Title: Just His
Series: His #10
Author: Shawn Lane
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novella (67 pages)
Publisher: Amber Allure, Amber Quill Press (10 May 2015)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5 Hearts
Blurb: After his boss at the hospital suggests he take a sabbatical for a much-needed rest, neurologist Geoff Spencer ends up at his friend’s cabin in Big Bear, California.
But to Geoff’s surprise, his former lover is also there—his friend’s brother, the beautiful Adrian Michels, a brooding artist and a “commitment-phobe” who broke Geoff’s heart years earlier before leaving unexpectedly for Europe.
Now, Adrian suggests a no-strings affair while Geoff is with him in Big Bear. Although torn, Geoff eventually agrees. But what he really wants is for Adrian to be his—just his—for eternity…
ISBN: 9781681750194
Product Link: http://www.amberquill.com/store/p/2180-Just-His.aspx
Reviewer: Prime
Review: So I’m going to reiterate what I wrote when I first picked one of Shawn Lane’s “His” series. Yes, this book is part of a series. However, I had read books 8 and 9 before even realising that. So let’s just assume that with the exception of some past characters possibly popping up here and there, these are largely standalone book.
Now I’m going to add to that caveat. This story was very satisfying for me to read because Geoff, the doctor whose professional life as a doctor is far better than his personal life, was introduced back in Hopefully His and Impossibly His (His books 8 and 9). I went back to read what I wrote about Geoff in my review for the previous book and I had picked up that in one book he started out nice and then in the next he was a dick. I was happy to find out that this was somewhat explained, although I would have preferred more detail than the vague description of his breakdown, of sorts.
Now, the guts of the story: it’s a rather simple and uncomplicated story. The love of Geoff’s life, Adrian, broke up with him years before because he wanted to be able to sleep with other men and Geoff wanted a total commitment. I can’t help but think that Adrian is given a rather stereotypical artist persona. The two guys are thrown together once more it’s clear that the years have changed Adrian more so than they have Geoff.
I would have preferred a bit more from the minor characters, which only really counts for Geoff’s friend and her husband, who happen to be Adrian’s family (I might have missed something but I’m not sure which is Adrian’s biological brother). I feel that they could have had more say to the guys, particularly Adrian who really was selfish in his earlier years. They didn’t need to intervene with Geoff and Adrian’s relationship but I just wanted a bit more.
Despite what I wanted more of, which is essentially a longer book, I really enjoyed this addition to the series. It’s a charming story about reconnection and I’m most especially glad that Geoff got his own story.
I hate to reuse a paragraph I’ve written before for this series (Hopefully His), but this is just equally applicable to this book. I’ve been drawn to Shawn Lane books because they are quick, satisfying reads. Although she does have a tendency for abrupt endings and usually right after the characters get together or the HEA, everything before is always good to read.
I particularly enjoyed it because it was a nice, light story to read after I had just finished reading an intense full length novel.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *