Bully for You by Catt Ford

BullyForYouLGTitle: Bully for You

Series: 2013 Daily Dose: Make a Play

Author: Catt Ford

Genre: Contemporary Western

Length: Novella

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (June 1st, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Who could be hunkier than a cowboy? Not much, according to Martin Du Bois. He convinces two friends that a visit to the rodeo is every gay man’s wet dream, and so the three of them gaily (and I do mean gaily) set off to watch cowboy asses in action.

A visit to a bar after the event gets Martin closer to the action than he ever thought possible, and he meets Jesse Cumberland, the man who caught his eye in the ring and made his rhinestones sparkle. Instant attraction leads to a one-night stand that gets under Martin’s insouciant skin and causes him to rethink his determination not to get involved emotionally. When Jesse invites Martin to his ranch, the visit is almost derailed by Martin’s realization that they lead very different lives. As a flaming city queer, he sees no way to fit with the solid, athletic Jesse. It’s up to Jesse to see if he can change Martin’s mind.

Product Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=3924

Review: What a lovely, lovely little story, so fun and funny and challenging. Yet, again with the difference of the characters. I loved it. I loved them.

Martin was O.M.Gee! Fabulous. The flamboyancy of that character was plain adorable and I don’t usually like the over-flaming characters. There’s this thing about them that is too much. But, God I loved mouthy, there-in-your-face Martin. I admit he scared me a bit there. I mean a sparkling, loud twink going to the rodeo, oh dear, surrounded by hot-headed men ready to bounce at the tip of the hat, yet still pushing and pushing. At some point I truly thought Marti must have had a death wish or something, but that was what made him so damn adorable and lovable.

And Jesse, now he was also quite charming and downright delicious. Ms. Ford has a real special way drawing cowboys in words. This entire world of bull-riders and bull-fighters is enthralling and I just can’t get enough of it. What a thrill it is reading about that all and how very fascinating descriptions yet again.

As for them both they really made quite a nice couple with a sparkling chemistry. It was absolutely gorgeous reading their “hookups”, hot and intense and sexy.

Yup, if you want a nice, fast, hot and sexy story with a cowboy and a city-twink this is definitely your read. I enjoyed it immensely. 


Opposites by T.M. Smith

Opposites_finalTitle: Opposites

Author: T.M. Smith

Genre: Futuristic, M/M, F/F, M/F

Length: Novella (153pgs)

Publisher: TamsTwoCentsPublishing (1st June 2013)

Heat: Explicit

Heart: ♥♥♥♥3 ½ – 4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: In the year 2081 our planet survived global warming of an apocalyptic scale. When the dust settled and the water receded Dr. Anthony Smith, one of only a few hundred survivors of GWI, started society anew. Having come to the conclusion that injudicious breeding played a huge role in the destruction of Earth as we knew it in the twenty-first century; he worked closely with other survivors to isolate the Dionysus gene. This gene has the ability to manipulate human DNA to ensure that all male children are born gay, and all female children are born lesbians. A new society is born.

In the year 2300 Dr. Smith’s descendants are ushering in the twenty-fourth century having maintained control of the government that still rules society. Twins Aiya and Aiyan are preparing to meet their matches and take control of House Gaeland, the current ruling House. But not everything is as it seems.

Love is Love… it knows no gender and doesn’t conform to restrictions and boundaries. Aiyan has found his soul mate in Kaden, the prince of House Devi that he is matched with and eventually marries. But when the person Aiya falls in love with tests the boundaries put in place after GWI, all hell breaks loose. And in the midst of one secret unraveling, another will emerge. There is a growing anomaly that threatens to destroy over two hundred years of progression. This anomaly is known as Opposites.

Purchase Link: US: http://www.amazon.com/Opposites-ebook/dp/B00D54PF6M

UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Opposites-ebook/dp/B00D54PF6M

Review: Aiyan and his twin sister, Aiya, are both nervous to be meeting their matches; strangers picked out for them by their parents to be their spouses. But, Aiyan has nothing to worry about from the second he sets eyes on Kaden. Aiya has a harder time when she meets Maeve, her intended, because her eyes keep straying to Sawyer, Kaden’s adopted brother. Living in a world where being gay or lesbian is the norm and being straight leads to you being Outkast, Aiya is caught between doing what is expected and what she longs for. 

This is quite an interesting story of a future society who goes back to basics and also makes homosexuality the norm. Aiyan, Kaden, Aiya and Maeve are the main couples in this story and while Aiyan and Kaden have a perfect match, Aiya and Maeve have to work at theirs. It doesn’t help that neither woman is attracted to the other or that Aiya’s eye keeps straying to a man. But, that is the least of their worries when a jealous servant causes trouble and a group of Outkasts seek revenge on the ruling Houses.   

There are many people who play a part in this story and whose relationships we follow; Aiyan, Aiya, Kaden, Maeve, Raven, Tanis, Sawyer and Autumn along with their parents. It does get confusing at times, as to who is doing what and who is speaking because the perspective changes very quickly with no warning. But, you get used to the writing style and manage to keep up. There are some beautiful details that explain the history and culture and we get a lot of background details as to how the world now works. The actual storyline is interesting and keeps you reading as you want to know how it is going to be resolved, but then bam something new happens and takes it in a new exciting direction. There is some explosive sex with an array of couples, ranging from erotic M/M to sensual F/F to tender M/F; there is definitely something for everyone in this book.

I will recommend this to those who love a futuristic Earth, same-sex societies, hot sex, great characters, a good storyline, danger, kidnapping, rescues and plenty of hot loving.  


Contact Sport by Anna Butler

ContactSportLGTitle: Contact Sport

Series: 2013 Daily Dose: Make a Play

Author: Anna Butler

Genre: M/M Contemporary

Length: Short Story

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (June 1st, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Jamie Connor is a charming and sexy star college hockey player. He’s not the sort of man to be dazzled by someone who speaks in long mathematical formulas and worries about strategic thinking. At least, he wasn’t that sort of man until the college dean agrees to a scrimmage match with the nerds of the Blaine Strategic Institute, and Matt Blaine, son of the founder, captains the other side. In a sport where full body checks are a legitimate play, Jamie’s taken by surprise at just how much the King of Cool wants the King of Geeks.

Product Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=3925

Review: Oh man, this was fun. This was lots and lots of fun.

 Imagine this college hockey player that has a Rock Star status being blown up by a geek. All that arrogance, all that self-assurance and self-importance and there comes a geek, not just any geek but the very King of them and SURPRISE! Not only is Jamie left with a slack jaw because the geek is simply beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous, but he actually can play hockey and nearly won the game from Jamie. Hell, if it wasn’t for the rest of the team, Jamie would be laying at Mr. Geek’s feet in pieces.

But, damn it if he cares. He’s got another kind of contact to make with beautiful geek guy after the game and he’s having quite a change of heart about math.

