Enticing Enigma by Shea Balik Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hi guys! We have Shea Balik popping in today with her new release Enticing Enigma, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic $20 Amazon GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤️ ~Pixie~

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Enticing Enigma

(Miracle 12)

Shea Balik

Be who you are. That was Asher Walker’s motto. The only problem? He was someone who loved to talk. It didn’t matter what the subject was, because he could find a way to have a conversation with anybody. Even if it meant gossiping about others. He didn’t mean to spill everyone’s secrets, but he also didn’t know how to stop himself from doing so. It tended to make those he met stay as far away from him as possible when all he wanted was to make friends.

Zayn Phelps hated to be around people. To him, it was akin to what he imagined hell would be like. The worst was when he had to carry on a conversation that involved more than the weather. If he had the choice, he’d rather face a firing squad then a group of people.

They say opposites attract, but no one ever explains how to compromise in order to stay together.

Will Zayn find his inner socialite? Or will he end up gagging his mate to find some peace?

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If Asher was nothing else, he was a realist.  It was why he accepted that he was a gossip with little chance of changing.  He might, and that was a BIG might, be able to curb some of the things he said so as not to hurt others by appearing to judge them, but remain silent?  Nope.  Not gonna happen.

If he lasted a week, Asher would be shocked.

He’d been so hopeful when Iniko offered to let him work in the new repair shop.  Now it appeared that wasn’t to be.  As a realist, he wasn’t about to let anyone else, including Iniko, think for one second that he could be someone he wasn’t, even if the truth had him leaving his dream job before it even started.

“Iniko, you know I can’t do that.”  For the first time in his life, Asher honestly wished he wasn’t like he was.  That only served to upset him further.  It wasn’t fair that he had to change.

“Look, Asher, I know this will be a challenge for you, but Zayn isn’t comfortable around people.  It has nothing to do with you,” Iniko told him.  Maybe not, but Asher wasn’t sure it mattered.  “And as you are always saying, a person has to be who they are.  Well, Zayn is Zayn.  He prefers to be alone.  You don’t want to force him to be someone who has to change, do you?”

He didn’t, but at the same time, Asher didn’t want to change either.  “But isn’t that what you’re asking me to do?  Change so that Zayn will be at ease?  That doesn’t seem fair.”  Asher just knew he was going to kick himself later for saying what he was about to say, but he also knew there was no way he could do what Iniko was suggesting.  “I think you better find someone else to do this job.”

“You can stay,” a voice said from the doorway between the storefront and the garage.

Asher whirled around, nearly tripping on his feet doing so as the most alluring scent of sea air and fresh cut grass drifted into the room.  His mouth watered as all his blood surged south, causing his head to swim and his cock to go rock hard.

Before him stood the most handsome man he’d ever laid eyes on.  Short black hair, dark eyes that seemed to take in everything around him with nothing more than a glance, slightly more than scruff, yet not quite a beard covering the lower half of his face.  Yet, as enticing as his features were, it was the tattoo just barely peeking out of the collar of his t-shirt that held Asher’s attention.

The curiosity of what the whole thing looked like just might kill him.  Was that even possible?  There had been many times in his past that his need to know things had gotten him into trouble, but never to the point of nearly dying.  Then again, Asher was sure there hadn’t been a time when he needed to find out what was inked onto that deliciously tanned skin either.

Then again, he was sure to find out, right?  For somehow, Asher had been deemed lucky enough to find his mate.

He just hoped he didn’t screw it up by talking the normally reclusive Zayn’s ear off.  Fuck.  There was no way that wasn’t going to happen.  Already he could feel the need to start to babble.  Slapping a hand over his mouth, Asher ran into the bathroom.  Maybe if he talked to himself in the mirror, he could get it all out so that he wouldn’t screw things up with his mate before they’d even officially met.

Right.  Cause when had Asher ever been that lucky?

©2020 Shea Balik

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About Shea!

Bestselling author of the Cedar Falls Series, Miracle Series, and Paranormal Wars Series, Shea Balik has always had a vivid imagination with stories running around in her head. Often her stories are taken from observations of other people with her own spin. Traveling is one of her favorite ways of fulfilling her passion of people watching. You never know, one day you may spark her imagination for her next book.

Whether at home or traveling she is usually in front of her computer writing or curled up with a good book. Find Shea at any of the links below!

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