The Danger in Bohemia by H.E. Kollef Guest Post!

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Hi peeps, H.E. Kollef is stopping by for a quick visit today with her upcoming release The Danger in Bohemia, H.E. chats about The Danger in Bohemia and she asks you all a question! So guys enjoy the post <3 ~Pixie~

H.E. Kollef - The Danger in Bohemia Cover s

The Danger in Bohemia


H.E. Kollef

“Will Mracek is forced to flee to Prague when he witnesses his boyfriend, powerful security magnate Jean Claude la Bête, commit murder. On the run, and with help from his cousin John, Will becomes an English teacher named Max Knight and does everything he can to blend in. Meeting Hadrian Walls, however, changes everything.

Max falls in love with the grumpy ex-RAF, now bartender, and Hadrian finds himself doing the same, despite not knowing the secrets of Max’s dangerous past.

But trouble has a way of coming home, and Max and Jean Claude will face each other one last time in a confrontation that sends both of them over the edge….”

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H.E. Kollef

Hello! My name is Hannah Kollef, though for my romance novels you’ll find me under H. E. Kollef. I’m here to tell you a little bit about my new book, The Danger in Bohemia, coming out from Dreamspinner Press on March 23rd.

The Danger in Bohemia was written in two countries (The Czech Republic and South Korea), neither of which I live in anymore. Most of the story takes place in Prague, where I lived for almost two years as an English teacher. Prague holds a very special place in my heart. It was my first time living abroad for so long, the first phase of my independent, grown-up life. I fell in love with the city and all its gothic romance. The Danger in Bohemia is almost as much a love letter to Czech culture, food, and Prague itself as it is a romantic thriller.

Now, as I sit in my rented room in London—I’ve changed again, from English-teacher-writer to graduate-student-writer—I’m finally close to the point of it being released. I’m hoping you’ll like it.

The main plot is a romance, one inspired by my own time in Prague. For example, the pub where Hadrian Walls works is a compilation of all my favorite Czech pubs. Čapek’s, the used bookstore where Max and Hadrian first meet, was inspired by Shakespeare and Son’s, my favorite bookshop in Prague. And Max’s experiences as he learns to become a teacher and bonds with the others in his class come from the intensive, month-long training course I took to gain my TEFL qualification.

Another theme that runs through the book is food. If I did my job right you’ll finish the book and feel inspired to find your nearest Czech restaurant, to get a bowl of goulash that will knock your socks off.  Or maybe Hadrian’s baking will inspire you to try your hand at focaccia (it’s pretty easy to make!).

Finally, I hope you like your romance sprinkled liberally with danger. Explosions, gun fights, skullduggery, and a general sense of a coming storm loom over the story, even as Max slowly allows himself to fall in love with his handsome bartender (and the sizzling heat that entails).

Thanks for reading this far, if you didn’t run away already. And if you like this story, check out my previous short story, “One Cold Night in Prague,” published in Dreamspinner Press’  Random Acts of Kindness anthology.  You might recognize the main characters in the short story…

Now, it’s my turn to ask y’all a question, so let’s put you in Max’s shoes. You’ve just witnessed a very powerful man kill someone in cold blood. You know they have ties to the FBI and the local police, leaving you with only one option: flee the country and start a new, anonymous life. Where do you go? And what’s your cover story?  Let me know if the comments below!


H.E. Kollef

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About H.E. Kollef

H. E. Kollef currently lives in the UK, where she splits her time between her latest novel, tackling her MSc in Library Science and attempting to pet every dog she comes across. She loves Prague and romance almost as much as a well-organized library, and hopes to incorporate all three in her next novel. You can learn more about her work at, or follow her on Twitter @braveworldgirl, or her blog

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3 thoughts on “The Danger in Bohemia by H.E. Kollef Guest Post!

  1. I’m excited for this story! It sounds amazing.
    I have difficulty imagining what I would do if caught in that situation. I suppose I would go somewhere rural and try to start a new life. Keep a secret evidence file under a floorboard, just in case. Haha.

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