Lovely read, very fun, very fast, quite hilarious at parts and definitely hot there at the end. It did regenerate a question out of me though and that’d be: Will Ms. Butler make this a short length series or was this it?

As it is this Shorty is quite worth a read. Enjoyed it!

Love Lies Bleeding by Remmy Duchene

LoveLiesBleeding400x600Title: Love Lies Bleeding

Author: Remmy Duchene

Genre: Contemporary, Mystery, Suspense, Multiracial

Length: Novel (247pgs)

Publisher: Silver Publishing (8th June 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Anderson’s life changes when he discovers his father murdered. Then solving a complicated serial murder case only gets worse with the intense, growing feelings.

Literature professor Anderson Williams has a date with his father but arrives to find him dead. When he meets NYPD officer, Leo Sung Kim, he doesn’t expect his body’s reaction and he tries to keep his hands off. But as a deranged killer gets closer, he’s forced into a tight space with the sexy cop.

Leo’s seen horrible things as a cop. But the latest serial killer is worse than anything he’s encountered. He’s instantly smitten with Anderson and tried to stay professional. But how does one avoid a brainy, sexy man with sad brown eyes?

Even as Leo fights his emotions, the killer gets bolder. When the smoke clears, Leo could not only lose his heart but his life.

CONTENT ADVISORY: This is a re-edited re-release of THE ORCHID MURDERS.

Purchase Link: https://spsilverpublishing.com/love-lies-bleeding-ebook-p-1480.html

Review: Literature professor Anderson has a standing Friday night date with his dad, Jazmon. This week though, he is running late and when he arrives he makes the devastating discovery of his father’s body. Homicide detective Leo is taking the case; Jazmon had been a friend of his. Finding the killer is his first priority, but he has a fierce attraction to the son, Anderson. Anderson and Leo are thrown together when the killer seems to be targeting both of them. They also have a mutual attraction to work out, as they become close the killer gets more daring and it ends up with both men fighting for their lives and their love.

This is a great mystery, suspense story that has loss, love and hope threaded throughout. Anderson is smart, sexy and suffering from a devastating loss. Leo is dedicated, hot and suffering the same loss. Both men come together in a time of need and while Leo is stumped in his investigation he becomes close to Anderson. Anderson finds it hard to believe the sexy detective is serious about him and tries to shield his heart. But, when Leo is in danger he realizes he has to take a chance. Leo just wants to find the killer of his friend. He doesn’t want it to overcast the relationship he wants to have with Anderson, but his own feelings might just drive them apart.

I really liked how this story was written and the mystery of who the killer was and why. I must admit to constantly thinking back to the opening scene and wondering what part it played in the story. Anderson and Leo are great characters who both deal with a lot as they tentatively embark on a relationship. Both of them unsure of what the other really wants from them. Then we have the hunt for the killer and the mystery of why he is killing his targets and why Leo and Anderson are in his sights. It has just the right amount of puzzle so you try to fit the pieces together and you end up with a strong idea of who the killer is. But, the reason has you scratching your head until it is fully revealed.

I recommend this to those who adore mystery, suspense, hot men fumbling with a relationship during trying times, high tempers and confused feelings, hot sex and sweet love and a very climatic ending.   



A Fighting Chance by Laylah Hunter

FightingChanceLGTitle: A Fighting Chance

Series: 2013 Daily Dose: Make a Play

Author: Laylah Hunter

Genre: Science Fiction/Post Apocalyptic

Length: Short Story

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (June 1st, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥2.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Luis Delgado, a boxer, and Davey Taylor, an artist, live in a future when Earth is home to the destitute and the only chance for a better life is found among the colonies that orbit the once-great planet. Davey has the opportunity to make a name for himself with an art sponsorship on the Luna Minor colony, but he needs to get there first. Luis may have the answer, but it means choosing between his career and his future together with Davey.

Product Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=3920

Review: Earth has become a place where only the ones out of luck are stuck behind. The entire future out there in the Colonies.

Luis is a boxer that barely makes his rent and his future doesn’t shine bright at the moment. Yes, he’s a winner and lately he’s been in a serious strike, but that still doesn’t afford the money to make the flight out of Earth. That escape is merely a dream he shares with his buddy/lover Davey.

When Davey’s chance to get out of Earth shows up when he wins a contest and a job in one of the Colonies, both men start to really give it a thought and make plans to go there together. But, even as Davey wins the job he still has to pay his journey there and there is simply not enough money even for one of them. Unless…

This Shorty could have been good, but somehow there were too many things lacking. First of all, the pair lacked chemistry and some kind of a bond. They seemed like fuck-buddies who just made a decision to leave the slums together and although there were hints of romance there it didn’t quite make a show.

And there was the boxing part that felt somehow detached. Here we had this guy who got high on winning. His entire life was just that and the intensity of the fight was a no-show. And there he was going against everything he knew, against every instinct he had, yet still there was a serious lack of blood-boiling tension that should be there. The entire thing was just… yeah, detached. Simply narrated, told with an almost boring voice. It just didn’t grip me the way I know boxing can.

In the end this story was yet another lukewarm one for me.


Everything We Shut Our Eyes To by Gene Gant

EverythingWeShutOurEyesToLGTitle: Everything We Shut Our Eyes To

Series: N/A

Author: Gene Gant

Genre: Contemporary/Young Adult

Length: Novella

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press (May 23rd, 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Crushing on your straight best friend will make any normally outgoing high school football player withdraw from his friends. Unrequited love can do that to you. But when Dwight Varley’s mom dies, he’s also left with a burden of guilt he finds difficult to shake. To make matters worse, Dwight must cope with his distant, grieving father, who spirals into depression.

Playing it straight helps Dwight save face temporarily, but living a lie tears his insides apart. Tell his dad…. Don’t tell his dad…. Some choices seem too hard to make. Besides, what if coming out sends his dad over the edge?

A Bittersweet Dreams title: It’s an unfortunate truth: love doesn’t always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.

Product Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=3829

Review: Oh m., the emotional charge this book has is beyond words. This is the story of a fifteen year old boy who is realizing that the feelings he has for his best friend are more than brotherly… and they are not going away. We view this story entirely from his perspective. We are inside his mind and soul, and I can’t stop thinking how perfectly the puberty phase is captured and described. The way Dwight shuts his emotions deeply inside him, the way he tries not to even think about what’s going on with his sexuality, yet never able to truly escape it is incredible. And heartbreaking.

And as if his life isn’t already messed up in all those crazy emotions, he is burdened with the loss of his mother. with the guilt that he caused his mother’s death,( that is simply a distorted notion in his head), and with a father that dives head first into depression, Dwight’s entire world keeps sinking and the way his emotions are described can’t feel more real for me. It is almost unbearable witnessing how scared and powerless this kid is. It is gut wrenching when he eavesdrops on his father telling his best friend about his dead wife’s suspicions of Dwight being gay and how he would rather have no son. And it’s downright soul-shattering witnessing this young child feeling the guilt of letting down his father, thus trying to be straight for him.

