Incendiary by Carole Cummings

Title: Incendiary

Series: Wolf’s-own 04

Author: Carole Cummings

Genre: High Fantasy

Length: Novel Plus (300pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (18th June 2012)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Fen Jacin-rei finds himself again on the run after discovering the reality of what he is and why the gods won’t let him go. His one source of support, Kamen Malick, is suddenly unavailable, and now hounded and chased by ghosts who want to drive him into insanity and keep him there, Fen will have to face life all alone.

…Or maybe not. Old enemies and new allies seek to control Fen, now known as “Kamen’s Untouchable.” It’s going to take everything Fen’s got to figure out who he can trust—and who he should fear. It might take more than what Fen’s got to discern who is even real.

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Review: This story picks up where Koan left off, so obviously you need to read the entire series and yes, I am being serious. This is not a series that can be picked up in the middle. Fen finds himself in the middle of the biggest fight for his life and sanity than anything that has come before (honestly, everything before will look like a slight headache and a bit of an itch). Malick is still gone, people are after Fen either to recruit or to kill and his brothers are in danger.

Wow.  An incredible end to the Wolf’s-own saga. Everything we have seen before culminates to an incredible ending where we see a little happiness finally, at long last, for Fen. Fen is still running, but now he knows everything and that everything might just push him that final inch into raging insanity. While Fen is finding the truth, his brothers and friends along with the Temshiel and maijin are fighting for their lives, as those that have hidden in the shadows come out to play.

Fen begins to come into his own in this book, as he begins to realize that he truly does have choices that he can make and no one, not even the Gods, can force him to do something he really doesn’t want to do. They may try to manipulate and coerce, but unless Fen really wants it, it isn’t going to happen. When Malick reappears you can basically feel the complete relief poring off Fen, but he is a little bit more solid at his core. Everything comes together beautifully and we have some fantastic battles and fights, some incredible malicious torture (go, Malick, go) and some of the most nasty, spiteful gods that we could ever see.

Nothing is missing in this story. Everything we have learned in the past and the hints we received are all made clear. There is nothing left to chance (although a short of Fen and Malick being happy would be cool). There are strings that are left dangling, but not for our beloved Fen and Malick. This story is well written and flows smoothly, the characters bring the story to life and the detail that we get feeds our imagination to a firestorm.

I have to recommend this to those who love high fantasy, danger, fights, magic, or have been there every step of the way through the rest of the series, this isn’t a story to miss and we catch a brief glimpse of happiness for Fen and Malick.