Snowcroft Lost by Christi Snow

911vumIjoKL._SL1500_Title: Snowcroft Lost

Series: Snowcroft Book, #1

Author: Christi Snow

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Length: Novel (295 Pages)

Publisher: Christi Snow (March 19th, 2014)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5Hearts

Blurb: Secrets and Lies…Everyone has them. Big ones. Little ones.

For Trevor Mayne and Jamie Vaughn, secrets and lies are how they’ve made their fourteen-year friendship work. Don’t talk about it. Ignore it and it won’t be real. Pretend like everything’s fine between the two of them.

Jamie can’t live like this anymore. He’s in love with Trevor, his best friend who just happens to be straight. Tired of hiding his feelings, he decides to walk away. From their friendship. From his hometown. From his business.

But before Jamie gets a chance to leave, a freak accident leaves Trevor with amnesia. A new blank perspective leaves him confused about the inconsistencies of what he’s told his life should be vs. the feelings that he knows he has. Now those secrets and lies, that should be safer than ever, are suddenly front and center and changing everything between them.

Their world is at risk because their secrets and lies aren’t the only ones at play here. There’s a bigger lie out there and it could just destroy everything, as they get closer and closer to the secret hidden in depths of the Snowcroft forest.

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Reviewer: GiGi

Review: This is a kind of interesting twist on the gay-for-you theme. Trevor is found unconscious and injured on the side of a trail he has run regularly. When he wakes, he has amnesia, and seems to also have forgotten that he’s a player, for the boys who like girls team. Jamie doesn’t know if this is the biggest blessing of his life, or if he cursed to have his heart broken by the time Trevor regains his memories.

All along, we are woven into a plot about kidnapped LGBT kids, an evil youth correction camp leader who happens to be Trevor’s uncle, and many suspects with guns. It’s adventuresome, full of action and some bromance, and some odd angles. I like that Jamie designs houses, and runs a construction company, it’s the creative ones that turn my crank. There were a ton of secondary characters introduced and that made my head spin a bit. That also made for a huge list of suspects that totally twisted and had me taking backwards steps to see how I guessed wrong, then right, then wrong again.

While the murder/kidnapping/mystery story line develops, Trevor does begin to gain some of his old memories back, and still has a powerful attraction to Jamie. He is convinced that such a basic natural instinct can’t be wrong. After Jamie’s insistence that they not act on their desires until after Trevor talks to a therapist about it, the sparks really begin to fly. Unfortunately, they are interrupted many times throughout the story, but not to worry, they finally get their moment just right.

I love a good mystery, and I was surprised by the who and why of this one. Though there is a very painful climax at the end of the story, I’m sure it was to set up the next book with an emotional investment. Overall, I was entertained, though too many characters needed more back story, more development. I got confused for a bit. It will be interesting to see where the author brings the story next, and how the characters grow and become interconnected.

6 thoughts on “Snowcroft Lost by Christi Snow

  1. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, Portia! smiles…

    1. LOL…the rest of my backlist isn’t m/m though. It’s pure m/f romantic suspense with a few side m/m characters in a couple of books. I think there will be eventually 6 books in the Snowcroft series though…and there may be a few other m/m sneak into my other series eventually. 😉 But let me know if you want the m/f.

      1. we have a reviewer or two that reads MF though its for Portias Naughty tales site not the mm one…wink… Hope you dont mind I answered this Portia..

        1. ooh, excellent. I don’t have the laptop up and running yet today (that’s where I keep my final book files), but once I do, I will send some books your way. smiles…

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