I loved this book, really did, even though there were instances that it hurt too much reading it. Even though I got too attached to the character and thus too invested, experiencing many feelings on his behalf, or perhaps due to all these reasons, I found it brilliant. I think this book addressed so many issues and problems teenagers face nowadays and with a gorgeous writing skill. I even loved how things turned out in the near end. The fact that they went even worse, the fact that it had my jaw hanging there thinking that, come on, life can’t be crueler to this kid. It was just too damn realistic and I’m a sucker for all that. My one and only disappointment was the very way this book ended. I felt as if it was too abrupt, or as if there is a whole new story there to follow. I simply wish there is a sequel to this book, because damn I didn’t get a closure from this one.

So heads up, this is not a HEA or a HFN, this is downright life-sucks-reality and while a brilliant work, keep in mind you’ll get too emotional reading this book. If, however, you are like me and in need of some serious slap in the face story, with no happy endings there because life isn’t always fun and games, then I suggest you read this one. Totally worth it.

The Colt by Kalita Kasar

17876290Title: The Colt

Author: Kalita Kasar

Genre: Historical (1986), BDSM

Length: Novel (260pgs)

Publisher: Torquere Press (1st May 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3 ½ – 4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Daytime soap star and part time rancher Marcus Bailey ought to know better than to take in a stray. But there’s something about the streetwise hustler he pulls out of a bar room brawl that makes him throw caution to the wind. Malcolm Quinn, half starved, wary, and bearing the physical and emotional scars of a tough upbringing in foster care, wants nothing to do with charity, nor will he brook anything that hints at pity.

When Marcus offers Malcolm a job and a place to stay, the kid turns him down flat, but all that changes when Marcus’ mare, Sylvie gives birth to a gangly, long eared colt that falls ill soon after birth. Malcolm agrees to stay and help with the foal, never realizing the chain of events that decision will unleash.

Marcus’ jealous and violent partner, Paul Wilson, escalates his abuse of Marcus under the guise of a BDSM arrangement and Malcolm and Marcus are caught up in a rollercoaster ride of violence and scandal. Marcus must find the strength to stand up to Paul and end their relationship, while Malcolm struggles to come to terms with the BDSM lifestyle and become the loving dominant that Marcus needs. Two men from very different worlds, can Malcolm and Marcus surmount the obstacles in their path and forge a future together?

Purchase Link: http://www.torquerebooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=97&products_id=3874

Review: Marcus is a soap actor and part-time rancher. He knows better than to get involved, but one night he comes to the rescue of Malcolm in a bar. Malcolm has been abused in the foster homes he grew up in and when Marcus offers him a helping hand, he is suspicious of his motives. Marcus has problems of his own, when his convenient relationship begins to take a brutal turn, and he isn’t strong enough to walk away without help. Marcus and Malcolm support each other as they both try to weather the scandal and violent threats. Malcolm must come to terms with Marcus’ needs and understand the truth of BDSM.

This story of gay love in the eighties during a time when BDSM was misunderstood and fear of HIV/AIDS was rampant. Marcus is a sub who has fallen into an abusive ‘relationship’. He knows his Dom is going too far, but he doesn’t feel like he can stop him. Malcolm knows abuse when he sees it and the man who has offered him a job and a place to stay is being abused. He might not understand BDSM or why a person would want to be hit, but he offers his support to Marcus. When Marcus’ Dom reacts badly to Marcus walking away from him, it causes Marcus huge problems. But, Malcolm is by his side every step of the way. Now, Malcolm has to do something he never thought he would, he has to learn how to be a Dom.

I did enjoy this story and I thought that the setting was brilliant, but what I loved the most was the brief look at BDSM and AIDS in 1986. Malcolm has a lot to come to terms with when it comes to BDSM, because he has been beaten enough in his life. So for him to try to understand what BDSM was really about makes you love him. Also the fact that he stood by Marcus as his life went down the toilet was brilliant. Marcus was such a sweetheart who just wants someone to love him and give him what he needs. In Malcolm he finds someone who wants to try. There isn’t much sex because of the fears surrounding AIDS at that time. Marcus refuses to risk Malcolm until they are sure they are both clean, because back then they didn’t know how it was spread or how to protect against it. This is more of an emotionally supportive story, with love developing between Malcolm and Marcus. there are no real BDSM scenes, maybe just one or two D/s scenes.

I have to recommend this to those who love early eighties gay difficulties, finding support and love, fighting for the right thing against the odds and developing a love that will stand against time.



To See the Sky by L.M. Brown

toseethesky_400x640_zpsdebc2e1fTitle: To See the Sky

Series: N/A

Author: L.M. Brown

Genre: Post-Apocalyptic

Length: Novella

Publisher: Total E-Bound (May 24th, 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥2.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Can a lab rat whore find love with the servant of his master, or will their different backgrounds and prejudices keep them apart?

In the distant future, where the devastation caused by war has driven the human race below the surface of the Earth, society is split in half. The rich scientists live in towers where they can monitor the surface and determine when the poisonous gasses have cleared and the world is safe for humans once more. Meanwhile the majority of the human race lives in crowded labyrinthine caves, where life is harsh and short. Uneducated and with no real prospects for the future, a ‘lab rat’ is lucky to live to see thirty years of age. Employment options are minimal and few can escape the fate of choking to death on the dust of the caves.

When AJ, one of the poorest members of society, needs credits for medicine for his sister he is in a desperate situation. With no other options available he risks alienation from his family by selling himself to the highest bidder. Love is the last thing on his mind, but while Blake, his new owner, might not be Mr. Right, Ryder, his servant, just might be. Unfortunately, their different backgrounds, prejudices, and AJ’s brutal owner seem destined to keep them apart, but true love can be theirs for the taking, if they can only find a way.

Product Link: http://www.total-e-bound.com/product.asp?strParents=&CAT_ID=&P_ID=2112

Review: I have mixed feelings about this book. Some parts I liked and some I didn’t.

The world this story lives in is Earth somewhere in the future and after one very destructive war people are forced to live underground in tunnels due to the poisonous air above ground. Supposedly there are many such compounds around the world, but there is no communication whatsoever between them. In the compound we are reading of, there are many levels of rich and status. AJ is one step from the lowest and his life along with that of his sister and brother are hardly managed. Now his sister has less than a week to live due to the dust levels underground and the choices are quickly dwindling. As a last resort AJ decides to sell himself and a very peculiar contract has him as a personal slave for Blake for one week.

Now here is where I start resenting some things. A whore in this world is so much frowned upon, that taking that route can cause alienation from even the lowest parts of society and the ruining of your entire family. That for me makes no sense, since through the centuries people’s desperation has driven them to do whatever it takes to survive. The survival instinct is simply too strong to ignore. So when AJ’s family, and especially his sister, that a few moments earlier was dying, turn him away in disgust, it was more than surreal to me.

