Base Instincts by Larissa Ione Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hiya peeps, we have Larissa Ione popping in today with her newest release Base Instincts, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and Shorty’s review, so enjoy the post and leave a comment (with a way to be contacted) <3 ~Pixie~

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Base Instincts

(A Demonica Story 11.5)

Larissa Ione

As a Seminus demon, Raze’s life literally depends on having sex with females. The problem is that he doesn’t desire females, and it’s physically impossible for him to be with males. Thankfully, he and his best friend, Fayle, have an arrangement that keeps him alive . . . if lonely. He finds some solace in his work as a medic at Thirst, a vampire club known for its rough clientele. But his carefully structured world turns upside down when he meets a mysterious male who makes him want what he can never have.

Slake is an assassin used to getting what he wants, and what he wants is Raze. But he also wants to earn back the soul he sold when he was a much different demon. All he has to do is capture a runaway succubus named Fayle and hand her over to her family. What he doesn’t count on is being caught himself by a web of lies—and his attraction to Raze.

Raze and Slake must navigate a dangerous world to be together. But as Fayle’s jealousy of their relationship turns deadly, they find themselves embroiled in a battle not only for their love, but their lives and souls.

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Base Instincts by Larissa Ione

51I+J4nEAYL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Title: Base Instincts
Series: A Demonica Story, # 11.7
Author: Larissa Ione
Genre: Paranormal
Length: Novella (139 pages)
Publisher: Riptide Publishing (September 14, 2015)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4 ½ Hearts
Blurb: As a Seminus demon, Raze’s life literally depends on having sex with females. The problem is that he doesn’t desire females, and it’s physically impossible for him to be with males. Thankfully, he and his best friend, Fayle, have an arrangement that keeps him alive . . . if lonely. He finds some solace in his work as a medic at Thirst, a vampire club known for its rough clientele. But his carefully structured world turns upside down when he meets a mysterious male who makes him want what he can never have.

Slake is an assassin used to getting what he wants, and what he wants is Raze. But he also wants to earn back the soul he sold when he was a much different demon. All he has to do is capture a runaway succubus named Fayle and hand her over to her family. What he doesn’t count on is being caught himself by a web of lies—and his attraction to Raze.

Raze and Slake must navigate a dangerous world to be together. But as Fayle’s jealousy of their relationship turns deadly, they find themselves embroiled in a battle not only for their love, but their lives and souls.

ISBN: 978-1-62649-308-7

Reviewer: Shorty

Product Link:

Review: I was not sure how I would feel about this book once I read the blurb but I was amazed by the story. Raze is a Seminus demon who can only have sex with females but he is gay so that leaves him hungering for the one thing he thinks he cannot have. Slake is a very rare Doucos demon and wants Raze.

What I found intriguing was Raze and Slake’s past and the circumstances surrounding them both. The mystery of Slake was riveting and I thoroughly enjoyed finding out about him. It shocked me about his kind of demon and I was impressed with all the details in the story that lead to a satisfying conclusion.

I absolutely could not stand either Dyre, Slake’s boss, or Fayle, another demon, who tricked Raze. Both of their actions were despicable to say the least. Absolutely fantastic story that will have you reading nonstop to find out what happens.

I loved everything about this book except for the sex between Fayle and Raze which was very brief.

Highly recommended.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *