Networked by Claire Russett

NetworkedLGTitle: Networked

Series: Argo 02

Author: Claire Russett

Genre: Science Fiction

Length: Novel (200pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (6th March 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Major Duncan Harris is a Union soldier serving aboard the space station Argo, leading one of the station’s exploratory teams. He is quiet, reserved, and has sworn off any personal relationships since his last one ended messily. Besides, working closely with various team members makes him uncomfortable.

One of Argo’s engineers, Dr. Christophe Vabre, recently started serving on Duncan’s team. Chris is slowly getting to know Duncan, but Duncan seems determined to keep him at arm’s length, and his mixed messages confuse Chris. When, on one of their missions, they discover a piece of technology that allows people to share their thoughts, Chris never imagines he’ll use it with Duncan—or that the machine will reveal the depth of Duncan’s true emotions.

Duncan is horrified to find himself not only sharing his feelings but forcing Chris to reciprocate his advance. Mortified, he flees Chris’s lab—but before Duncan can discover the truth, an attack on Argo forces the station to evacuate. He and Chris will have to team up one more time if they want to save their home.

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Review: This story is part of a series and best read in order. Duncan serves as a leader of an exploration team for the space station Argo.  As a Major in the Union military, he swore off personal relationships and as such has distanced himself from one of the scientists, when Duncan began to develop feelings for him. Chris is one of Argo’s engineers and scientist.  he has recently joined Duncan’s exploratory team and is slowly getting to know the man better and is still trying to understand why Duncan pulled back from him years before. On a mission they discover technology that could prove useful and Chris and Duncan are the guinea pigs testing if it works.  What they discover shocks both of them, but they have to pull it together when Argo is attacked and they have to work together to save the space station.

This is an excellent science fiction adventure. Duncan keeps his feelings and emotions to himself.  Part of that is because of a messy breakup.  So when Duncan began to realize that he was developing feelings for Chris he pulled back hoping to avoid the messy feelings.  But, when a mission goes wrong, he discovers that Chris still snuck under his armor, and when they test some alien technology, Duncan reveals more to Chris than he ever wanted to. Chris admires Duncan and was always puzzled that Duncan pulled away from their friendship. But, being on Duncan’s team is a new experience for him, and he finds it both exciting and scary. When he discovers how Duncan really feels about him, he is puzzled and excited and it also makes him realize that what he feels for Duncan isn’t as platonic as he always thought.

I must admit to having a soft spot for science fiction and although many people have compared Argo to Stargate Atlantis, I have to strongly disagree and say it reminds me more of Babylon 5 (which was around before any of the Stargates). Duncan and Chris are two great characters.  We met both of them in Catalyst as secondary characters, but in this one we see how their relationship develops and we get to know them both a lot better. Duncan is a guarded man, hating others to know how he really feels, wanting to always be in control and to come across as a steady calm man. Chris loves his job and can get lost in it for hours. He doesn’t really care what others think of him and can be quite oblivious to those around him.

When Chris and Duncan final get together it’s wonderful.  It isn’t easy for either of them though.  Especially as Duncan is very set in keeping his emotions hidden and Chris never thought someone like Duncan would want someone like him.  But, first they have to save a space station from a threat that they might never have known was coming if it hadn’t been for an accident. Ah, if you love science fiction, then you will love this storyline of new technology, surprise benefits of experiments and saving a space station.

I will recommend this to those who love science fiction, hidden emotions, a mysterious threat, alien technology, a great storyline and a happy ending.