Moving on, the way the servants in the house AJ was to live for a week treated him was again a bit odd. Firstly AJ’s Master didn’t even care to provide for him or give the orders for him to be taken care of; a room and clothes. It’s incomprehensible how he bought a virgin only to treat him like a seasoned whore. The same with the servant, Ryder, who while later (and way too fast to be credible) falls in love with AJ, treated him like common dirt at the beginning, justifying it as reaction of jealousy.

The plot itself was a bit underdeveloped too, with things not being properly introduced and decisions hastily made. The only part that made me cringe was the sexual treatment AJ received from his “Master”, while the entire angst life in that future was supposed to provide was totally lost. The blackmailing that followed was unthought-of and while the “evil” character had every opportunity to even kill them, he simply let them go. Albeit in an insecure future or rather past.

I don’t know. I still don’t know what to make of this book. The pair came together in a haze and I didn’t really get how or when they developed such strong feelings for each other. In the end, I was left with some kind of wistfulness that this read was a bit more, because I did like the idea behind the story a lot.

Past Tense by Ethan Stone

17996839Title: Past Tense

Author: Ethan Stone

Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Mystery

Length: Novella (162pgs)

Publisher: Wilde City Press (29th May 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Jason Holt was a young man when he lost everything; his family, his boyfriend, and his safety. He’s been on the run since, hiding from an evil man bent on revenge. Las Vegas was supposed to just be another pit stop in his travels but when he learns the very man he’s hiding from is in Sin City Jason decides it’s time to stop hiding.

Private detective Quinn Reynolds lost the man he loved several years ago and since then he has been hiding from life. He can’t move on and is obsessed with making the man responsible for his lover’s death pay for the crime.

When Jason comes to Quinn for help, Quinn finds a reason to move on. The dangerous situation around them quickly escalates and together they face an unimaginable evil. Can they survive the darkness and make it through to the light on the other side?

Purchase Link: http://www.wildecity.com/books/gay-mainstream/past-tense/#.UbM18_nVCAV

Review: Jason has been on the run for years, ever since he lost everything that ever meant anything to him. Having settled in Las Vegas for the last couple of months, he is surprised to learn that the very man (Damos) who wants him dead is in Vegas under another name. But, Jason is sick of running and decides that his running days are over. Quinn is a private detective who lost his lover the year before, now he hides from life taking pleasure in being a thorn in the side of the man responsible for his lover’s death. Quinn takes Jason’s case with no clear plans on what to do, but Damos forces them to act.

Paranormal meets private investigator and crime boss, a great combination that gives us an interesting story. Quinn is still not over the loss of his lover, Liam, so when his spitting image walks through his door, he knows that whatever the case is, he will take it. Jason just wants a peaceful life without having to look over his shoulder. He will do anything to have a fresh start. But, he makes new discoveries when Quinn takes him to the ranch. Quinn and Jason both have to discover just what it is they want from each other as they grow closer. They face dangers untold when someone betrays them. But, getting to the bottom of what they feel for each other is nearly as difficult.

I really enjoyed this story and as usual because I rarely read the blurbs or the genre assigned (what can I say, I love surprises). I got the delightful twist halfway through the book that added a dark thrill to the main storyline. The story is wonderfully written with the unsureness of both MC’s feelings. does Jason really want Quinn or does he want him because he feels he has to? With Quinn we have to wonder if he really and truly wants Jason for himself or because he looks so much like Liam? Both these questions are answered quite plainly late on and thankfully Quinn is much more sensible than Jason. He makes Jason wait before giving in to sex (hot passionate sex).

The paranormal twist is great. I really enjoyed discovering, along with Jason, the paranormal world and the evil that hides there. The way that the storyline twists the crime boss and the paranormal world together was really well done and the way that surprises came out was good. I can’t help but want more from Quinn and Jason now that everything has been revealed. Imagine the cases they could work together.

I have to recommend this to those that love difficult beginnings, finding new love, paranormal twists, hot sex, great characters and a great storyline. 



The Brat-Tastic Jayk Parker by J.A. Rock

17998220Title: The Brat-Tastic Jayk Parker

Series: Sequel to Wacky Wednesday

Author: J.A. Rock

Genre: Contemporary (With paranormal elements)

Length: Novel

Publisher: Loose Id

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥2~2.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: A year after the body swap that let D/s couple Jayk and Amon experience each other’s lives for a day, the pair is ready to be married in a small, stress-free ceremony. Things are going smoothly until they meet Jennifer and Ron Gaines-Brake—a quarrelsome couple with a laundry list of troubles whose wedding is at the same venue. When Jayk and Amon are drawn into the other couple’s drama, their own doubts and fears about marriage start to surface. And when they accidentally switch bodies with Jennifer and Ron the day before the wedding, their simple, and stressfree celebration starts looking more and more like a nightmare.

As the couples attempt to deal with each other’s families, secrets, and last minute wedding preparations, things spiral out of control. Add to the mix a missing cat, a vigilant police officer, an intimidating dildo, and a cake like no other, and it’s anybody’s guess whether the weekend will end in bells or bedlam.

Product Link: http://www.loose-id.com/the-brat-tastic-jayk-parker.html

Review: While it started really good and somewhat funny, this book eventually didn’t sit well with me. I don’t know, perhaps I should have taken this with a grain of salt, as they say, but I simply couldn’t accept many elements of the story and in the end I finished this read disappointed.

So here we meet again Jayk and Amon as they get ready to tie the knot. Everything is going fine and both grooms are feeling great about their ceremony. If with a bit of anxiety and lots of excitement, when things start slowly taking the down path.

First they lose the cat, which leads Jayk into a brat-mode fit and Amon reining his temper and staying in control. At this part, I have to say, I started disliking Jayk. I don’t like brats; I may go as far as claim to detest them. This character’s behavior was unbelievable, very twelve-year-old and utterly unappealing. So that was the first part that had me stand back and look at this book with a wary eye.

Moving on, the pair reaches their destination – in a foul mood of course – and soon they learn that next day after their ceremony another couple is getting married. However, that couple is having trouble accepting that they can’t have a decent rehearsal dinner because of our guys’ marriage the previous day. This results in an instant dislike between the couples. That is only heightened when Jayk eavesdrops Jennifer (the bride) talking on the phone and gossiping about the “gays” getting married with her friend.

Now here is the crux of my issues. As latter events show Amon and Jayk body swap with Jennifer and Ron after a certain incident. The swap is known to last only twenty-four hours. In those hours our guys get to experience how it is to be fat and have a small penis – in Amon’s case – and how it is to be a woman, having the girly bits and being pregnant – in Jayk’s case. In addition to all their issues and problems and anxiety and fears.

