Coming Home by Brenda Cothern

13600312Title: Coming Home
Series: N/A
Author: Brenda Cothern
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novella (102 Pages)
ISBN: 978-1-476103341
Publisher: Brenda Cothern (April 12th, 2012)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts
Reviewer: Lisa

Blurb: Chase Murphy was like any teenager; not a jock, not a geek, not a stoner, and he just wanted to survive high school. Survive being the key word. Every day was brutal.

Brad Wilson was everything that Chase wasn’t, minus the drugs. All star football player, wrestling champ and Mr. Popular whose favorite pastime seemed to be tormenting Chase.

When Chase Murphy returns to his backwater home in North Carolina, after eight years in the Marine Corps, only to be confronted by his high school tormentor, Brad Wilson, he isn’t the same wimpy kid. His hatred for Brad and his buddies hadn’t dimmed but he wouldn’t be tormented any longer.

Only Brad isn’t interested in tormenting Chase; he is interested in something else entirely.

But will Chase be interested in the same thing?
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Review: There are very few short stories and novellas that I can actually get into and find myself loving, however this story did just that.

I loved the fact that Chase and Brad had to overcome what was a painful start. Eight years ago, Chase was just like many teenagers just trying to survive high school. Brad was everything Chase wasn’t in high school, all-star football player, wrestling champ and very popular. He was also the main tormentor to Chase. He gave Chase hell all the way through school. Chase absolutely hated him for it.

Now eight years later Chase is back home after his stint in the U.S. Marine Corps. Running into Brad was expected, what was not expected was Brad’s reaction to Chase. Chase at first hated Brad however, Chase had not known at that time but Brad was definitely attracted to him. A little bit of show and tell, some action and Chase is finding out exactly what Brad is wanting.

It is the cutest novella I had come across in a while. It shows what happens to bullies in a different sort of way. That he was bullying him to hide the fact that maybe just maybe he was attracted to him back then. It gives you many things to think about. That made it just a bit more interesting. I loved it and I really wished it would get further into what they will be living through in such a small town where gay was not wanted.

This story was published twice; more words were added to this particular story. The first time it came out was in August 2012. I cannot wait to read more by Brenda. She has a very wonderful gift at telling stories that come off so very real to you. I loved the story and will be recommending it to everyone. This story has two very hot and sexy men, bullying, bits of anger, lots of making up, and some hot sex.