Hey guys, here’s the last giveaway for the day with Z. Allora’s Happy Holidays. All you have to do for a chance to win a copy of Happy Holidays is leave a comment on this post, it’s easy 😉 <3 ~Pixie~
Happy Holidays
Z. Allora
What do erotic sex toys and Hanukkah have to do with each other?
Absolutely nothing unless you’re a member of the famous rock band The Dark Angels and the shy but kinky Robin gives gifts that guarantee to spice up the holidays!
Each couple makes the most of these unique gifts, blending love and orgasmic fun to REALLY celebrate the holidays.
(The band is meeting via Skype to open Hanukkah presents… each present reveals a little more about the couple and their relationship. This is a snippet from Chapter 3, and it is NOT work safe.)
“Where’s Ang?” Dusty asked as he searched Dare’s section of the computer screen. Why the hell was Dare scrunched down in the desk chair at such a strange angle? Skype was working fine, because Josh and Robin part of the screen wasn’t askew.
Dare slapped the desk and opened his eyes. He slid his fingers across the table to grip the edge of the desk. “He’s here. Um, oh God he’s here.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Dusty couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
Dare slammed closed his eyes and pressed his lips together. “Mphf! He’s here.” Darius’s voice stopped on a broken moan.
On the computer screen, Dusty observed Josh leaning in close. Did he think it would help him determine what was going on?
Robin pulled Josh away from the screen, pressed his lips together, and giggled.
What the hell? Oh for fuck’s sake! Dusty wiped a hand over his face, slumped back in his chair, and folded his arms over his chest. Angel had no decorum whatsoever. “Jesus. Really?”
Groaning, Darius pursed his lips as if he could stop the grunts from escaping. Was his seat on fire?
Smirking, Josh asked, “So, is he coming soon?” He rolled the word coming out of his mouth.
Darius blinked hard, as if he were trying to focus on the question. He huffed a breath in and out of his mouth to capture some air, which appeared to be a nearly impossible task for the blond. “Yeah, soon. Coming soon.”
Dusty was positive Dare wasn’t aware or even cared about how he sounded. His chin fell onto his chest as he whispered something that his computer mic didn’t pick up. Dare let his head fall back. His hand went under the desk, but the way his arm was rising and falling made it clear to Dusty what was happening.
“So, how soon. Dare?” Justin asked as if he were innocent. When Dusty shot him a warning look, his lover shrugged. “What? I’m just asking when he’ll be coming.”
Damn, The Dark Angels had corrupted his lover. Justin traced his fingers up and down Dusty’s thigh, reminding him of all the pleasure those fingers were capable of providing. Mmmm, he wasn’t stupid enough to complain about Justin’s depravity, of which Dusty was the sole focus.
Robin’s musical laugh joined Justin’s mischievous one.
A loud moan interrupted Dare’s sharp inhale. His knuckles were white as he death gripped the desk. “Soon. Soon. Oh, God. Now!”
“Come on. Damn it, Angel!” Hurry up so we can open the presents and use them. Last night’s chocolate sauce was a success. He and Justin had polished off the jar. He was a bit nauseous, but Justin’s satisfaction was worth the discomfort.
Darius collapsed back in the chair, roaring Angel’s name. His forearm muscles tightened, hinting that he held his lover’s mouth against him as he squirmed. He exhaled a strangled, “Ahhhh”!
“Finally! Now can we do the presents?” Dusty barked out to keep a straight face.
Darius turned bright red as the desk chair he was on was rolled back. Angel emerged from the bottom of the screen, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth. He turned to the screen with an arched eyebrow, as if the bastard dared Dusty to say something smart assed to him.
“Come here, baby.” Angel lifted an apparently boneless Darius into his arms and turned to sit in the chair. Everyone stared with open mouths as if they didn’t know Dusty’s best friend was a pervert.
“What?” Angel finally asked.
Dusty covered his face. He sighed. “Nothing, Ang.”
Josh wasn’t so tolerant. “You couldn’t wait?”
Smirking, Ang shook his head. “We had a bet.”
“Which was?” No doubt Dusty would regret his inquisitiveness.
Angel kissed Darius’s face. “That I could make my baby orgasm while he was on Skype with you jackasses.”
Darius sheepishly grinned at the computer camera. For God’s sake, he appeared too satisfied to feel any shame,and he didn’t have on any pants. Angel has corruptedDare. “I lost.”
Dusty rolled his eyes. Lost? “It seems to be a win-win bet for both of you.”
Snorting, the guitar player shrugged. “Yeah, it was a bet that losing didn’t entail any negative consequences.”
“So, what’s your forfeit?” Justin asked.
“I get to use whatever the present is on Angel.” Darius’ face held a dreamy relaxed quality as he stared up at the asshole.
Josh clapped his hands together and rubbed them. “Oh, really? Well, okay then!”
“What?” Angel sat up and glanced over at the present bag at the corner of their section of screen. Ah, finally. Good to see Angel a tad worried.