But still, my question was why? What was the purpose of all that in the grand scheme of events? Because in the end, I was stuck with a book that was one massive study on bickering, whining, drama, inner philosophic ranting about the meaning of marriage and commitment and a case of our vaginas are better than your penises. Oh dear, I certainly didn’t expect that one coming. But the idea behind body swapping a gay couple with a hetero couple, I simply didn’t like it.

Of course there was the D/s relationship that had me cringing a bit there. I’ll be honest and admit that, while I’m all for kinks and fetishes, I have very little understanding for D/s relationships. I don’t get it. I love observing or reading for them as long as it feels logical to me. The scene where the Dom loses his control and temper with his sub and goes on punishing him because he got scared (the Dom) was horrifying and most horrifying was the fact that the text indicated the sub understanding from that act how much his Dom loves him.

I’ll use an example for that scene. Imagine for a moment a mother and her child walking on the park. The child drops his toy and he runs after it not realizing he’s crossing the street. He nearly gets run over by a car. The mom stunned, freezes and tries to understand she almost lost her only child. So she beats the kid because he scared her and she couldn’t imagine her life with him gone. The kid understands his mommy loves him… Right? Yeah, I suppose Jayk is no kid here although I can’t really make his age. One moment he acts like a damn twelve-year-old the next like forty and then twenty-four. Meh. his change of personality caused me a mental whiplash.

Anyway, maybe my sense of humor wasn’t up for this one because I simply didn’t like the plot, the story or the characters at all and some funny moments didn’t make up for the rest. 

Heart of the Race by Mary Calmes

HeartoftheRaceLGTitle: Heart of the Race

Series: 2013 Daily Dose: Make a Play

Author: Mary Calmes

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novelette

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (June 1st, 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥2.5~3 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Varro Dacien spends his life riding toward the next adventure. Brian Christie, his best friend and touchstone, the one person who’s always truly seen him, plays sidekick on these madcap adventures and subsequent trips to the hospital until he can’t take it anymore. While Brian can see Varro, Varro has never caught on that he’s breaking his best friend’s heart.

Without Varro, Brian builds himself a life that’s all about just getting by, doing his best to ignore the hole in his heart and his life. Without Brian to balance him, Varro pushes harder and takes more risks to reach that ultimate high. His job racing high-octane bikes on suicide-level courses makes it easy to get that rush… until it’s no longer enough and Varro realizes it’s not the race, but who’s waiting at the finish line that truly matters. Now he just has to convince Brian to be there.

Product Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=3930

Review: It was love on first sight when Brian was nine and Varro was ten, even if he didn’t know it yet back then. By fate they were joined in family as Varro’s parents took Brian in foster care and the two have never been apart since. But, growing up things changed when their sexuality clashed; Varro being quite the lady-killer and Brian finding and admitting to being gay. How did he know? Well, easy enough when your best friend/brother is the star of every fantasy you have.

As they took separate ways in college, Brian took the decision of distancing himself from Varro in order to keep his sanity. But, yet again that couldn’t be so for long as Varro needed him to have him by his side when he raced. Being the only one in his life never to ground him or say no, or be careful, Brian’s presence was like breath in Varro’s life. Yet, he never saw how much that hurt Brian to be near him and not be with him. Not until Brian left for good to try to make a life outside all that fantasy and wishful thinking.

This story is the classic boy-crush with best friend and gay-for-you type. I’ll admit I’m not very fond of the idea, but the entire story till it got to the point that everything changed was very engaging. The boy-crush was fascinating. The way the two characters worked with each other was adorable and the way Varro affected Brian was downright frustrating. I didn’t liked the fact that Varro was the lady-killer and not even contemplated being gay until Brian walked out of his life for good. And I didn’t like the 180 turnaround he did after that. It was just too surreal and the story, that had been quite fun till then, lost all credibility. The final confrontation between the two character, which by the way happened by phone, was a bit over the top, too. With Varro repeating the same things and Brian asking the same things over and over. And everything changes as if by a magical hand. As for their first time together, well, while hot and sexy and all laden with the longing and the wildness that was expected, it still was a bit too much and too smooth for a first timer that had no clue on how to be with a man.

Nevertheless as I said the story was fun and enjoyable in a wistful and overly romantic kind of way. With the motto love conquers it all in full display. Recommended for the fans of high-speed, sexy and wild characters that challenge life head on.


Tanglewood Road by Elliott Arthur Cross

tanglewoodroadTitle: Tanglewood Road

Author: Elliot Arthur Cross

Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal

Length: Novella (130pgs)

Publisher: Queerteen Press (24th May 2013)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3 ½ – 4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Cody Langdon moves to Florida to start over after a failed suicide attempt. His mom hopes the change in scenery will do him more good than the medication he refuses to take, but Cody hates the sweltering summer heat and the loneliness of living in a state without any friends.

With several weeks to go until school begins, Cody sulks alone in the house while his mom works. Refusing to acclimatize himself to his new surroundings, he insists on wearing his usual black clothing and cranks the air conditioning all day.

The odd thing is, Cody hasn’t seen a single sign of life since his arrival on Tanglewood Road. The lawns are well-kept, cars are parked in the driveways, and trash is put out once a week, but Cody has never actually seen anyone living on the street. Slowly, his thoughts spiral into obsession and paranoia. Where is everyone?

Then Cody stumbles upon a support group for those who have survived demonic attacks. The posts online only strengthen Cody’s resolve when he learns about a murderous demon who has long stalked Southwest Florida. Has this same demon set up residence on Tanglewood Road, or is Cody’s cabin fever getting the best of him?

Purchase Link: http://www.queerteen-press.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=87

Review: Cody’s family moved to Florida after Cody’s failed suicide attempt in the hopes that a new start will bring Cody out of his depression. Cody hates Florida, so he sulks alone in his house waiting for school to start. But, he begins to notice something wrong on the street. There are no signs of life. Cody begins to investigate the strange absence of neighbors and comes across a demonic survivors’ group on-line that talks about his street, and Cody strengthens his resolve not to fall victim to the terrible monster.

This is a great young adult paranormal story that delicately borders the horror genre. Cody is sixteen; he suffered bullying when he was outed by someone he thought liked him. Now, after a failed suicide attempt his parents have moved to Florida so he can have a new start. Cody has noticed something wrong on their street though and is determined to get to the bottom of it. It leads his to make horrifying discoveries and leads him on a path that will test his sanity and make some unusual friends.

I really enjoyed this book with its mysterious paranormal aspects and the friendships Cody discovers with a diverse group of demonic attack survivors and the sweet relationship he develops with Adam, a young man who survived an attack similar to his own. The way the story develops is wonderful. Making you wonder, at first, if Cody isn’t really just imagining it all and is losing his sanity. The way that it further develops to include everyone from the DSG and leads us on a further adventure than just Tanglewood.

