: https://spsilverpublishing.com/enchanted-ebook-p-916.html

Review: Two kingdoms hoping to come together through the betrothals of their children, and the black witch who wants revenge. Lucien was betrothed to Evania at an early age and when his sister, Isabella, is born she is betrothed to Evania’s brother Teige. On the day of Isabella’s christening the black witch, Caera, enacts her revenge but Marged, the white witch, alters the curse. When Isabella falls victim to the curse Caera ensures it will never be broken and makes Teige succumb to the curse as well. Lucien, Dashiell (Lucien’s cousin) and Evania have to fight more than just a curse as they try to rescue their family, and just how will the curse be broken?

A wonderful twist to Sleeping Beauty with some come conflict between children and parents. This is a great story of abiding love and surprising new love with the puzzle of breaking a curse and defeating a black witch. Lucien is betrothed to Evania and Teige is betrothed to Isabella. But, with the curse hovering over the families, Isabella is taken to a hidden location so Caera can’t find her and set the curse in motion. Years later when Isabella’s guardian discovers that Isabella has begun to get close to a hunter she is returned to the castle and it sets in motion a chain of events that nearly rip both families apart, even before the curse has a chance to strike.

I loved this story.  Pelaam has woven a tale that misleads and misdirects even as she tells us of great love and witches curses. Each character is enchanting and the love that we see will make your heart ache for the beauty of it.  The love-making is incredibly touching and loving and is filled with such happiness and joy that I had a slightly watery smile as I witnessed a true love coming to fruition. It isn’t easy sailing for any of the lovers and some of them face challenges that are life and death, even while they are dealing with conflict within the families. I am sure that some of you will be wondering at the label of FF, well I am here to tell you that although we do see the beginnings of a sweet love between women, we are left with the knowledge that they making love, but we don’t see it. Now the MM lovemaking is incredible and sweet and gentle and loving and just sigh worthy.

I will recommend this to those who love fairy tales with a twist, true love conquering all, incredible lovemaking, wonderful characters and a happy ending for all.