Dusty watched Josh, waiting for the entertainment to unfold.
Turning to Robin, Josh must have gotten the go ahead, because he told them what present was next. “Well, I think it’s time to open the long, thin, white package, my friends.”
Yes! Dusty reached in the bag immediately and spoke over Josh’s impression of a cackling loon. “Ang, you’re in trouble this time.”
Still sitting in Angel’s lap, Darius unwrapped, and then snapped the riding chop against the desk.
“Ang, you feeling okay? You appear a bit pale.” Dusty chortled.
Darius jumped up to pull on his shorts. Damn, that was a view Dusty could’ve done without. The next thing the guy did was priceless. He slapped the side of Angel’s ass with the riding crop.
“Up. I lost the bet.” Dare’s eyes sparkled as he winked at the screen.
Heehee! Go Dare!
“No. Ow! Fuck, Dare!” Angel whined as Darius slapped his thigh with the crop. “This doesn’t seem fair, if I won the bet.”
Dusty whooped out loud. Darius’s grin screamed that Angel was in a bind.
“Dusty, help me!” Ang stared at the screen.
Laughing harder, Dusty ponied up a suggestion. “Buck up and enjoy your winnings, Ang.”
About Z. Allora
Every one deserves a happy ending… (and I make sure they get one). I have written about hot rockers, sexy zombies, and Thailand club performers. My stories are about love, romance and are tied together with erotic sex. I utilize my time overseas and my travels to bring you to places you’ve yet to visit. I introduce you to cultures you’ve yet to explore. But with every word I write I hope to convey love is love. I look forward to hearing from you, my Pretties!
Contact Z.
Win an ecopy of Happy Holidays
(Just leave a comment on this post to enter)
Ends 24th December 2014
Series: The Dark Angels Book 03.5
Author: Z. Allora
Genre: Gay Erotic Romance, Contemporary
Length: Novella (125 Pages)
Publisher: Rocky Ridge Books (December 23, 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Lisa
Blurb: What do erotic sex toys and Hanukkah have to do with each other?
Absolutely nothing unless you’re a member of the famous rock band The Dark Angels and the shy but kinky Robin gives gifts that guarantee to spice up the holidays!
Each couple makes the most of these unique gifts blending love and orgasmic fun to REALLY celebrate the holidays.
Product Link: US: http://www.amazon.com/Happy-Holidays-Dark-Angels-Book-ebook/dp/B00QMIUPBI/
UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Happy-Holidays-Dark-Angels-Book-ebook/dp/B00QMIUPBI
Review: This is part of the Dark Angels series and they need to be read in order. Usually each book is about a new romancing couple however this one is about all of them enjoying Christmas and each other. Uncle Leo had come up with a new Christmas theme for this year, they were going to do Hanukkah. Now I am quite sure Uncle Leo didn’t mean for the daily gifts to be so sexual but these guys take it one step further.
This story shows that the guys have mostly given up the pain in their past but you can tell that it is still there. Angel and Darius are still so very much in love, but Darius wants to take it one step further with marriage. The problem there is Angel’s reaction and that is before Darius ask the question. Then Josh and Robin are also so very much in love and they are having a blast with being able to do the holidays with their families and watching how each other reacts to the gifts. Let’s just say that it is a good thing most of the guys love to let others watch because they get some hot pictures out of it all. Then there is Dusty and Justin. Justin still has a bit of problems with his past but he sure is over coming it all. Especially when Dusty wants to be taken by his sexy man.
What made this even better is you have Jordan, Zack, Andrew, Sean and Jack in this one. Now Jack has the hots for Sean but Sean seems always pissed off. Then there is Zack who wants Andrew, but Andrew thinks he is way too young for him. Jordan is alone but loves his family so much. So of course Robin and Andrew kind of help Jack with certain looks and wham bam there goes Sean’s mouth.
I get the feeling that to hear more about them you will have to read the next book and I do hope there is another book because the ending left me wanting more. I loved this book and cannot wait to have the chance to read them once more. Talk about not needing a fire when these men are around, because they are just that hot. This was more about them celebrating the holidays and each other than anything so there is a lot of sexual appetites being fed in this book. It gave me everything I could want in a story and I had a blast reading it. I could not seem to take my eyes off this book, hell I couldn’t stop reading them altogether. One right after the next and when I got off work I had to finish. I would recommend reading this book trust me you won’t regret it. The love you feel from all of the guys is just so damn tantalizing and sweet.
Happy Holidays to you as well. Would love to read this book!!
Happy Holidays Z. I would love to revisit the boys. Thanks for the chance to do so.
I love holiday stores. Please count me in. Thanks
I can’t wait to read about the boys and their toys. I also want to read a little more about the secondary characters.
Yum, sounds (and looks!) like the perfect cure for the holiday blues!
I love holiday stories. And this cover is cool too!
Add me too please!!!
Love that this is the HEA book!
Hope this isn’t the end of the series!
Looks so good. Please count me in. Thank you!