Zipper Fall by Kate Pavelle

ZipperFallLGTitle:  Zipper Fall

Series:  A Steel City Story

Author:  Kate Pavelle

Genre:  Mystery/Suspense

Length:  Novel (328 pages)

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (September 20th, 2013)

Heat Level: Low to Moderate

Hearts Review: ♥♥♥♥3.5 to 4 Hearts

Blurb:  Wyatt Gaudens, an advertising executive and adrenaline junkie, has fine-tuned the art of breaking and entering into apartments, misusing his considerable rock climbing skills. Once inside, he steals a pretty, shiny thing or two. When his friend Reyna complains that her jerk of a boss makes her workplace a living hell, he breaks into her boss’s home to get even. More than any other pretty thing, what really catches his eye the most is her boss, Jack.

Working hard to overcome his own lingering problems, investment specialist Jack Azzuri focuses on his second chance at making his business grow. But grief for his sister, Celia, recently killed in a suspicious climbing accident, sabotages his attempt to start over. When he meets Wyatt, he’s strongly attracted even though Wyatt is the last person he should associate with. With Jack’s explosive temper and Wyatt’s adrenaline addiction, the path to a stable relationship will be a tough climb. They might succeed if they can sort out what really matters, as well as learn to take the good with the bad. Wyatt hopes to speed their progress by solving the mystery that’s weighing Jack down: how did Celia really die?

Reviewer: Lisa

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Review:  Wyatt Gauden’s had a wonderful job, but too much energy. So, on the side he was a burglar. Wyatt’s best friend, Reyna, hates her boss and somehow gets him to agree that she needed a little revenge. Breaking into Jack Azurri’s home got him more than he bargained for. Love, little bit of anger, and some pain was just part of what he received. Helping Jack find the answers to his sister’s death got them just a little closer to the truth. 

At first, it was hard to get into the story, because it seemed that there was more description then needed, instead of the story line itself. It turned out to be a very good story though. I laughed through most of it and parts of it were a little disturbing. When Jack interrupts Wyatt’s attempt, his language isn’t something I would think would come out of a wealthy business owner.