Title: Slow and Tender
Series: Love Your Dragon 01
Author: Leah Blake
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Shape-shifter
Length: Novella (118pgs)
Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand (3rd January 2015)
Heat Level: Sextreme
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Blurb: Tallis Hynes knows he is different, but a dragon? After being kidnapped from his apartment during the night and locked in a cell with two strangers claiming to be his lost brothers, he is mercilessly exposed to secrets that had been withheld all his life. Unfortunately, their enemies want the power they possess, and won’t stop until they get it, at any cost.
Zhett Rhiodan, chaos dragon by birth and fierce warrior of the Khoronian race, is on a mission to find the four lost Hynesin heirs and return them to the king of Khorone. Like everything in his life, his mission is complicated when he locates three of the four brothers and learns Tallis is his mate.
When the threat to the heirs makes an appearance, the entire mission is at risk for failure. Can Zhett keep his mate safe when all hell breaks loose? Or will the Khoronian people fall into the hands of evil?
ISBN: 978-1-63258-746-6
Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: Zhett, a chaos dragon, and his crew are given a mission of find, retrieve and bring back the four Khorone heirs that were hidden so long ago. When Zhett learns they had been located and at the mercy of Xona he heads in immediately to save the brothers.
Tallis has no clue who he really is until he is kidnapped. Upon awakening he learns he has brothers and that they are all dragon shifters. Tallis is the youngest of the brothers so has no memories of before. He’s fierce and deadly when he needs to be.
I loved this story of Zhett and Tallis and all the others. It was a fascinating blend of sci-fi, paranormal, suspense and action. There were so many heartstopping scenes when the brothers were captured multiple times.
I am looking forward to reading more in this series.