Yule Be in My Heart by Feral Sephrian

45dbaccfdf8801909cfd77996a288421424c30a5Title: Yule Be in My Heart

Series: N/A

Author: Feral Sephrian

Length: Novella (42 Pages)

Publisher: JMS Books LLC. (December 1st, 2013)

Heat Level: Very low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥2.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Lisa

Blurb: As a homosexual Pagan, Ethan is the ultimate odd-man-out in his Presbyterian family. While his parents and siblings are supportive enough, his other relatives all but despise him and his lifestyle.

Years after starting again in a new state with his boyfriend Caleb, Ethan is invited back home to spend the holidays with his family. Knowing this could end in disaster, but hoping for a new beginning, Ethan and Caleb accept the invitation. Things get off to a rough start, but nothing prepares them for the fiasco at Christmas dinner…

Product Link: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/380513

Review: Ethan is loved by most of his family, but like many families, there are some bad seeds. Caleb loves Ethan and wants the best for his boyfriend. Christmas with his family has the normal good times and bad times.

This story is pretty sweet, but with all good stories, there is a bit of pain and anger added in. It was told really good but a bit short. The characters are sweet and enduring. You can’t help but fall in love with both of them, and wish that their lives were easier. You want to just smack those around them that are full of hatred and bigotry. If you love short stories with two tender-hearted characters and a touch of trouble added in then you would like this story.

I just couldn’t get into it. I love stories that have a bit more added in, more passion and love then this one had.