Audible by Dawn Kimberly Johnson

AudibleLGTitle:  Audible

Series:  Daily Dose 2013: Make a Play

Author:  Dawn Kimberly Johnson

Genre:   Contemporary

Length:  Novella (85 pages)

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (June 1st, 2013)

Heat Level:  Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥3Hearts

Blurb:   Three years ago, cameraman Powell Perdue and quarterback Talbot Wojewódka called it quits, citing irreconcilable differences. Powell wanted to live honestly, while Talbot felt he couldn’t and still succeed in professional football. One knee surgery and a trade later, Talbot finds himself back in town and quarterbacking for the Raptors, a struggling expansion team. Powell’s also back, working as a cameraman for KJOC-TV, following two years in Amsterdam and a second failed relationship.

When an interview meant as a publicity play throws them into each other’s path, they’re forced to face a love that never quite died and wounds that never fully healed. For any hope at a win, they’ll have to change up the game. Talbot must brave walking through his closet door and into Powell’s arms, and Powell must risk his heart one more time by standing his ground and giving Talbot a second chance.

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Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  Cute little story about finding your first love, then losing that love because you weren’t comfortable in your own skin, being given a second chance at love and being who you are.

Dawn Kimberly Johnson… I need MORE! I loved this storyline. Talbot Wojewodka, or Bot, is a quarterback in a sport that is not gay friendly. Therefore he not only hides who he is, but the man he loves for fear of the backlash of coming out. Powell Purdue, or Po, can only hide for so long. When push comes to shove, Bot’s feet stay firmly planted in his closet.

When Bot takes a spot on a team in another state, Po does him one better and leaves the country. Several years later, life and circumstance bring these two back together and fate gives them a second chance. Can Bot be honest about who he is and who he chooses to love, regardless of the outcome? Or will Po have his heart broken by the quarterback, again?

Heat level is promising; there are no naughty bits in this book. Heart rate is a 3; again there are no naughty bits. I would love to see this storyline and these characters with some sexiness thrown in the mix. Well written and emotional, I just wish it was longer, and steamier!


Let's Hear if for the Boy by T.A. Webb

17665914Title:  Let’s Hear it for the Boy

Series:  N/A

Author:  T.A. Webb

Genre:  Contemporary

Length: Novelette (30 pages)

Publisher:  A Bear on Books (March 20th, 2013)

Heat Level:  None

Heart Rating:  ♥♥2Hearts

Blurb:   Auntie Social is the biggest, baddest drag queen in Atlanta—she knows what she wants and she gets it. She’s tough, merciless, and top dog. That’s what Paul Stewart, reporter for the Journal, had heard, and all he expects when he’s assigned to interview the legend… But nobody really knows the person behind the make-up.

What if…what if the person behind the sarcasm and music was more than just a man in a dress? What happened in his life that, thirty years later, made him a successful CEO, a philanthropist, and a legend in the gay community? Thirty years and almost a million dollars raised for people living with HIV/AIDs, yet still no one knows the real story.

Until one night, one man breaks through the shell, and Matthew Trammell—Auntie Social—opens the door he closed many years ago and lets his secrets spill out.

Pain is like rain, it covers your skin and soaks in bone-deep, but it eventually recedes and allows fresh things to grow

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Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  A story about a man who fell in love with his best friend when he was a young adult, only to find out his best friend was HIV positive. This book is slightly depressing. It’s very short and well written as far as the storyline though. I loved the way Matt stood by his friend through everything, because he loved him. Paul is almost a set decoration of sorts, but in the end he makes a move for Matt and the story hints that the two of them may make a connection.

I know I may sound like a broken record here, but I’d love to see a full length novel with Matt and Paul. I keep reading short stories that intrigue me with solid characters and possible sexiness; I really need one of these stories to be longer! I’d say this is worth the read but be warned, it’s sad and there is no sex, but the moral is solid as is the writing.

On the Other Side by S.J. Frost

17876092Title: To the Other Side

Series: Terra 01

Author: S.J. Frost

Genre: Fantasy, Parallel World

Length: Novel (257pgs)

Publisher: ManLoveRomance Press (31st May 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: When Garrett Evergard is rescued by the witch, Bryson Summers, he discovers an alternate world unlike anything he’s ever imagined, and when that world is threatened, he’ll do anything to save it and the man he’s grown to love.

Garrett Evergard is a finder of secrets. As a biologist and environmentalist, it’s his job to go into wild lands and uncover their mysteries in order to save them. In the Pacific Northwest, he races against logging lobbyists to save a section of temperate rainforest, but the forest seems reluctant to give up her secrets. Until a fateful meeting with a rare spirit bear opens the door to wonders beyond anything he’s ever imagine, the greatest of those being the beautiful man who comes to his rescue. As a witch and Gatekeeper, Bryson Summers is used to living a solitary life. He lives between two worlds, Earth and Terra, feeling not fully part of either, and dreams of meeting someone who understands him. From the moment he sees Garrett, he believes — and hopes — he’s looking upon a twin soul. Dragons, unicorns, and a witch with enchanting brown eyes, Garrett tries to make sense of a world so different from anything he’s ever known. But his mind and heart are open, and he finds himself drawn more to Bryson with each day they spend together. When Bryson and the gate that links the two worlds fall under threat, Garrett is willing to do all he can to protect them, even if it means facing down dark magic.

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Review: Garrett takes his job with the EarthQuest Foundation seriously. As a biologist and environmentalist it’s his job to discover secrets of the wild lands to help to save them from destruction. Looking for anything to save a temperate rainforest in Washington brings him to a startling discovery, a Kermode spirit bear making its home in the forest. and that is just the beginning of the discoveries. Bryson is a witch and the Gatekeeper between the two worlds of Terra and Earth. He is part of both worlds and as such is torn between the two. Rescuing a man from the bottom of a ravine begins to give Bryson hope that he has met a man who could understand him.

