Soulless by T. Baggins

soulless-for-amazonTitle:  Soulless

Author:  T. Baggins

Genre:  Paranormal

Length:  Novel (286 pages)

Publisher: Lyonnesse Books (July 28th 2013)

Heat Level:  Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Reviewer:   Cat

Blurb:  A Man of Science

Nicholas Robinson is a chemist decades ahead of his time. Crippled by a riding accident and embittered by his injuries, he shuns the world, focusing on his laboratory and experiments. But when the sale of his country estate, Grantley, leads to an encounter with a vampire, Nicholas realizes there is more in heaven and earth than he ever dreamed possible.

A Creature of Darkness

Although three hundred years old, Bancroft Ulwin is young by supernatural standards. Enslaved by his cruel, deformed maker, Ban is forbidden from relations with mortal men unless it ends in death. But his liaison with Nicholas, expressly against his master’s wishes, soon expands beyond mere lust to something more.

A Love Predestined

Long ago while still mortal, Ban met Serafino, the only true love of his life. When death separated them, Ban accepted his role as an enemy of human kind. But as he comes to suspect Nicholas is Serafino reincarnated, Ban begins to question everything he once believed. Including his own damnation.

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Review:  I have to warn you this is not for the faint of heart.

Nicholas is a broken man. A man of science. He was injured four years ago, left crippled, impotent and bitter, to make matters worse his wife ran off with the doctor. He had decided to sell his manor to Bancroft but on first meeting, something unusual happens. His grandmother comes in as Ban is about to kiss him and he subconsciously knows to use fire to protect them. The next night at the bonfire he meets Ban again as he is seducing his favorite servant girl and student to feed from, things go out of control and he offers the land and himself in trade for Martha’s life.

Oh boy, where to start. This book has so many twists and turns, is so fast paced and so good it will have you on pins and needles. I have to say this leaped to the top of my favorite vampire list. There are no real words to do it proper justice. It is absolutely amazing!

The story is set in the past and has an awesome historical flavor, even delving farther in the past to Bran’s past. The characters are so well written. I felt for them all; Nicholas is bitter but you can’t help feel for him and Bran is evil yet I loved him. Sebastian is pure evil incarnate and you can’t help but fear him. I would have loved more on Stephan Lark and his uncle Dr. Flowers.
I will warn you there is violence since this is a vampire book where they are evil creatures, and there is even a scene of rape. There is a touch of romance and some hot sex also.

I am not sure how I felt about the ending. I’m not saying its bad or anything just very unexpected and different, though looking back I guess I should have seen it coming. You will have to read the book to see what I mean.

I highly recommend this if you like a good old fashioned vampire story where they are evil creatures of the night, a unique take on the supernatural, a historical setting, lots of twists and turns and rough sex and strange  endings.