Cody is a typical teenager. he mopes and whines, is depressed and doesn’t want to do anything. The new friends he meets are brilliant. Adam, a teenager who has been through hell and locked up in a mental institution. Dominic, an older gentleman who has been hunted by a curse. Lin, who lost her son to an evil spirit. Caleb, who lost a friend in a strange way and Naomi who had a narrow escape from a succubus’s son. Together they come together to help each other out and it makes a great story. I am looking forward to the sequel Clearclay Park to see what this group of people faces next.

I recommend this to those who love young adult stories, paranormal bordering on horror, twists and taking on the paranormal and a happy for now ending.  

End of the Innocence by John Goode

EndoftheInnocenceLGTitle:  End of the Innocence

Series:  Tales from Foster High #4

Author:  John Goode

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novel (300 Pages)

Publisher:  Harmony Ink (November 15th, 2012)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb:   Kyle Stilleno is no longer the invisible boy, and he doesn’t quite know how he feels about it. On one hand, he now has a great boyfriend, Brad Greymark, and a handful of new friends, and even a new job. On the other hand, no one screamed obscenities at him in public when he was invisible.

No one expected him to become a poster boy for gay rights, either—at least not until Kyle stepped out of the closet and into the limelight. But there are only a few months of high school left, and Kyle doubts he can make a difference.

With Christmas break drawing closer, Kyle and Brad are changing their lives to include each other. While the trials are far from over, they have their relationship to lean on. Others are not so lucky. One of their classmates needs their help—but Kyle and Brad’s relationship may be too new to survive the strain.

Product Link:  http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=3715&cPath=54_538

Reviewer:   John

Review:  I loved this novel and the previous ones as well. End of the Innocence is the continuation to Brad and Kyle’s love story at Foster High. Now, if you have not read the previous ones, you have to read them because they are so thrilling and exciting. These kids have been through hell and survived, but all of that was just the beginning.

Now, this novel, however, basically revolves around The Party. Every year, Kelly throws the party of the century and the last one promises to be the best one yet. There are several new characters introduced in this novel. For example, Sammy and Jennifer. They are so freaking awesome and I absolutely loved them! Now, at The Party, Kelly confesses to Kyle that he’s gay and he’s in love with Brad. But, unbeknown to them, someone records their conversation and all hell breaks loose.

This novel is very sad since it deals with cyber bullying. An issue that is affecting our youths these days and sometimes forcing them to choose between life and death. Sadly, many are making the wrong decisions. John Goode did an excellent job portraying this disease with his novel and I simply can’t wait to see what will happen next.

All in all, you have to read this novel. Its twist and turns will leave you wanting more.       

Distant Rumblings by John Goode

DistantRumblingsLGTitle:  Distant Rumblings

Series:  (Lords of Arcadia #1)

Author:  John Goode

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novel (200 Pages)

Publisher:  Harmony Ink (March 15th, 2012)

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   Lords of Arcadia: Act One Kane Vess may be gay, but he is also extraordinarily ordinary a crushing weight in Athens, Iowa, where a person s worth is measured by his uniqueness. But when he meets the school s newest student, Kane s ordinariness seems to evaporate. He is desperate to get to know the mysterious stranger and that leads him into danger. Hawk is an exile from his homeland, an otherworldly traveler with impossible abilities and a changeling bodyguard. He s generally disappointed in Earth, which seems common except for Kane. But while Hawk and Kane explore their mutual interest, the forces that made Hawk an exile are busy tracking him down. Kane s newfound feelings pull him into Hawk s shadowy fantasy world, where he learns he needs to grow up fast. Kane s life may now be extraordinary, but if he isn’t t careful it could cost him everyone he holds dear including Hawk.

Product Link:  http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=3740&cPath=816_817

Reviewer:   John

Review:  I absolutely loved this novel, but the one thing that turned me off was the damn cliff-hanger at the end. UGH!

After getting that off my chest, I can tell you that this story stars Kane Vess. He lives in Athens, Iowa, where being unique is ten times more important than wearing a damn label on your forehead. I loved Kane so much. He was unique and funny. Hawk, on the other hand, was the bomb. He was so mysterious that he immediately caught Kane’s attention. But as I said before, being unique was ten times more important in Athens. And Hawk was very unique.

Kane slowly begins to see that only he can see the mysterious and handsome boy. After being stabbed by Hawk without receiving any damage, Kane slowly finds himself between two worlds or…nine. For you see, Hawk, is the next king of Arcadia and ruler of all nine worlds. He, along with his Changeling protector, Spike, was sent to Athens to hide from the Dark assassins who want to see him dead so that they can take over his kingdom. Pretty cool, huh?

From the moment he made his appearance, I hated Spike. He betrays Hawk and tries to kill Kane because Hawk fell in love with him. He pissed me off so much! With that off my chest, this novel was awesome! It reminded me so much of I am Number Four and Thor. The way Hawk acted was exactly the way Thor acted in the film. Boastful and proud, but sweet and caring. I honestly want to read more. You have to read this novel. It is new, refreshing, funny and fun.


See by Jackie Nacht

3783SEE510-220x330Title:  See

Series:  Ripples in the Water, #1

Author:  Jackie Nacht

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novella (86 Pages)

Publisher:  Devine Destinies

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   When love allows you to see in your darkest hour.

Drew has had a tough couple of months. Coming out to his parents wasn’t too bad except it hasn’t been brought up since. However, coming out to his friends his freshman year in high school is a whole different story. His friends turn their backs on him and have become leaders in the daily tortures he has since had to endure. When a humiliation page pops up on the internet showing pictures of Drew being bullied, he decides to end it all.

Just before he takes his life, the fourteen-year-old Mason appears telling him that he will be Drew’s husband in the future and spirits are guiding him to help stop Drew from making an irreversible mistake. Mason will be advised to take Drew on a journey to see what his future would be like if he didn’t end his life. When Drew is still unconvinced, Mason will show Drew the impact his life will have on the others around him if he does end it all. Will Mason be able to show him that Drew has a future to live for and give him the guidance to help him get through his darkest hour?

Product Link:  http://www.extasybooks.com/see-2/

Reviewer:   John

Review:  Oh. My. God! I loved this novel. This novel stars Drew, who has had a very hard couple of months. Why? He was brave enough to come out to his family and friends as a gay guy. That bravery was short-lived because his parents are completely ignoring the fact that he’s gay and his schoolmates are not very gay friendly. They bullied him to the point that he decides to end his life. And that’s where the story takes off.

I loved Drew. He was so sweet and loving. He was simply trying to find his way in life and be happy. As he is about to end his life, a mysterious boy appears before him and shows him what his life would be like in the future. Yeah, pretty awesome. I don’t want to give the story away, but what I can tell you is that this novel was very surprising and thrilling. It left me wanting more. I really hope there is a part two because Drew’s life seemed so interesting and fun.        


Kale's Spirit by Jackie Nacht

400000000000000858542_s4Title:  Kale’s Spirit

Series:  Fork in the Road #1

Author:  Jackie Nacht

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novella (80 Pages)

Publisher:  eXtasy Books, Inc. (September 15th, 2012)

Heat Level:  Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   When Kale comes to the fork in the road, who will you choose for his happily ever after?

Kale has just a few more weeks of school and can’t wait to graduate and get on with his life. At home, he has amazing supportive parents but at school, he has habitual run-ins with the popular kids, who want to make everyone’s life miserable. After catching the group in the woods doing drugs, Kale has an encounter fighting for his life.

The road to recovery is long and Kale has the help from his rescuers Hunt and Volk. Hunt is the strong; take everyone under his wing kind of guy while Volk is the sweet, caring guy. Kale finds himself falling for both of them. Who would you choose for Kale to have his happily ever after?

Product Link:  http://www.extasybooks.com/kales-spirit/

Reviewer: John

Review: I absolutely loved this novel! Kale’s Spirit stars Kale, a high school senior who has been bullied in school for four long years by the popular kids. Their reason? They suspect him to be gay. A very shitty reason if you ask me. One day, Kale runs into the popular kids in the middle of the woods and pretty soon, he finds himself fighting for his life, but two persons save him that day, Hunt and Volk.

I love Kale. He was smart, awkward and sweet. He was a closet gay guy who did not have the courage to tell his family and friends about his sexual orientation. I loved Hunt. He was strong, caring and sexy. I also loved Volk. He was caring, sweet, sensitive and loving. I had a hard time deciding who to pick for Kale, but at the end, everyone wins. Yes. Everyone. What is so great about this novel is that you can pick the ending. You get to choose with who Kale stays with, Hunt or Volk.

To put it briefly, this was a short and amazing little read with a surprising little twist. If you like wolves, mystery and love, this novel maybe the one for you.   


Play Me, I'm Yours by Madison Parker

PlayMeImYoursLGTitle:  Play Me, I’m Yours

Series:  None

Author:  Madison Parker

Genre:   Young Adult

Length: Novel (244 Pages)

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (April 1st, 2013)

Heat Level: Low 

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Blurb:  Fairy Tate. Twinklefingers. Lucy Liu. Will the taunting ever end? Lucas Tate suffers ridicule because of his appearance and sensitive nature. When he’s not teased, he’s ignored, and he doesn’t know which is worse. He feels unloved by everyone, but the one comfort in life is his music. What he wants more than anything is to find a friend.

Much to his dismay, both his mom and a schoolmate are determined to find him a boyfriend, despite the fact Lucas hasn’t come out to them. His mom chooses a football player who redefines the term “heartthrob,” while Trish pushes him toward the only openly gay boy at Providence High. But Lucas is harboring a crush on another boy, one who writes such romantic poetry to his girlfriend that hearing it melts Lucas into a puddle of goo. All three prospects seem so far out of his league. Lucas is sure he doesn’t stand a chance with any of them—until sharing his gift for music brings him the courage to let people into his heart.

Product Link:  http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=3700

Reviewer:   John

Review:  What can I tell you about this lovely little piece of literature that has not been said before? Nothing. This book was awesome and I absolutely loved it!

Play Me, I’m Yours is the story of Lucas and Zach as they slowly grow together and become one. Lucas was introvert and unique; therefore, he never quite fitted in at school. Add that to the fact that he’s gay and you got an awesome story with clever little twists. Lucas, overall, was so sweet and innocent. There were several times that I wanted to hug and squeeze him to death. That way I could protect him from anyone who would want to hurt him, but that was impossible. I felt his emotions and the pain he went through every day as an outcast of life. Now, Zach was the opposite of Lucas, yet the same. He was gay, but he had to hide it from everyone because his mom did not approve of his sexual orientation. He and Lucas went perfectly together like a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

The one thing that I love about this story is the fact that the secondary characters were awesome and they did not overshadow the main ones. I absolutely loved Mason, Lucas’ brother. He was so overprotected of Lucas even though he came across as a jackass most of the time. He completely won me over with his attitude. Alex was another surprising character and I completely fell for him. However, I did not like Donovan. There was something about him that I found repulsive and annoying. He still has to prove himself to me, if there ever is a part two.

All in all, I loved the story from beginning to end and I cannot recommend it enough.

The Wrong Side of Right by Nya Rawlyns

97deb51034036f54d4ab54492b36a75ce66f24abTitle: The Wrong Side of Right

Series: N/A

Author: Nya Rawlyns

Genre: MM / Erotic Romance

Length: Novel

Publisher: Nya Rawlyns (May 27th, 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥4 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

BlurbTony Mitchell is a loner who spends most of his life staying low, denying who and what he is until Aiden Caldwell walks into the shop and changes everything. Tony thinks his new supervisor hates his guts, but that doesn’t keep Tony from dreaming and yearning. His fantasies drive him to follow the older man, revealing a secret that only confounds Tony’s obsession.

Conflicted and confused, Tony falls under the spell of a man called Tank who leads Tony down a dark path of seduction and dangerous cravings. Under Tank’s guidance, Tony learns to suspend reality, to succumb. The one thing he doesn’t learn is how to say no.

Aiden Caldwell pulls Tony from the precipice but not from the addiction that threatens to consume the young man.

In the matter of love and trust, can two men intent on hiding their most secret selves find common ground as fate and their own tumultuous pasts conspire to tear them apart?

Product Link:  http://www.amazon.com/The-Wrong-Side-Right-ebook/dp/B00D1FYDCW

Review: Yeah, I’m a sucker for abused characters and this story had a whole lot of them. Too many in my opinion, but that didn’t deter me from enjoying it.

So, there were many things I loved about this book starting with how the main character, Tony, literally drags you into his weird life from the very start. His character, his personality is the kind you almost can’t shut your eyes on. His being a twenty-seven years old virgin, not having had a single relationship, never having felt wanted by his own family or anyone since and always, always feeling unworthy of love or intimacy, a pervert good for nothing and pathetic he surrounds you in his veil of depression and desperation. And you simply can’t escape. It is almost surreal following him around in his efforts to find a fleeting feeling for which he has no name. A special place where he can escape his constantly overworking brain, even if it’s for a few minutes every time.

As this story is Tony’s we experience everything from his perspective, so it’s a given that his personality and his emotions are everywhere. Often distorting reality and events the way he understands them. Sometimes it’s frustrating, as I said; his view of self-worth is quite low. He is naïve in so many ways you don’t expect a man his age to be. While he has a secret crush for his boss, Aiden, he also dislikes the man. What he understands about him is that his boss hates him, is always hanging over his shoulder waiting for Tony to fuck up. Could he be more wrong? I don’t think so.

Yes, we – the readers- do understand how wrong Tony is, but he simply can’t get out of his own head for a second, to be objective about his surroundings. He strongly believes that he is not worth of love, or even friendship. It’s how he allows Jorge to completely take advantage of him and use him as is proven toward the end in the most horrible way in Tony’s head. His once a week encounters with the bisexual man leaves him drained and each time it feels as if he’s missing another small piece of his soul.