This is a wonderful fantasy that brings two worlds together while keeping them strictly separate. Garrett is thrown into a world he never knew of when he is rescued from the bottom of a ravine. Discovering a fantasy world with Dragons, Brownies, and Unicorns and so much more, but the most important thing he discovers is love. Bryson has been torn between two worlds for several years, he loves Earth but he also loves Terra and the destruction of the forest on Earth would destroy the Gate. Bryson and Garrett are attracted to each other and it’s an attraction neither man can ignore. Working together they come up with a plan to save the Gate, but someone from Terra wants the Gate for themselves and while Garrett is on Earth trying to save the forest, Bryson has a fight of his own on his hands.

I absolutely loved this story and the way it was written. The descriptions of Terra were wonderful and I loved that it was a medieval setting with mythical and mystical creatures. Earth is just portrayed as Earth with the typical political money grabbers and the environmentalists trying to thwart them. Although the Earth side has an important part to play, the Terra side is where nearly everything plays out and we are introduced to some very interesting Terra characters and their animal friends. I loved how even the animals were something special. I mean a dragon who loved to read romance books and loves Oreo cookies, how can you not fall in love with them?  

The relationship between Garrett and Bryson is stretched out over the course of the book and they both realize quickly that they want to be together. they just have to decide the details and make the commitment and admit it to each other. Although the saving of the forest on Earth is interesting, it was what was going on in Terra that really held my attention; a duke who has his eyes on power and immortality and a dark witch who just wants immortality and the lengths both of them will go to get it. There’s excitement and danger, a wild ride on a unicorn, tiny dragons spewing fire, magic and a grouchy brownie, this is an absolutely brilliant story.

I have to recommend this to those who love fantasy, parallel worlds, brilliant characters, finding love in amazing places, evil intentions, facing death for love and a wonderful ending… oh and some very hot sex. 

Mulligan by Nora Roth

MulliganLGTitle:  Mulligan

Series:  Daily Dose 2013: Make a Play

Author:  Nora Roth

Genre:   Contemporary

Length:  Novella (66 pages)

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (June 1st, 2013)

Heat Level:  Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   The only thing between Jesse Yates and the top of the air hockey leaderboard is Cameron Greene. When Cameron returns home from college unannounced and knocks the win out of Jesse’s reach, the last thing Jesse plans to do is strike up a friendship with the guy he dislikes on principle. But Cameron charms Jesse without even seeming to try, and the attraction and friendly rivalry between them soon leads to something more.

Everything is perfect until the world as Jesse knows it comes crashing down when Cameron’s secrets are revealed. Before Jesse can find his balance, Cameron is gone without a word, leaving Jesse alone with anger and grief—hoping against hope for a second chance.

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Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  Short, kinda sexy and slightly steamy. Jesse Yates is your typical high school kid that spends most nights at the local arcade racking up the points. The only things standing between him and that perfect score is Cameron Greene. Jesse isn’t too keen on Cameron in the beginning, but Cameron’s charm and charisma quickly grown on him. The fact that the guy is gorgeous is a definite plus.

These two are barely an item before Cameron’s suffers a terrible loss and he retreats, leaving Jesse alone and slightly broken. He makes a lot of bad decisions in his quest to think about anything but Cameron, yet still, the guy that left him broken-hearted is the only one Jesse wants.

I really enjoyed these two characters and hope to see more of them. The bathroom scene alone gets extra points on the rating for me. It was such a perfectly awkward first for Jesse, but it wasn’t done negatively. And the trying to clean up the evidence, but only making it worse cracked me up and just made the scene even more realistic and fun for me.

The Alpha's Ardor by Rebecca Brochu

51Of5behWNLTitle: The Alpha’s Ardor

Series: Wolves of Flathead 01

Author: Rebecca Brochu

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novelette (62pgs)

Publisher: Evernight Publishing (21st May 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Declan Adair and his twin brother Lachlan are wolf shifters with no home or pack and a dark past that makes them hated by other Weres. Hunted and forced to separate, Declan finds himself chased north and straight into Flathead, a large sprawling territory that is home to a single massive pack.

Unsure and more afraid than he wants to admit, Declan’s situation is only made worse by his undeniable attraction to the Flathead pack’s alpha, Law.

Law is everything an alpha should be: powerful, controlled, and surprisingly enough to Declan—kind. And when Law seems to want Declan just as much as Declan wants Law, it’s unbelievable. With a past full of hurt and the knowledge that the only one he can trust is his twin, Declan is torn between the way he knows the world works and the possibility that the alpha’s ardor might just be real.

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Review: Declan and his twin Lachlan are wolf shifters on the run from other shifters and from human hunters. managing to stay one step ahead of both groups until the day they are separated and Declan runs on to Flathead land. Flathead Alpha, Law, is intrigued by the sexy shifter that is chased onto his land. He offers sanctuary for the persecuted shifter, but trust is hard for Declan and he wonders what payment is expected of him. Their attraction to each other blurs the lines and Declan doesn’t know what to do and there is no way he will lead his brother to danger.

This is quite a good shifter story where alphas control their land with an iron fist and a young shifter is persecuted for something he had no control over. Declan and his brother Lachlan have not had a peaceful life, so when Declan stumbles across an Alpha who seems to sympathize, he doesn’t know if he can really trust him and his attraction to Law distracts him. But, he won’t chance his brother’s safety in case it is a trap. Law is attracted to the young shifter who is chased onto his land. He understands that Declan had no control over what happened when he was younger and would like nothing better than to have Declan and his brother settle down in his pack.

I really liked how this story was written, with Declan being suspicious and expecting the worst. the way that Law is patient and gentle with Declan and the way that they both take their time getting to know each other before they commit to a relationship. The story is quite simple. Two brothers all alone in the world persecuted for something they had no control over and now unwilling to trust and an Alpha who desperately wants that trust. The story is well written and the characters are good. We seem to be getting the basics in ready for the next book as well for Trace (Law’s brother and beta) and Lachlan. I do wish that there had been more detailed background of Declan and Lachlan’s time in captivity rather than the broad overview we got, I would have also liked to discover more about Law and the type of man he is, rather than just Declan’s view of him. We know that he was nice to Declan and that people seemed to respect him, but that was really it.

I will recommend this to those who love paranormal, shifters, some sweet hot sex, an interesting storyline and a happy ending that paves the way for the next story.       

Running Away From Sunshine by Gwynn Marssen

RunningAwayFromSunshineLGTitle: Running Away From Sunshine

Series: 2013 Daily Dose: Make a Play

Author: Gwynn Marssen

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novelette

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (June 1st, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Nobody knows why ER resident Jake Nichols left California to move to cold and dark Calgary, Canada. Nobody knows Jake hasn’t always been a silent loner. Nobody in his new home knows he is gay, and nobody needs to know, since he doesn’t plan to let anyone in… until he meets Gabriel Montgomery, the carefree hockey player with the big blue eyes who just won’t take no for an answer when it comes to opening up and accepting the possibility of love.

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Review: This story was a bit overflowing with events and things happening in there that the short length didn’t quite support for proper development, however I did like it. It was sweet and the hockey character, Gabriel, was charming.

An adrenaline junky and a devil-may-care attitude has Gabriel almost too frequently in the ER, where his doctor, Jake, is having a difficult time maintaining a solely professional face. But Jake isn’t out and nobody here knows anything about him. not that if he was there would be a chance with young Gabriel, for all he knows Gabriel is straight albeit with a body to die and drool for. However a friendship starts growing between the two men and Gabriel takes it upon himself to teach the good doctor the fun one could have watching/playing hockey. After all, no one lives in Canada and hasn’t even seen a hockey game before. A torture for Jake being so close to this perfect specimen of a man, but he simply can’t resist Gabriel’s puppy-eyes and that lovely one dimple in his face.

It looks simple enough, romantic even as the two men get to know each other and appreciate one another’s company, until Jake’s past catches up and thing he doesn’t want to reveal and relive and share simply drop by. As I said, the details in the plot get a bit too much and while it would be ok in a longer story, here it simply didn’t have the space to develop feelings and events happening between the characters.

In the end it was a sweet story, quite romantic and even a bit fun.

Prize Package by Kyle Adams

PrizePackageLGTitle: Prize Package

Series: 2013 Daily Dose: Make a play

Author: Kyle Adams

Genre: MM Contemporary

Length: Novelette

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (June 1st, 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: When Jason Smith wins a contest he doesn’t remember entering, he earns a visit with The MeatGrinder, aka Trent Peterson. Trent expected a rabid fan; instead, he gets Jason, who knows nothing about wrestling, doesn’t care about the prizes, and would prefer to skip the official wrestling demo, please. Trent should be annoyed, but by the end of the day, Trent knows he wants more than one day with Jason. Now he just has to convince Jason that Trent is more than his alter ego.

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Review: Honestly, this short story was too damn hilarious and the best prelude to a real novel starring Jason and Trent. If there ever was one, I’d sure root for it.

So, here we have Jason. A guy that enters any contest he finds in his field of view out of pure compulsion and he’s never won anything. But this time he did. He is the winner of a contest that he has absolutely no idea what the heck it’s for. But, that doesn’t matter. No sir. What matters is that he won. Ah and it gets better. He gets to meet The MeatGrinder, a wrestling persona quite famous, although the wrestling part Jason couldn’t care less. What he cares about is the person behind the persona, Trent, who was his all-time college crush back when he was a very, very insecure person. Leading to regrets for never even attempting to talk with Trent. So now is his chance not only to dispel that longing, but to actually spend some time with his old crush, since part of the prize package is to hand out with him the entire day.

Hilarious, did I say that already? Well I don’t care. I’m going to repeat myself as often as I feel necessary, because it was too damn funny. Jason’s character made me laugh and laugh and like him even at his worse. Even when he got really laughable at some point and whiney at some others. He still was a fantastic character and damn it if he didn’t deserve some love there. And Trent, well, besides being hawt and gorgeous and incredibly sweet and adorable, that guy had the patience of a saint for putting up with Jason’s antics. I suppose it was refreshing for him to be with a person that didn’t suck up to him all the time; still in the context he came as quite lovable there.

And as for the wrestling part of the story, damn the entire plot from the moment Jason shows up at Trent’s place ‘til they reached the pool felt like this giant build up, with sexual innuendos and rubbing each other to the point of madness. Very sexy with some wrestling “training” scenes that made you think of anything but the actual sport.

In the end you were left with a very wholesome feeling that is hard to get when reading stories of such short length. Strongly recommended.

The Thirteenth Shard by J.L. O'Faolain

ThirteenthShard[The]LGTitle: The Thirteenth Shard

Series: Section Thirteen Case Files 04

Author: J.L. O’Faolain

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Mystery

Length: Novel (230pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (5th June 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: When a powerful witch is murdered by mundane means—with the killer leaving behind clues reminiscent of an old mortal folktale—the NYPD calls in Tuulois MacColewyn and the rest of Section Thirteen.

It’s been a while since Cole and his onetime partner, Corhagen, have worked together on a murder case, and sparks still linger between them despite Cole’s budding relationship with Inspector Joss Vallimun. As they struggle to put their past behind them and discover what happened to the witch, they unearth clues to similar murders. Murders that remind them of an old adversary in a case still unsolved.

When further evidence leads Cole and Corhagen to the shattered fragments of a mythical sword, it points to a cryptic clue about a prophecy involving a king. The revelation leaves Cole reeling and sets him up to make what could be the biggest mistake of his life….

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Review: This story is part of a series and must be read in order. Section Thirteen is back and they have their hands full when an enemy from the past rears their ugly head. When a witch is murdered in a mundane way, Cole and James Corhagen are requested to assist in the hunt for the murderers. The odd clues lead them to a trap and Joss and the rest of Section Thirteen are called in to help. Facing down old adversary and the witch killers leads to new revelations. Cole struggles to deal with the now friendlier James, struggling to keep a handle on the still simmering attraction between them.

Oh my God Cole, what the hell are you doing Sidhe? So we have a new installment of the Section Thirteen Case Files filled with danger, surprises, twists and old enemies. Cole and Joss are moving forwards in their relationship, with Joss being to be a bit more open and relaxed more with Cole. James *scowl* suddenly becomes friendlier with Cole and makes a confession. On the work front, Joss and Cole are called by Rainette, who is worried about a witch friend and it leads to Cole and James being assigned to help look for the witch’s murderer. The entire Section group is called in when they spot three wanted half-fae and it leads to a confrontation where secrets are revealed.

So, we have a lot going on in this book and we revisit some old friends including the wood goblins and Robyn (Little Red Riding Hood). The police station takes another beating, James seems to be crawling out of the closet and a startling revelation is made. Oh and let’s not forget the orgy that Joss and Cole start in the middle of a fae bar. This is a great story that moves along at a smooth pace. There are moments when you can only recoil in horror at what Cole is about to do. *Cole, no, you’re smarter than that!!* And you want to grab him and shake him. With James, you want to laugh in his face and say ‘it’s too late’. and with Joss you want to stare at him in awe and go ‘oooohhhhhh’. The action and fights are impressive, the characters are brilliant and the storyline is cool. the new development that emerges near the end of the book has me desperate to see what happens next with both Joss and Cole.

I have to recommend this to those that love urban fantasy, danger, brilliant fights, traps and escapes, closure of an old storyline and a new one emerging, hot sex, new twists, betrayal and an ending where you wonder what Cole will do next.

Destiny on the Tracks by Drake Braxton

17892613Title: Destiny on the Tracks

Author: Drake Braxton

Genre: Contemporary/Historical (1918) Bittersweet

Length: Novella (88pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (5th June 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: While on business in a small town near Chicago, Wheeler Reynolds hears a tale about a traveling circus killed nearby in a horrific train wreck over ninety years ago. Haunted by the story, Wheeler falls asleep thinking someone is calling his name… and wakes up in 1918.

Wheeler believes it’s his mission to stop the accident from occurring until he meets Nicola Tenaglia, an aerialist for the circus. Time becomes his enemy as he quickly falls into a whirlwind affair. When they are discovered, events spin out of Wheeler’s control, and he and Nicola are separated. Then the train begins to pull away. Nicola’s time is running out….

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It’s an unfortunate truth: love doesn’t always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.

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Review: Wheeler is on a short business trip and can’t wait to head back to the city. The night before he is to return he hears about a horrific train wreck involving a traveling circus in 1918. Waking up in the middle of the night something pulls him to the track crossing and he blacks out. He wakes up in bed but everything seems to have changed. Nicola is an aerialist in the circus, but he dreams of having something more from his life than just the circus. Meeting Wheeler at a small town, Nicola discovers what has been missing from his life. Making plans to start a life together is easy, but getting away from the circus isn’t.

This is a great little story that has a surprising twist ending. Wheeler is a city boy, a financial adviser who assesses businesses before a buyout. He is checking out a B&B in a small town and will be happy to return to the city. But, he hears a train whistle in the middle of the night and is sure he hears his name on the wind. Inexplicably, he is drawn to the train tracks and he discovers his destiny. Wheeler is sure that he is meant to stop the train from disaster, but he gets caught up in his feelings for Nicola. Nicola is happy to find something special with Wheeler, but interference from another sets events in motion that there is no turning back from.

This is quite a fast paced story with the timeline jumping from the present to the past quite clearly. The relationship between Wheeler and Nicola is nearly instant for both of them, even though Nicola has never been interested in anyone before and Wheeler was always happy with brief hook-ups. The setting is really good and I liked the other circus characters. I really liked how everything came together and how the maliciousness of just one person could end up destroying so much. Wheeler’s and Nicola’s destinies are intertwined even though there was over ninety years separating them and you really won’t see the ending coming. It was a twist that surprised me and had a beautiful, but poignant feel to it.

I will recommend this to those that love time crossing lovers, fated soul mates finding each other through time, a surprising twist and a bittersweet ending that will surprise. 


Pouring a Brick by Tray Ellis

PouringaBrickLGTitle: Pouring a Brick

Series: 2013 Daily Dose: Make A Play

Author: Tray Ellis

Genre: MM Contemporary

Length: Novelette

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (June 1st, 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: High-energy Spence joins a Brazilian jiu-jitsu school looking for adventure. Will is already a calm, advanced practitioner of the gentle art when they meet, and he takes the new student under his wing. After training for a tournament, Spence realizes that relaxing into the flow works great for channeling his energy at competitions and for life in general, but when it comes to taking a chance on Will, pushing the boundaries may be the only way to take their friendship to the next level.

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Review: I liked this story as it was all about martial arts and how they affect each person differently according to their personalities.

In this case, we have Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and two completely different characters. Will is already a purple belt and he doesn’t win his belts fast and through competitions. No, he’d rather train continually and for long time. Giving time to his mind and body to absorb the art and the mechanics. He is already in that “space” where you let yourself flow with the motions of the art. He’s calm and he simply enjoys it without the need to compete.

Spence on the other way has always been a hurricane of a man. Always chasing his next challenge. Always pushing himself and he’d be a liar if he said he doesn’t like competition. He thrives in it. So, after accomplishing things at work, he finds himself wanting yet another challenge and BJJ comes across. But what started as yet another sport for him became much more than a challenge when it came to Will. Because while he tackles everything head-first in his life, he has to be careful and not ruin things with his fast becoming friend. No matter how much he needs to let his tension go and roll with the flow, Spencer is certain that when it comes to life and love, one must go all for nothing if he wants to win the prize.

And it was so fun watching them both interact with each other and adapt BJJ in their life in a completely different way. Fun, fast and sexy, I liked this read and I’d recommend it to anyone who likes martial arts, a grappling art at that, hot guys and a fun read.

Luck of the Dice by Pinky Rae Parker

LuckoftheDiceLGTitle: Luck of the Dice

Series: 2013 Daily Dose: Make a play

Author: Pinky Rae Parker

Genre: MM Contemporary

Length: Short Story

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (June 1st, 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥2.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Gavin Gage has never been much for sports, but he does love fantasy-based role-playing games. Though his social life is quite active, Gavin feels like he’s botched his role in the love department. Then he receives a mysterious invitation to an exclusive gaming tournament at a comic book convention, and Gavin meets a mysterious suitor. Between one roll and the next, Gavin realizes that when it comes to love, everything is just a game of chance.

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Review: Ok, so I’ve been a gamer myself for some years and being an addict during that time I have to say that the game part of this story… I loved it. Even though RPG wasn’t really my thing, I understand it and the mindset, so it was not hard for me to love the fun part of this story and get some of Gavin’s fears and disappointments in the love section. It is too easy for a person that has a love for comics, graphic novels, rpgmmo’s to find someone out there to understand and love him with all that or because all that.

