Title: Hot Corner
Series: N/A
Author: Heidi Champa
Genre: Contemporary/Sports
Length: Novel (220 pages)
Publisher: Amber Allure, Amber Quill Press (25 May 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts
Blurb: After breaking up with his boyfriend Josh for the fifth time, Jeremy Woodward is in desperate need of a change. At the urging of his best friend, Jeremy decides to tag along on a trip to Nashville in the hopes of finding a job in minor league baseball.
Even though Jeremy knows little about the game, the chance for a fresh start and a little distance from his old life is too hard to pass up. A short time later, Jeremy returns from Nashville with a new job, a fresh beginning, and sizzling memories of a one-night stand with a baseball player named Trevor.
While working for the Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Jeremy gets a taste of the life he wants. But his past is never far away. His ex, Josh, has promised to wait patiently for him to come to his senses. And the sexy Trevor, the team’s star third baseman, is never far away. Even though Jeremy works in the minor leagues, he’s got a major-league decision to make. Does he keep stealing time with the guy at third? Run home to the safety of his ex?
Or perhaps take a chance on something exciting and entirely new with Theo, the cute guy hiding underneath the mascot suit?
ISBN: 978-1-61124-607-0
Product Link: http://www.amberquill.com/store/p/1972-The-Hot-Corner.aspx
Reviewer: Prime
Review: Hot Corner is a thoroughly enjoyable novel by Heidi Champa, whose books I’ve always loved to read. However, while this is not strictly a sports themed book, this is a fun read for lovers of the genre.
The story is told from the POV of Jeremy Woodard. He seems to be floundering a bit when we meet him. He has a somewhat toxic relationship with his on-again, off-again boyfriend, Josh, where they are both very selfish personalities.
To get away, he has been convinced by his BFF, David, to join him in Nashville at some sort of minor league meeting where people apply for a variety of jobs within the different teams. From there Jeremy is on his own little adventure where he meets love interests Trevor (one of the players) and Theo (the mascot).
There is a lot of “will-they, won’t-they” and quite a lot of indecision as Jeremy settles into his new position for the baseball team the Chesapeake Bay Retrievers. One of the things that make this story wonderful is that despite his apparent selfishness, Jeremy really grows quite a lot as a character by the end of the book.
The characters that sound Jeremy – mainly David, Josh, Trevor and Theo – are really interesting guys. They’re definitely as complex as Jeremy, they all seem to be main characters in their own right and I think it would and part of me wanted to know more about the guys left behind.
There aren’t a lot of sports, there’s a lot of indecision and words left unspoken, but it all culminates into a more than satisfying ending.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *