Title: Escort 5: At the Lake House
Author: Parker Linn
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short (43 pages)
Publisher: Amber Allure, Amber Quill Press (March 5th, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate/Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3 Hearts
Reviewer: Eric
Blurb: The sequel to Amber Allure’s best-selling The Escort: A Night On The Town…
As a professional escort, Ryan James’ job is to service his clients, be it simply to accompany them somewhere socially or to provide more intimate services.
Lately, Ryan has been feeling restless. He’s long overdue for a vacation, and when former client Patrick Armstrong asks Ryan to babysit his friend, Simon, who is suffering the aftermath of a bad breakup, Ryan jumps at the chance.
But what starts as a working vacation at Patrick’s country retreat in upstate New York takes a sudden and unexpected turn when Simon makes Ryan an offer he can’t refuse…
Purchase Link: http://www.amberquill.com/store/p/1926-The-Escort-At-The-Lake-House.aspx
Review: I love nothing more than for a comfortable story to come my way. And when I heard about this story and saw what it was about, I had to get it. It is the fifth in a series and I don’t recommend you read this book series out of order. I don’t know what it is about this book but it is alluring and interesting. Once I started reading it, I found Ryan to be smooth and well written. He knows how to take care of his clients. And he soon learns what they look for. Patrick is the client and he knows what he wants. And when he comes across Ryan, he finds himself unable to stop staring. Thank god for having Ryan as his escort.
The story is hot, fluid, and sensual. Amazing, sexy. This story is so worth it. And it is well priced too. I would highly recommend this story to those that like hot romances that don’t cross too far into the other side of romance. I would highly recommend it and say that it is best to read this series in order.