See You in The Morning by A.T. Weaver Book Blast, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

A.T. Weaver - See You In The Morning 960x350 Update

Hiya guys, we have A.T. Weaver stopping by today to remind you all of her stunning story See You In The Morning, we have a fantastic excerpt, a fabulous giveaway and my review, so enjoy the post and click that rafflecopter link to win some great prizes. <3 ~Pixie~

A.T. Weaver - See You In The Morning Cover

See You In The Morning


A.T. Weaver

Jake wonders if he’ll ever find a long-term, loving relationship like his parents have. After all, same-sex marriage is a pipe dream. Then he meets Dave. From the first kiss, they know they belong together. For over fifty years they’re together, living their happily ever after in spite of bigotry. They raise four wonderful children, always counting on the promise they give each other every night – “see you in the morning.”

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See You In The Morning by A.T. Weaver Blog Tour, Giveaway & Review!

A.T. Weaver - See You In The Morning  tour

Hiya guys, today we bring you A.T. Weaver and her incredible new release See You In The Morning, a touching look at the lives of two incredible men who shared their lives together for over fifty years, *sigh* it is beautiful. Now, you also get a chance to win your very own copy so click that Rafflecopter link, oh and don’t forget to check out my review *wink* <3 ~Pixie~  

See You In The Morning


A.T. Weaver

Jake and Dave lived and loved for over fifty years. During that time, they campaigned for gay rights. They married each other three times until, finally, in 2013, the United States Supreme Court declared DOMA to be unconstitutional and thus legalized their union. They made a family and raised four beautiful children together. When he loses Dave to a massive stroke, Jake feels his world has ended. Join him as he relives a life well-lived through memories triggered by photos of his and Dave’s years together. Jake feels as though Dave is still sitting beside him. As each picture is described, he reminds Dave of when and where it was taken. The reader is then taken to that time and place.

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