Stray by Kari Gregg

51c7PRaUWFL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Title: Stray
Series: N/A
Author: Kari Gregg
Genre: Paranormal/ Shapeshifters
Length: 120 pages
Publisher: Kari Gregg (March 3, 2016)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4.5 Hearts
Blurb: With a Lycan father, a human mother, and the human side of his genetic makeup dominant, Luke left his birth pack to try living among humans, but he felt awkward and uncomfortable isolated from the culture that raised him. He’s still searching for where he fits in.

After losing his family in a vicious attack, Dean rebuilt his pack by accepting loners, rejects, other survivors, and even ferals. He and his ragtag group of strays made a warm and welcoming home.
Luke believes he’s finally found where he belongs. Meddling parents and a neighbor who isn’t as human as he seems won’t sway him. Luke wants Dean to take in one last stray…him.


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Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Every once in a while you come across a new story that has a different outlook or tone to it than many stories that have the same topic, and I think Kari Gregg has written one.

You read about shifters or the paranormal world and they do have a similar tone to them, however some of them feel like cookie cutter type of stories. They talk about matings, falling instantly in love and so forth. With this story it is just a bit different, very new fresh look in my eyes.

Luke has a human mother and a Lycan father, which of course makes him a half-breed. He has Lycan qualities but is human all the way around. He has had his ups and downs but for the past few months he has been spying on a group of Lycan. He wanted a home.

Whereas Dean is not only a full Lycan but he is the alpha of his group. A group of strays that he has taken in giving them a home. He has not wanted to be near humans until Luke.

Luke is his mate.

Things are hot and heavy with these two. However Luke definitely acts like a human in this story. Their lack of communication drives me nuts, as did the first part of the story. I was at a standstill with this book trying to decide if I liked it or not, but I have to tell you that this is one fun read.

I wished that it would actually become a series because I want to know more about Nate and Jeremy. They were a fun quirky group that is for sure.

I had fun with this book and look forward to reading more by this author.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *