Title: Treasure of a Thousand Worlds
Series: Dalton Twin Mysteries #1
Author: Shannon Rouchelle
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult
Length: Novella (143 Pages)
Publisher: Devine Destinies, Extasy Books (August 1, 2013)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5Hearts
Blurb: After the tragic death of their mother, Daniel and Ben Dalton are left orphaned and forced to move in with a neighbor.
Soon after, questions about their past begin to surface. The boys discover an eagle key and map that takes them from their home in New York to a pirate world. This startling discovery opens the doors to a whirlwind adventure filled with mystery and danger.
With fierce pirates in search of the lost treasure, Daniel and Ben must cross the high seas, battle evil villains, and trek through dangerous jungles, to unlock the mystery of a thousand worlds.
Product Link: http://www.devinedestinies.com/treasure-of-a-thousand-worlds/
Reviewer: John
Review: Treasure of a Thousand Worlds is a young fantasy novel by Shannon Rouchelle. It is the first book published under of the Dalton Twin Mysteries Series. The story stars Daniel Dalton and his twin brother Ben Dalton. After the sudden death of their mother, who was a single parent, the Dalton Twins find themselves inside a new world full of mysteries and adventure.
I liked this novel. I felt so sorry for Daniel and Ben. They lost their mom and had to move in with Miss Roth, a crazy old lady. I love the relationship between the teens and their struggles to build their life after their mom died and the mystery quest that followed it. But, sadly, that’s about it.
What I didn’t like about this novel was the fact that it didn’t contain any M/M Romance. Both of the main characters were straight. Another thing that was a huge turned off was the fact that this novel was just too short. It also seemed to be too fast-paced. One second they are here and the next, they are there. This novel would be much better if it was longer and even slow-paced.
What I really loved about this novel, was the plot. It was very solid, cool, fresh, and new. I love YA Fantasy novels with amazing little twists. Yes, this was too fast-paced for me and it didn’t contain a M/M Romance, but there’s no denying that author is very talented and really good.
I recommend this novel to anyone who loves short YA Fantasy novels, pirates, a good mystery, adventure, and a solid coming of age plot.