Title: The Case of the Cupid Curse
Series: End Street Detective Agency 01
Author: Amber Kell & R.J. Scott
Genre: Paranormal
Length: Novella (107pgs)
Publisher: Total E-Bound (25th March 2013)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts
Reviewer: Pixie
Blurb: The very thought of paranormals is enough to drive Private Investigator Sam Enderson mad, but add in his attraction to a vampire, and his world is turned upside down.
Sam Enderson is a human detective who finds himself working for paranormal creatures, despite his resolve to stick with humans only.
Bob is a vampire and turns up on Sam’s doorstep to rent a room. Sparks fly, and Sam is attracted to the vampire in spite of himself.
Soon after Sam is cursed by a witch, two cases land on his desk. Dealing with werewolves, annoying ghosts and a grumpy gargoyle is bad enough. But somehow, in amongst all of this chaos, he has to find a lost fae and a missing shifter child.
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Review: Sam has just inherited a detective agency from his recently deceased uncle. Sam has a five-year plan all laid out and there is no room in that plan for supernaturals’. Until a witch walks through his doors and a vampire wants to rent a room, and a fae triad (minus one) needs their third finding and a little werewolf girl is lost. Tossed in over his head he accepts (begrudgingly) the help of Bob, the vampire, Teddy, the ghost and Mikhail, the vampire/siren.
Oh, this is a delightful paranormal story of an everyday human *snort* being tossed into the supernatural world with a bang. Sam inherits a building that housed his beloved uncles’ detective agency; he decides to follow in his uncles footsteps and becomes a private investigator. But, his first prospective client isn’t happy with his work ethic and he discovers that his uncle had dodgy dealings. When Bob walks through his door asking to rent a room it throws Sam in a tailspin as he fights his attraction to the supernatural. But, he has cases to work which drag him further into the supernatural world and his plan of only dealing with humans goes out the window.
I really enjoyed this first story in the End Street Detective Agency and I am looking forward to more. We are introduced to an interesting array of characters and some very interesting cases that we delve into. We see as Sam struggles with his attraction to Bob and as they come together, with Sam still not really understanding the depth of Bob’s feelings. The storyline is cool, the cupid curse was very interestingly carried out and the various paranormal we come across are great. Sirens, Vampires, Werewolves, Gargoyles, Ghosts, Fae, Witches and a cat familiar, they all add that little spark of magic that makes this a great story.
I highly recommend this story to those that love supernatural and paranormal stories, hot vampires, a confused human in denial, great characters, a great case solved; hot sex and an ending that is left wide open and has you biting your lip against the urge to scream in frustration.
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