Stage Fright by Adam Carpenter

51-eR2Fbt9L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Title: Stage Fright
Series: The Jimmy McSwain Files Book 3
Author: Adam Carpenter
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Length: 246 pages
Publisher: MLR Press (January 31, 2016)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Blurb: All the world’s a stage, but in STAGE FRIGHT, Hell’s Kitchen private detective Jimmy McSwain learns that life upon it’s wicked boards can be a killer.

The Harold Calloway Theatre on West 47th Street is home to the new play Triskaidekaphobia, and its playwright has been receiving threatening messages. Theatre owner and lead producer Wellington Calloway has hired Jimmy to investigate, but it’s a case not without its complications. His mother is the head usher there, and Jimmy grew up on its aisles. His ex, Remy, is also the costume designer for the show, a man he hasn’t seen in years.

Further making his life difficult is the mysterious Seetha Assan, who is connected–albeit tentatively–to the case that forever haunts Jimmy–his own father’s murder. She may just have the clue to help him finally solve the cold case.

As Opening Night for the play looms, Jimmy finds himself involved in a nest of egos and personalities, all while seeking to find the missing Seetha. Toss in his on-again, off-again relationship with Captain Francis X. Frisano, and suddenly Jimmy’s life is edging toward tragedy. That’s when a murderer strikes, and suddenly nothing is pretend anymore. Life on the stage has turned all too real, and all too deadly.

Just like on the mean streets of Manhattan.

ISBN: MLR-1-02016-0515

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Reviewer: Lisa

Review: I am not one who usually reads mysteries or suspense stories, give me a good romance and I am a happy girl. However this series is not only captivating, fascinating but intriguing as well. It is well told with a lot of depth to it that will always keep your attention. The characters are fully developed and will have you eating out of their hands. Jimmy is one hell of a guy.

Jimmy has always tried to find out who killed his father. The one man who knew the answer was killed by Frank, who just happened to be not only Jimmy’s lover but the chief of police. He felt that he had been betrayed. That is until Frank found the sister of the man he had killed. Now someone was trying to shut Seetha up.

He is also working on a case involving the theater. The theater has been a place that he had been around most of his life thanks to his mother. He had loved a man there who had up and left him. Now he was back and there was a danger lurking around the theater.

I would think that Adam is probably one of my top favorite mystery authors out there. Not only does he have sexy men, hot sex, lots of danger, mystery and suspense, but he creates a world that will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat.

I had a lot of fun reading this and look forward to the next story.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *