Title: The Coterie
Series: Clearnight Haven # 1
Author: Maggie Walsh
Genre: Paranormal, Erotica
Length: Novella (145pgs)
Publisher: Maggie Walsh (December 9, 2016)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts
Blurb: Raven Stone is an almost 500 year old vampire who is next in line for the throne to become the king of not only the vampires, but of the paranormal race as a whole. But to claim the throne he must to complete his Coterie, a circle of five men of different breeds of paranormal who are his destined mates. And he must claim them all before his 500th birthday, or he will lose the throne forever, and for the first time in paranormal history the Stone family will not hold the honor.
Raven has already found and claimed four of his mate’s, but his birthday approaches and forces are against he and his mates from finding their last mate. When Raven smells the scent of their last mate on a greedy vampire who leads the Clearnight Haven coven, he and his mate’s, Lorcan, Ash, Ciro, and Jareth, travel to the small town in upper Washington State in America.
Joel is a human who works at the local newspaper as a junior reporter, but if he can get the story of the century, he hopes it will be enough to convince his boss that he should be promoted to one of the senior reporters.
The town bigwig and major asshole, Malcolm Dean has gone missing, and no one even blinks an eye from his loss, but when the mysterious billionaire Raven Stone comes to town and takes over all of Dean’s business holdings, Joel smells the story he’s been looking for.
As Joel sneaks around trying to uncover what Raven Stone looks like and who he is, an even juicier story, with a bigger fish, an evil man named, Mario Gallo, gets dropped in his lap.
When Joel goes to The Raven Club to do a story on Raven Stone he never expected to find five men that he feels an overwhelming attraction to. After a night of mind blowing pleasure with the five men, Joel is shocked to learn who these men truly are and who they say he is to them. Joel isn’t ready for what they offer him and he runs, concentrating on his story, when suddenly Joel disappears.
When Raven and the others learn that Joel has gone missing, they know he is in danger and they must find him before it’s too late. And if they find him, will they be able to convince Joel that he belongs with them?
Product Link: https://www.amazon.com/Coterie-Clearnight-Haven-Book-ebook/dp/B01MYY4G1F
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: I love vampire stories and even more so when other paranormals are added to the mix. However this book seriously lacked a solid story line for me as it was mostly sex scenes, yes I know this is an erotica book but come on, with a little story thrown in the mix.
Raven has to find his other mate before his time runs out and he is forced to let someone else rule. Joel was a little cutie who is a reporter. He gets himself in trouble looking into a story when he runs from his mates not understanding what is going on seeing as he’s human.
Sorry, but I just did not like this book. Maybe a little less pages upon pages of nothing but sex in the next book and I’ll love it.