Title: Kritter Tales Anthology
Series: Anthology
Author: Ann Anderson, Jenna Hale, Tracey Michael, Lor Rose, Amanda C. Stone
Genre: Varied
Length: Anthology (120 Pages)
Publisher: Rooster and Pig Publishing (January 21st, 2015)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts
Blurb: Sometimes the best matchmaker has four legs and a cold nose…
Dogs aren’t the only creatures that are man’s best friend! From Dalmatians to all the animals in Dr. Doolittle, animals have ways of bringing people together that’s almost its own type of magic. Within the Kritter Tales anthology are five heartwarming stories about men and their animals, and how the mix brings about relationships that may never have been.
ISBN: 978-069236-461-1
Product Link: http://www.amazon.com/Kritter-Tales-Anthology-Taurus-Imprint-ebook/dp/B00RW8X1Z4
Reviewer: Lisa
Review: This is a cute little anthology with five stories where the men have the cutest animals or exotic ones. They have more humor in them that I have read in a while. I had a blast reading it and look forward to reading more. I must admit that pets make the best friends and best friends love to set you up for a bit of loving.
That and a pet show the tender side of their owners. A very hot little book that gave me almost all that I could ask for. I couldn’t put it down until I read the whole book.
Mischief Makers by Ann Anderson ♥♥♥♥4Hearts
Dustin is living in his apartment with a momma cat and her two kittens. Sounds cute he is not technically allowed to have pets in his apartment. So when he comes home to find the little trouble makers missing, he knows he is in major trouble. They were saved by one gorgeous man, who made his heart beat fast and his palms sweat. Lucky for him, that Adam is looking for a roommate, and pets are welcomed.
This was one cute and hot little story. I loved the way it just flew off the pages. Other than the fact that it was too short, I found myself loving it quite a bit. It was just so damn adorable to read.
Princess Cocoa Puff by Jenna Hale ♥♥♥♥4Hearts
Thanks to Sandy, Andrew was the proud owner of a pain in the ass cat. The problem was he never wanted a cat. Sandy wanted Andrew not to be alone, but he was going to kill her once he got his hands on her. That is until Princess Cocoa Puff took off, and one hell of a sexy neighbor brought her back.
I had a blast reading this and look forward to reading more by this amazing author. I laughed my ass off with this book. At first I was not too sure of Darren’s attitude but he proves to be an interesting guy. I wished that it was longer though, because I would love to read more by these two gorgeous guys.
Puppies Love by Tracey Michael ♥♥♥♥4Heaerts
Leo and Dante have been together for two years. One year as boss and employee, then Leo fired his ass. Then as a couple. Leo had a big surprise for Dante, but on the way to the restaurant, they found a momma dog and some puppies. Some ass had thrown them out on the side of the road. Leo’s plan had changed a bit, but now he had one hell of a happy man.
This was the cutest of all the stores so far, and that is saying something because they are amazing. I loved how Leo fires him, and then asks Dante out on a date in the beginning of their relationship. You can just see the heat between them and feel the love they have for each other. I also loved how it didn’t take long before Dante had fallen in love with the dogs. I had a blast reading this book.
Elephants Knows Best by Lor Rose ♥♥♥♥4Hearts
Ethan had been taking care of injured elephants since he was little. He loved them quite a bit. He didn’t know what he would do without them in his life. There was someone else that he was falling in love with, but he never thought it would happen. That is until Corbin made his move.
This was a cute little story that had me smiling. I think there is something more about this story but you don’t read about it. For the true passion to come out I would assume that this story would have to be made longer. However I loved this story just a bit more. It was a blast to read.
Agent Princess Twinkle Buttons: Matchmaker by Amanda C. Stone ♥♥♥♥4Hearts
Max had the best unique animal I have ever seen. He had a prairie dog for a pet. He takes her out for walks all the time, but it also has another purpose. He has seen one sexy man working out and loves to get a look at him. To his surprise Guy has been planning on getting to know him as well.
I think that this book was perfect. I love the way they take it slow trying to get to know each other. It was so tender and caring that had me smiling through it all. I had a blast reading it and look forward to reading some more by this author.
Overall, I was quite pleased by this anthology. I have never laughed so hard when reading an anthology. It was a blast to read. I have always loved books that are paranormal or that just include animals. So these animals included in these stories made it even better. I loved it and look forward to reading more by these authors. I had just wished that they were longer in length.
I would recommend reading it. What is cuter than men with animals.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *