Title: VanDoren’s Vice
Series: Kansas City Heat, #7
Author: Jenna Byrnes
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Length: Novella (115 pages)
Publisher: Pride Publishing (September 15th, 2015)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Blurb: A detective and the head of security at a casino have something in common, don’t they?
Perhaps more than one thing.
Detective Mike VanDoren isn’t much of a gambler, but the ongoing embezzlement at Kansas City’s newest casino definitely has his interest. So does handsome Cole McKinney, the head of security at the Time and Tides.
Mike dives head first into the case and a relationship with Cole, who can’t believe that any of his trusted employees and friends could be guilty. Mike knows differently, and it’s up to him and his team to figure out who’s behind the elaborate scheme.
When a casino employee turns up dead, the case takes a bizarre twist, leaving Mike scrambling to save the people he cares about most.
ISBN: 978-1-78430-727-1
Product Link: https://www.pride-publishing.com/book/vandorens-vice
Reviewer: Lisa
Review: Each book in the Kansas City Heat collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. However it can be read as a standalone.
I love the way this author can put together a book that not only fascinates you but draws you in. I had a blast reading this and look forward to reading more by Jenna. The characters are beautifully written with big hearts, however if you cross them, they have no problem putting you down.
First embezzlement, then murder and it just keeps packing up. It is up to Mike to find out who is behind it all. The problem is he has the hots for the head of security. Things are heating up and then the impossible happens. Cole is being framed for it all. It is up to him to save his lover from some long jail time that is for sure.
Cole is the head of security at the casino and has the hots for the detective handling the embezzlement case. He understands the difficulties that is coming from their seeing each other, but he can’t stop. He wants the sexy detective. He trusts Mike to get him out of this mess and to keep their hearts from getting damaged.
I have to say that the ending is a bit off to me though. I can see the problem of them being lovers while the case is going on and also the attitude of Cole with all the questions. However I would have really liked the love word instead of lust. I just wished they could have moved forward just a bit more.
I also wished that it had been expanded. I could have continued to read it all night long. Even with that little problem, I was captivated by the whole story.
I would definitely recommend reading this book. Trust me it will keep you laughing, crying, loving and having fun.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *
Thanks Lisa, love your reviews! People always complain about “insta-love” so I thought the lust rather than love at the end might help solve that. I guess not. LOL Anyway, thanks again!