So while Gavin has a social life with friends that share his passions, his love life is non-existent. But one good thing amidst this depression is that he gained a VIP invitation for the tournament of a re-launched game at the three days Convention he would partake.

And there the nerd that lives inside me got really, really excited. Gavin’s change from the insecure guy he was outside those doors to a comfortable player, his persona, his role-playing character, all very fascinating and just when things start to get really, really interesting as the Game Master is being somewhat flirtatious, BOOM! Comes the end.

Yes, I forgot this was a short story because the story got me involved more than I thought. But, that made it worse with the kind of ending this one has. Too abrupt, too what-the-heck-just-happened and I felt as if I was playing my game back in the days and while I was in the middle of a Boss fight, healing like crazy, my tank suffering severe damage and my internet connection has a break-down. Good God the frustration this ending caused me cannot be described in words.

So anyway, if you’re not the maniac I am with such things and you want a sneak peek in the Gaming world with a hint of “nerdy” love there in the air, then this short can give you that desirable glimpse.


Heart of Stone by Ari McKay

HeartofStoneLGTitle: Heart of Stone

Author: Ari McKay

Genre: Historical Western (1887)

Length: Novel (200pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (3rd June 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Stone Harrison never knew he had an aunt; he certainly never expected her to bequeath him one of the largest spreads in central Nevada. But something about Copper Lake Ranch and its foreman, Luke Reynolds, speaks to him, offering a chance for the home he’s never really had.

Luke wants Stone to succeed as a rancher and put the legacy of his shiftless father behind him, but he’d also like Stone to share his bed. Unfortunately, Stone is convinced that the world is a harsh place that will never accept two men sharing their lives. Much to Luke’s dismay, he refuses to risk Luke’s life despite the intense attraction they share.

The tension between them escalates when a series of calamities strikes Copper Lake. An unexpected and unwelcome visit from Stone’s dandified cousin, James, only makes things worse. Stone’s ability to run the ranch comes into question, but the threat of losing it means less to Stone than the threat to Luke’s life. Stone will do anything it takes to protect the man he loves—even if it makes him a murderer.

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Review: Stone is surprised to return from a cattle drive and find a letter waiting for him. it informs him that an aunt he never knew was leaving him a ranch. Arriving at Copper Lake Ranch, he knows it is a place he could call home. Meeting the ranch foreman Luke has him wanting to prove that he has got what it takes to run the ranch. Luke wants Stone to succeed and tries to ignore his attraction to the rancher, but one brief moment of shared bliss comes to haunt him when Stone says they can have nothing more between them. Their friendship suffers and then Stone receives a visit from a distant cousin, James, who Stone can’t seem to shake. But, things become really tense on the ranch when a series of calamities hit. Luke and Stone pull together to keep the ranch going and just when Stone realizes what he really wants; he is left in a position that could end in murder.

This is quite a good historical western of two men who could find love if only one of them was willing to take a chance. Luke falls hard for Stone and wants nothing better than to set up house with the man. But, Stone has already had a taste of what could happen if anyone ever got a notion that they were like that and refuses to be anything more than friends. When things start to go wrong around the ranch, Stone begins to reconsider as he becomes afraid for Luke. But, Stone grew up the hard way with an abusive father, add in being part Indian and he has had his fair share of prejudice thrown at him.

I quite liked this look into the past, where just the image of impropriety could cost a man his home or life. The relationship between Luke and Stone is slow developing, even though they have a fierce attraction to each other. Stone is afraid of the repercussions if anyone ever found out, so he holds Luke back. When danger comes to the ranch though, he begins to get over his reservations. But, solving the problems has to come first and discovering who the culprit really sticks in his craw. Luke has to think about what he wants long and hard, when he is rebuffed by Stone. But, Copper Lake ranch is his home and he still holds out hope that Stone will come around.

This isn’t a romance in the normal sense because a lot of the story is focused on the ranch and Stone’s determination to never walk away from a job unfinished. The times that Stone and Luke do spend time together is either filled with awkwardness or with secret longing before Stone confesses what he wants from Luke. I liked the storyline of sabotage and I really enjoyed it when Stone’s cousin, James, was put in his place by Agnes. Stone’s acceptance into the community was a very nice touch, showing that even back then a person’s skin color didn’t mean as much as the person inside.

I will recommend this to those that love historical westerns, finding love in suspicious times, sabotage, digging deep to continue forwards and a sweet ending filled with love.


Fissures by D.J. Manly

Fissures400x600Title: Fissures

Series: Spectrum Skies 03

Author: D.J. Manly

Genre: Fantasy, Suspense

Length: Novel (183pgs)

Publisher: Silver Publishing (1st June 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: All hell is breaking loose in Spectrum. Pascal thinks London is dead but he comes back. Pascal isn’t sure what London is, but he is sure of one thing, London no longer loves him.

Pascal and London prepare for a fissure to occur in Spectrum because rogue vampires believe humans and vampires should not dwell peacefully together.

All hell is breaking loose… literally as vampires are calling on demons to help them in their crusades.

London is taken by vampire rebels, bitten, and tortured. Pascal thinks London is dead, but London rises again. Is he a vampire? Pascal isn’t sure but one thing he does know–London is no longer his.

But they have bigger problems. They need to defend the innocents. Winning this war will depend on convincing the werewolves to side with them. And will London ever remember how much he loved Pascal–or are his memories gone forever?

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Review: This book is part of a series and must be read in order. Pascal and London are digging deep to pull together the Vampire, Werewolves and humans to prevent the splintering of Spectrum. But, they seem to be fighting a losing battle, when the violence seems to be getting worse. When London is taken and tortured by the rebel vampires, Pascal thinks it’s all over, but just as Pascal is about to exact his revenge, London rises. Now, Pascal has London back, but London has no memory of them being together. They have bigger problems to face though, Spectrum is facing all-out war and Pascal and London must protect the innocent. Now, they just need to convince the werewolves to join them of face losing Spectrum for good.

