A Valet's Duty by H. Foster-Lewis

37dfad7f03ac6efca6cf789f56e9bbd0.image.300x450Title: A Valet’s Duty

Author: H. Lewis-Foster

Genre: Historical, Romance

Length: Novella (42 pages)

ISNB: 9781622320882

Publisher: Silver Publishing (November 30th, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Reviewer: Eric

Blurb: valet at the Earl of Wayshaw’s Somerset home, Henry Simpkins is pleasantly surprised when the Earl’s younger brother, Rafe, makes an unusual request. But a series of simple sexual favours leads to emotional drama for Henry.

At the turn of the twentieth century, Henry Simpkins is a valet at Taverslow, the Earl of Wayshaw’s Somerset home. When the Earl’s younger brother, Rafe, arrives from his villa in Italy, Henry is given the task of caring for his mischievous dogs, Pepe and Paolo. As part of his valet’s duties, he also goes to Rafe’s room each night to tidy away his clothes.

One night, Rafe tentatively asks Henry to go beyond his valet’s duty to relieve Rafe’s sexual tensions. Henry enjoys their increasingly intimate encounters, but he’s soon disturbed to find he feels more for Rafe than mere physical attraction. Henry faces a difficult decision, as he knows he cannot remain in the same house as Rafe if his affections are not returned.

Purchase Link: https://spsilverpublishing.com/a-valets-duty-ebook-p-60427.html

Review: Henry was simply a valet that ended up doing such and taking care of two dogs. But things get rather interesting when Rafe comes into his life.

He finds himself able to love someone. To feel worthy of someone and all too happy to see how things work out.

The story is well structured and well written. It is a great adventure for those that like history, London, and romance between those that are fortunate and less fortunate. I find it is a great book to read.

Though a short story, it gives the illusion of being as good as a novel.

The Syrup Incident by Ava Kelly

81WlBrfj+qL._SL1500_Title: The Syrup Incident

Author: Ava Kelly

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Length: Short (14 pages)

Publisher: Torquere Press Inc. (December 10th, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Reviewer: Eric

Blurb: Andy gets dragged by Jerry into spying on their other roommate, who may or may not be hiding a bloody knife in her purse. Taking trips into her closet and following her into alleys on the bad side of town only increase Andy’s internal struggle with his feelings for Jerry. As shenanigans morph into clichés and turn their lives into a rom-com movie set, will the boys find their ways into each other’s arms?

Purchase Link: http://www.torquerebooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=83&products_id=4096

Review: Roommates, Andy and Jerry, find it suspicious that their roommate, Sharon, has a bloody knife in her purse. They begin to wonder if she is crazy. But, things become confusing and misunderstood in this great story.

I found this short to be a great read. Excellent use of mystery and suspense. The romance was well executed and a surprise. I find it was certainly a worthy read. Complicated, edgy, and downright funny, it was one of those stories that made you wanna smile and laugh as you read it.

I would highly recommend this for those that like humor, a hint of romance, and a good contemporary mystery.