But, then into the picture comes Tank, a man full of anger and dangerous vibrations that should cause Tony running the hell away from him. Instead we witness Tony not being able to say no. craving those dark fantasies too much. Even when things turn ugly and the ecstasy turns to sheer horror and the pleasure to a death-wish, their poisonous allure is too strong for Tony to resist. And if it weren’t for Aiden Caldwell, the white knight in stilettos as Tony refers to him, if it weren’t for Aiden’s blind and unreasonable love for his unworthy self, Tony would never want to escape those dark sensations, the despair, the agony, the shame and disgust for himself that he got out of his encounters with Tank and his ilk.

I will have to admit here that some scenes regarding this pair (Tony/Tank and the gang) were from cruel to downright gritty. It also made an impression to me how Tony escalated from a virgin to a complete slut in a matter of days, some scenes making no sense in the health department and how a body reacts after severe wounds and acts such as being raped viciously by three sadistic bears. I turned a blind eye here.

It is a strange book in so many ways. I’m afraid not everything was ok with me, such was Aiden’s love. He took one look at Tony and fell in love with him and that is not explained throughout the story. I suppose I could understand why he fell for Tony. Tony’s character is quite smart when it comes to numbers. he is an honest man, one you can rely on to do his job in a kind of purity you don’t often see, and he has many other attributes that unfortunately were not rightly shown to his advantage. I suppose it’s that that makes Aiden’s love seem so ludicrous, his possessiveness standing no grounds and his all-I-have-you-have attitude making no sense. While the author gave some serious pair-time for Tank and Tony and even for Tony and Jorge, the relationship of Tony and Aiden was left a bit vague and hasty. It suddenly escalated seemingly from one heart-beat to another and before we had time to figure out their chemistry they had jumped into fighting – and boy did they fight- for money and gifts (Tony kept feeling a kept boy-toy) and trying to understand and compromise and make a real partnership work. In the end there were so many things I simply didn’t get about this pair and their reactions toward each other. especially Tony who was a real study in weird behavior.

But, and this is a big but, I still stand by the fact that I loved this book. It was too intense for me not to and I got really invested from the beginning. Add that this is also a book containing some very interesting fetishes (sounding [good God, sounding finally in a damn book] and cross-dressing) and yeah, I’m totally lost. If in any way you gain a guilty pleasure out of cruelty, harsh and vicious sex, fetishes and kinks, well then you might want to take a look at this book. It certainly had me on my toes. 😉

The Holy Trinity by Jane Wallace-Knight

383555_489411314460870_444788281_nTitle: The Holy Trinity

Series: The Wolves of Gardwich 01

Author: Jane Wallace-Knight

Genre: Paranormal, M/M/M

Length: Novella (139pgs)

Publisher: Siren-BookStrand (4th June 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Sam Reed was born different. It’s a fact he has always known and tried to hide. Abandoned as a baby, he has always felt out of place, never really knowing where he came from or why he can do the things he can.

Jackson Harcourt has long feared the day he will meet his mate. Banished from his birth pack, Jackson soon found himself in charge of a pack of outcasts and misfits, all looking for somewhere to belong. Fifty years ago, Jackson met and fell in love with a seven-hundred-year-old vampire named Alek, and together they have not only built themselves a pack, but a family.

When fate throws Sam, Jackson’s true mate, into Jackson’s path, Alek’s ancient heart feels as though it will finally break into too many pieces to ever again be whole. As Alek prepares for the worst though, he begins to wonder if perhaps fate doesn’t, truly, move in mysterious ways.

Purchase Link: http://www.bookstrand.com/the-holy-trinity

Review: Jackson is a wolf shifter and he has been with his vampire lover, Alek, for fifty years. Both men know that one day Jackson will find his mate, but they are enjoying their relationship to the fullest until that time. Sam has always had the feeling that he is different. He never knew who his parents were and has grown up in foster care. when he meets Jackson and Alek he begins to discover just how different he really is. Alek is prepared for the worst when Jackson discovers his mate, Sam, but Sam isn’t a normal human and Alek finds that maybe fate has blessed him as well as Jackson.

This is a great new paranormal series that loves to surprise. Sam has always known that he is different. he knows things about people that he shouldn’t and can sense how a person feels, but he keeps it hidden. Sam is close to only a few people, his foster-mother Rita, his foster-brother Kieran and his cat Al, so when Sam meets Jackson and Alek he isn’t sure why he is so drawn to them. Jackson and Alek have had fifty years together, but that doesn’t stop Alek from great sadness when Sam enters their lives. Jackson might be overjoyed at finding his mate, but Alek doesn’t really want to lose the vampire he loves. All three together must work through what they could have together and Alek also might just have answers to Sam’s unasked questions. Sam also comes to the rescue of a pack member which leads to a huge surprise.

I really enjoyed this story with its compassionate characters, intriguing storyline and exciting discoveries. Sam’s parents are a mystery and we slowly discover the truth of who they were. We discover that Jackson’s pack is more like a family and that Alek is well-loved by all. Sam is an amazing character and his compassionate nature is wonderful. Jackson and Alek are hard to separate, but both men are protective and loving. The storyline digs into Sam’s beginnings and his true nature. we also see Sam come to the rescue of one of the pack, risking his own life to protect a loved one. Alek, Jackson and Sam are really hot together, they just burn up the sheets (and the office) and their love is sweet and passionate.

I recommend this to those who love shifters, vampires, a human who doesn’t know who he really is, a touch of mystery, hot explosive sex, danger and a shocking surprise.      

The King's Mate by Ashavan Doyon

KingsMateLGTitle: The King’s Mate 

Series:  Daily Dose 2013: Make a Play

Author:  Ashavan Doyon

Genre:   M/M contemporary romance

Length:  Novella (64 pages)

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (June 1st, 2013)

Heat Level:  Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥2Hearts

Blurb:   Russell Pine goes to the café every morning to enjoy his time chatting with Sam Tesh, the café owner, a friend made over the past twenty years. So when Sam asks a favor, Russ reluctantly agrees to play in a chess tournament. But the contest isn’t the real challenge: Russ finds himself the focus of a secret courtship in words and pictures left for him to discover each morning, leading him to the question: In a café full of young and beautiful minds, who is looking at the graying chessmaster?

Product Link:  http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=3947

Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  A sweet story about two obviously different men that have to overcome trouble in their past, as well as the present, to move forward together.

This is a hard one to review. I don’t want to give away the identity of Russ’s secret admirer and ruin the read for you guys. I will say it was quite a journey for both men as they fought to overcome the issues in their pasts, and an age difference that would make some people question the validity of their relationship.

The story was off to a good start with the mystery of the notes, a bit of intrigue. Then in the end the dialogue become almost cheesy, like reading the diary entries of a teenager. I love yous came entirely too quickly and didn’t gel within the story for me, either. This one was just good for me, not great.