This is a great addition to the Spectrum Skies series, with tension between the races and the unknown of Pascal’s and London’s relationship. Pascal and London are still deeply in love struggling to find snatched moments together while Spectrum goes to hell. But, when Pascal’s enemies try to destroy that love by taking London, they discover Pascal isn’t a tame vampire… at all. Fighting for his love and to keep the peace, Pascal will do anything for London, even if it means giving him up.

The situation in Spectrum is heading for war; no longer are some species happy to live in harmony. Some humans want control over the paranormals. Some vampires want to dominate Spectrum and some demons are looking for free rein from the underworld. and caught in the middle are London and Pascal with their band of officers.

I loved how this story was developed with London becoming something different, but his personality reverting back to how we first met him. Pascal being heartbroken, but refusing to give up and both of them facing the possibility that the Spectrum that they have always known being lost to them. We discover just who has been creating all the trouble in Spectrum. We have a standoff, loss and destruction and the determination of a vampire to win back the man he loves.

I will recommend this to those that love paranormal conflicts, twists, loss, love, vampires on the brink of war, dealing with demons and a happy for now ending.

All the King's Men by R.J. Scott

17926766Title: All the King’s Men

Author: R.J. Scott

Genre: Contemporary, Drama, Action, Suspense

Length: Novella (101pgs)

Publisher: Love Lane Books (31st May 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: When Ryan Ortiz decides to go direct to LA to fight for a second chance with his lover Nathan Richardson he is caught up in the biggest earthquake to hit the city since records began.

LA is destroyed, burning, people homeless, and fires are ignited high in the LA hills above Nathan’s apartment. Nathan is trapped and Ryan is his only hope.

It is a race against time and the powerful all-consuming destruction of nature for Ryan to find Nathan, trapped in the ruins of his home in the hills, and to get both of them to help before the fire reaches them.

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Author’s Note: This book was previously published in 2011.
The story has been rewritten, re-edited and contains a new final chapter. If you have previously bought this book, please send a receipt of purchase to and she will happily replace the file for you.

Review: Ryan and Nathan parted ways two months ago when Nathan’s ambitions took him to LA. Now, Ryan has decided to fight for their relationship, not wanting to lose the man he loves. Traveling to LA to try for a second chance, he walks into destruction when an earthquake hits and he becomes Nathan’s only chance of survival. It’s a race against time to rescue Nathan and to flee the hills of LA, as after tremors hit and a fire races after them. The life and death race puts their feelings into perspective and now they just have to survive to share their love.

R.J. Scott takes a natural occurrence and turns it into the stuff of nightmares. She takes our fears and brings them to life while twining a love story with terror and determination to survive. Ryan was insecure and jealous in his relationship with Nathan, so when Nathan decided to follow his dream of acting, Ryan let him go; thinking it was the start of the end. Nathan wanted Ryan to fight for their relationship, even though he knew that Ryan wouldn’t fight for them. He still loves Ryan, but their only hope of ever being together is if Ryan tries. Ryan has missed Nathan and wants to make a go of it, but just before he reaches Nathan the earthquake strikes.

This is an incredibly descriptive story. Not just in the stark and horrifying settings, but of the emotional trauma and feelings that the characters have. We are dragged through the entire book with the sense of hopeless loss with just a glimmer of light to shine our way; the knowledge that Ryan and Nathan will become stronger for their experience at the hands of Mother Nature. Ryan and Nathan are just a couple who have lost their way. letting stupid insignificant things come between them until one of them makes the first step towards reconciliation. They have to work together, they must have determination and they have to make sacrifices.

Focusing on any one thing in this story is hard to do, because to focus on one aspect would diminish the effects of the others. Ryan and Nathan’s relationship might be important and they are trying to sort it out, but they have love and Mother Nature shows them that petty differences are just that, petty. The earthquake angle is shocking and devastating and R.J. Scott drops us into the centre of a hell hole with her horrifying descriptions and terrifying feelings. Damn, she does it so well that you could imagine she has experienced it first-hand. That’s how terrifyingly realistic the settings come across.

I will recommend this to those who love realistic settings and emotions, love and drama, death and hope, danger and rescues and finally a relationship being forged in the fires of hell.   

The Warlock's Secret by R.J. Scott

4062TheWarlocksSecret510w-430x645Title: The Warlock’s Secret

Series: Supernatural Bounty Hunters 03

Author: R.J. Scott

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy World

Length: Novella (141pgs)

Publisher: Extasy Books (1st June 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: In a world where magic is rare, Joseph Jamieson is one of the most powerful holders of power. Orophin Tiwele, or Phin to his friends, is the son of the Elf King and has magic of his own. The rules say two supernatural beings with magic cannot be together and Joseph and Phin have lived by that rule despite their attraction to each other.

The resistance is growing larger each day, but traitors threaten everything Joseph has built. He wants peace, but soon comes to realize the way to peace, is through war.

When the only thing that will save lives is Joseph and Phin working together, it becomes impossible to see where magic and passion end and where love could begin.

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Review: This book is part of a series and must be read in order. Joseph is a rare magic user who is the leader of the resistance. When he and his brother, Micah try to get proof against Glitnir it goes wrong and Joseph is captured. Phin is the son of the Elf King and has strong magic of his own. Discovering Joseph has been captured, he goes into Glitnir to rescue him and to help Joseph recover from the horrific torture he suffers. Joseph and Phin have to put the past behind them if they have a hope of winning against Glitnir. Phin has to come clean about Asher and they both have to admit their love. But, how can they ever be together when two magic users being intimate is strictly warned against?

Although this story has the explosive reuniting of two magic users, it also brings forward the rapid movement of the resistance and some of the secrets that Glitnir hides. Joseph and Phin have a history, but because of dire warnings about magic they can never be together. When Joseph chose Ethan it hurt Phin deeply and he lashed out in the only way he knew… by declaring his love for a blood demon, but now is the time for Phin to come clean and for both of them to lay the past to rest. Discovering the secrets of Councillor Ludvik, of the Fae Alliance, they know they have to act fast. But, first the journal needs to be opened and plans need to be made.

This is a great story that gives us a wealth of details and some surprises. We discover the real story behind Joseph’s and Phin’s animosity and we get a passionate explosive coming together from them. You can’t help but feel sorry for the pair of them when secrets and rules kept them apart and they had to go against what they really wanted. The main storyline that threads through the whole series is beginning to heat up as the journal is opened and a surprising twist is revealed. They discover part of the rot in Giltnir and it is discovered to go far deeper than they thought.

