The Angel of 13th Street by Eden Winters, 2nd edition

51tGpSgCwUL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_Title:  The Angel Of 13th Street, 2nd edition

Series: The Angel of 13th Street, #1

Author: Eden Winters

Genre:  Contemporary Romance

Length: 202 pages

Publisher: Rocky Ridge Books; Second edition (March 5, 2016)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Noah Everett shed his rent boy existence for a bar and helping young men get a second chance at life. Haunted by those he couldn’t save, he keeps others at bay until his self-imposed loneliness is shattered by ambitious but homeless Jeremy Kincaid.
Aged out of the foster system, Jeremy’s the perfect target for a ruthless pimp like Willie Carnell. He wants no part of any future that includes working for Willie, but without a strong ally, he may not have a choice.

Noah knows exactly what Willie’s capable of, and if he’ll fight for strangers, he’ll fight harder for Jeremy.

Even if it takes confronting his own past.

2010 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention


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Reviewer: Cat

Review: Jeremy is living on the streets since he aged out of the system but is still in school.  He is determined to finish school, get a scholarship, go to college and do something with his life. There is one thing holding him back—his ex-boyfriend. Trent is determined to recruit him for his boss. Some days the hunger and cold gets to him but not enough to give up his dreams or his body.

Noah knows what it’s like living on the streets, even being a prostitute. He was saved once and now he runs a bar that barely gets by and a struggling laundry mat attached to it. He has his eye on a young man who comes into the laundry mat on occasion, but not for sexual reasons. He knows he is too young, but he reminds him of someone from his past…the one man he longed to save and couldn’t…the one that is trying to recruit Jeremy into his stables. So Noah makes a deal with the devil to keep Jeremy safe, but who will keep Noah’s heart safe from Jeremy?

This was such a beautiful story. Once you start you don’t want to put it down. I fell in love with poor Jeremy as soon as I met him. His strength and willpower are formidable and he is an inspirational character. He is young, smart and knows what he wants.

I also think That Noah was inspirational as well. I admired his resolve in trying to resist Jeremey’s advances until he was sure what they both felt was more than lust, pity or gratitude.

There is plenty of action as well.

SO, if you like inspirational characters, a great story-line, action, some twists and turns and a very satisfying ending you will love this book!

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through  *