In Sickness and In Health by Sean Michael

71sFsSWQ7FL._SL1500_Title: In Sickness and In Health
Series: A Jarhead Story
Author: Sean Michael
Genre:  Erotic Romance/Contemporary
Length: Novella (80 Pages)
ISBN: 978-1-61040-747-2
Publisher: Torquere Books (April 29th, 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3Hearts
Reviewer: Lisa
Blurb: The Jarheads back in a new adventure–a journey through sickness and health with Rock, Rig, and Dick, who stand by their man, come what may, no matter what they come down with. Colds and flu are no match for the Jarheads, who know that cold medicine’s great in its place, but the one sure cure for what ails them is good old sexual healing

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Review: This is one of the Jarhead stories and they should be read in order. It would be easier to figure out who everyone is. It is a delightful story with lots of sex. It involves three very hot and sexy men.

Dick and Rock are two very hot marines and Rig is one sexy doctor. You can tell with the first paragraph exactly what type of story this is. Majorly hot is just one word for it.

Rig comes home to find his two hot and sexy men sick with the flu. After working hard at the hospital with sick patients, he comes home to take care of his very sexy men. He is really good at taking care of them, but what happens when the doc himself gets sick. As most of you know doc’s make the worst patients. This book shows how three men love one another and take care of each other. They show that they would do anything to keep each other safe and happy.

It is a pretty good book and I love the humorous parts to it. However, there wasn’t really much of a story line other than the fact that they stand by each other when they get sick. It shows how three men can make a true relationship work. It also has its kinky factor that always makes for an interesting twist.