The relationship between Joseph and Phin is threaded throughout this book, as they try to work through everything. But, at times it is in the background as the resistance is being put together. I liked how the story was set out with equal attention being given to both the relationship of the two MC’s and the main series storyline. I also liked the variety of characters this book has, introducing new characters while keeping the old ones from previous books in play. I am eagerly awaiting the next book to see what else R.J. Scott has in store for us. Because in this book she has added a new depth to the characters by the trials they go through.   

I recommend this to those who love fantasy, Elves, Vampires, magic, danger and twists, trying to do the right thing, accepting love and a happy ending for Phin and Joseph but with a storyline that is just heating up. 



Darian's Angel by Sabine Cross

DariansAngelLGTitle: Darian’s Angel

Series: Daily Dose: Make A Play

Author: Sabine Cross

Genre: MM Contemporary

Length: Short Story

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (June 1st, 2013)

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Heat Level: Explicit

Blurb: Darian Levesque is finally ready to move on after heartbreak when he reluctantly attends an equestrian event and glimpses an angel on horseback. Believing the striking young man has a girlfriend and is beyond his reach, Darian leaves without a word. Three months later, Darian sees his angel again, this time at the hospital, where Liam Grayson is recovering from a tragic riding accident… only to walk away from his attraction to Liam once more. It’s frustrating enough to make Liam’s sister, Paulette, confront Darian and lead him through the obstacles, but will he make the final jump and make Liam his?

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Reviewer: Cat

Review: Darian attends a riding event with his work partner, Gerry, and sees an angel on horseback. Much to his disappointment, he thinks the man has a girlfriend and leaves. Three months later, he and Gerry get into a fight with some hoodlums and he takes Gerry to the hospital where he runs into Liam again.

I found this story sweet, hot and sexy.  I loved how fate seemed to intervene to keep dropping them into each other’s paths. I would have liked this story to have been longer and their romance unravel a bit more slowly, but I did find it sweet hot and very sexy!

Recommendation: If you like horses, Olympic hopefuls, royal mounted policemen, fated love, and hot public sex this one is for you!

Riding the Board by Cate Ashwood

RidingtheBoardLGTitle:  Riding the Board

Series:  Daily Dose, Make a Play

Author:  Cate Ashwood

Genre:   M/M Contemporary Romance

Length:  Novelette (46 pages)

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (June 1st, 2013)

Heat Level:  Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   Blake Emmerich arrives at practice, already apprehensive, to meet his new synchronized diving partner. When he sees Nick Freeman, Blake doesn’t feel confident about their chances. The day begins with Nick pushing Blake off the ten meter and ends with their coach cuffing them together to force them to deal with each other like the adults they’re supposed to be. Synchronized diving is about trust—how can you trust someone you can’t stand, no matter how hot you think they are?

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Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  Short, Sexy and Steamy… my three favorite colors!! Blake Emmerich hasn’t been in the water since his long time partner, Patrick, was injured during a dive. His coach insists that he train for the upcoming Olympics, but he’s leery after Patrick’s accident. Not to mention he’s a synchronized diver, which requires a partner. Enter Nick Freeman.

Nick Freeman is gorgeous and a damn good diver. He’s also conceited and stubborn. After a disastrous practice, the coach decides to cuff them together in an attempt to make them get along and work better together as a team, synchronized if you will. It’s a very rocky start, until one night Nick is seeking some “relief” that can only come from the person he’s cuffed to.

These two finally find a rhythm after a passionate night together, but what will happen when the cuffs are removed? The only thing I didn’t like about this book was how short it was! I love Ashwood’s style of writing and the way she tells her stories. I’d love to see more from Blake and Nick. Although this is a novella, you still get a very well written back story and some hot sex between two consenting adult males.

Healed Beginnings by Diana DeRicci

healedbeginnings_original(5)Title: Healed Beginnings

Series: Men of Silo #2

Author: Diana DeRicci

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Length: Novel

Publisher: Purple Sword Publications (May 22, 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Ed Norwood is living in limbo. He has his friends, his job, and his parents, but he’s feeling restless. More so now that his ex has found something perfect with another man. Maybe it’s time to reevaluate and move on. He wished he knew.

Duncan Nichols is the man who could change everything, if he is willing. Ex-Army Veteran trained in canine Search and Rescue, Duncan and Ed’s first meeting is fraught with tension and worry after massive storms slice through Silo. Duncan is surprised to find a community that is open and giving in Silo, and is welcomed to return to show off his dog’s skills at the annual firehouse fundraiser.

Without the stressful distractions of storms and missing people getting between them, lust flares nearly out of control between the two men. Only Ed wants and needs more in life than a friend with benefits, and when he says as much, Duncan is quick to put the kibosh on even dreaming of a happily ever after. Then real life intervenes when Ed’s mother falls ill, and Duncan returns to Ed’s side in support.

Can Ed break through the barriers Duncan has put up to protect himself? There’s more to Duncan than the left hand he habitually hides. Ed believes if Duncan cracks even a little, he can prove it. If it just wasn’t his heart at stake to make that happen…

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Review: I loved this book a lot. It was fun, it was hot and it had an emotional approach without it being too much or too heavy. The story follows Ed, a fireman in Silo, and Duncan, a Veteran released from the Army due to his loss of left hand.

Each man has his own troubles and is trying to make their way in life. Ed is feeling deeply the need to have a relationship, to feel that overwhelming and all-encompassing emotion called love. Watching his ex – and now best friend – in a glorious relationship with his new love, the envy and sorrow he feels from not having someone to love that deeply is making him ache inside and crave a change.

Duncan, on the other hand, is a completely different case. On top of his PTSD and the bitter feelings his loss of hand has left him, there is a deeper reason hidden in his past he not only doesn’t want to be a part of a relationship, but doesn’t even come close to thinking of such notion. If there is one thing that makes him run, that is the idea of love and commitment.

Yet when the blurb said that the lust flares nearly out of control between them, it’s exactly so. I loved how heavy that was in the air between those guys. Scorching hot, erotic as it gets, sensuous even at times, the pairs intimate scenes were too intense and credits to the author for not failing that. Ed’s longing in every scene they had made my heart skip and Duncan’s fears, his almost unconscious need for something that scared the hell out of him was perfect.

The story, the plot all revolves around this romance and how each man reacted to the possibility of that special relationship we all crave, knowingly or not. The approach on Duncan’s issues was quite decent and Ed’s reactions to Duncan’s fight-or-flight instinct were lovely to read. My main issue was the speed that some feelings and thoughts came forward. While the time-frame between their first meeting and their settling was big enough, the seriousness and the heavy loving emotions and the forever thoughts came way too fast for my satisfaction.

Nevertheless the end result was quite lovely. A nicely written romantic story that I don’t hesitate to recommend to the fans of the genre, accompanied with exquisite descriptions of some fascinating male characters and scorching personalities. A book I quite enjoyed reading.

Blood-Mark: The Black Tigress: Episode 01: Ghost

947143_655174024498949_942182171_nTitle: Blood-Mark: The Black Tigress: Episode 01 Ghosts

Series: Dimenlien Chronicles

Author: Myristica

Genre: Paranormal, Serial Fiction

Length: Novella (87pgs)

Publisher: Dimenlien Projexts (27th May 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3 ½ – 4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: A black tigress shape-shifter is loose on the city of Sapphire Ridge, California, seeking vengeance against Thomas Hampton, the lead vampire who once assisted in imprisoning her over 400 years before. When the Dimenlien Guild, led by Mistress Garen, the only being who has full knowledge of portal usage, refuses to help Hampton recapture the Tigress, he must turn to an enemy who long ago vowed to destroy him if they ever crossed paths again: Jonathan “Pal” Palomino, now a private investigator with Eagle Eye Investigations headed up by Kevin Laredo.

Kevin Laredo never believed vampires existed, let alone creatures of other worlds, but when Jonathan’s past comes back to haunt him, the world for Kevin and his team becomes smaller… and darker. And when Jonathan refuses to help Hampton, the vampire proceeds to mark Vic Turner, Kevin’s lover, threatening to pull him into the Shadow Change completely unless Jonathan agrees. But in messing with Vic, Hampton never bargained for Kevin’s interference, and he soon learns that no one messes with Kevin or those he loves.

Not humans, not monsters… and not vampires.

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Review: Kevin meets Vic again when he is attacked in a parking garage. They had met briefly years earlier, and Kevin has an instant attraction to Vic and soon discovers the attraction is mutual. Kevin offers Vic a job in his investigation agency. Vic wants to accept, but first he has a secret to admit to Kevin. Thomas Hampton is the lead vampire in Sapphire Ridge and he suspects that Arina has escaped from her prison. Now she is coming for him, but is also wrecking vengeance across the city. There’s only one way to bring her to heel and Thomas needs Jonathan to do it. But, Jonathan has hidden from the vampires for years ever since his lover’s life was taken by Veritan. To make matters more interesting, Kevin’s new lover, Vic, is the spitting image of Jonathan’s lost love and Thomas will use whatever means he has to, to gain the bait that he needs.    

This is a great beginning to a great new serial where some humans and paranormals clash. We begin the serial getting to know the characters and the parts that they slot into; the foundation on which the serial is built on and the beginning of what looks to be an interesting and compelling storyline. Each character that we visit plays an integral part in the story; the build up for what is to come in future episodes and showing us the beginnings of relationships and friendships. There are different character perspectives and they do change from scene to scene, but it is quite well done so you never really lose the thread of what is happening. it is trying to show you the characters involved and what is happening to them.

I really enjoyed this installment and how it builds the world around us as we read, introducing us to the interesting characters and giving us a background that is built upon as we go through the story. Kevin and Vic are just beginning a relationship in this first installment. We get the background story on Kevin and Vic slots in some details as he makes a confession. Jonathan is shrouded in mystery and we get hints that something in his past haunts him. As we progress, we discover what it is and the lasting effects it has on him. Thomas is someone who you think quite kindly about at first, but then he reveals his not so nice nature later and he begins to give you the creeps.

I have to admit that I was just a bit disappointed with the blurb because it has revealed details that haven’t appeared in this installment. It has whetted my appetite for the future books though. The characters are really good and we do get to know a bit about them. I have a feeling more details will be revealed in the future as the story is more padded out and expanded on. The storyline is really good and drew me in quite quickly. you have paranormals who hide from the humans and a few humans who know about them, but you also have politics going on in the paranormal world with political maneuvering, side stepping and veiled threats.

I will recommend this to those who love serial paranormal fiction, vampires, humans being dragged into the paranormal world, bloodshed, secrets being revealed and a budding new relationship. 


Half-Baked Promises by Erica Pike

13701069Title: Half-Baked Promises

Series: (Love Is Always Write)

Author: Erica Pike

Genre: MM / Contemporary Romance

Length: Short Story

Publisher: M/M Romance Group @ Goodreads (July 21st, 2012)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: One more day, that’s all Kevin needed. One more day to finish the tax audit and get the hell out of town and back to his normal, everyday life. So it absolutely figured that some over-muscled moron with a pneumatic dick substitute would wake him up at the ass-crack of dawn and shoot his plans right to hell. At this point he’d try anything — maybe a bribe?

Product Link:

Review: Now this free short story, written for the Love is Always Write event on Goodreads, was quite delightful.

It’s been twelve years since Kevin left Texas for LA and now he’s back for three-day and then he’s the hell out of there. On this last day of work though, things go from bad to worse and the person responsible, while seemingly a stranger at first, turns out to be quite a familiar person. one Kevin never would have thought he’d be attracted to, yet unable to resist him now.

This is the lovely story of a teenager’s crush (Liam, the over-muscled moron) that never stood a chance, but was given a second one twelve years later.

The longing, the passion, the nervousness a second chance brings with it were delicious in this shorty and I couldn’t get enough of the two men. The writing is beautiful and all you want is for the story to keep on going. But as it is the case with stories of this event, they end all too soon. Hopefully, Ms. Pike will follow through with her promise and give us more of Kevin and Liam in her sequel Midnight Muffins.

As it is the forever romantics would probably love this one. Recommended.