Genre: Other Paranormal, Science Fiction, Teen Fiction
Length: Novel (204pgs)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 3, 2015)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts
Blurb: Being different can be dangerous, and discovery can be deadly.
High school freshman James Kerr is finding out he’s not quite like his classmates. Around the time he realizes he’s attracted to his best friend, Paul Schmitz, James starts channeling a dead writer’s poetry and also discovers he has an ability to manipulate energy—a super power. Before James can figure out why this is happening to him, tragedy strikes in the form of Paul’s abusive father, and James is sent to a government-run school, The Paragon Academy, which specializes in juvenile paranormal research. There, he meets Lumen, the daughter of a famous Korean actress. Lumen’s psychic ability might be the key to helping James understand both his poems and his own power.
Review: Interesting story about James who comes into extraordinary powers and struggles to understand what is happening to him. Then he’s sent off to a gifted school to help him in his quest for control where he meets other students like himself.
Meanwhile the boy he has feelings for, his best friend Paul, disappears.
I loved the mystery and the suspense surrounding James as he seeks for the truth. There are many twists and turns as the story progresses. A lot happens that gives the book an X-Men feel to it which I loved.
The answers are sometimes not what James was expecting when they are discovered. This was a complex story with many characters that added depth to the story. Not everything was self explanatory but that added to the story.
Luccan, future Suth Chiell of the Ethran Sunlands, also known as Lucky, has reached the end of a months-long adventure and gained much. Now he wants nothing more than to relax and recover at home. His mother’s apparition has other ideas, and dark dreams drag Lucky further and further into unconsciousness until he’s nearly dead. With help from Lucky’s sentient obsidian blade, Ciarrah, he makes it back to the light, only to find his country is in deep distress, and it’s getting deeper.
The wizard Thurlock, Lucky’s dragon-kin uncle Han, and other friends help him muddle through as he becomes the channel for prophecy. War erupts in the Sunlands, and in a battle against wraiths created by the advanced science of a dying world, Lucky plays a key role. Physical weapons can’t stop the enemy, but Ciarrah’s light can, and only Lucky can wield it. With the help of his winged horse, his boyfriend, and Thurlock, Lucky sets out to prevent his mother’s shade from wreaking any more havoc. But will stopping her end the horrors facing his world?
Review: Lucky has plans for a long break after his adventure but things do not go as planned and he is yet again pulled into another demanding adventure. Prophecy, battle plans and war quickly ensconce our brave Lucky into an unforgiving adventure with much at stake.
I loved everything about this story. It’s breathless scenes left me stunned at times. The battle plans were ingenious as well as the characters themselves all playing vital roles into bringing this stunning story into sharp clarity.
I was hooked from the very first word to the last in this exciting addition to the series. Another brilliant story for the Sun Child Chronicles as we follow Lucky on his journey yet again.
Blurb: When Lucky arrives in Ethra, the world of his birth and destiny, he expects a joyful reunion, but the first thing he notices when he reaches the Sisterhold—his home—is something false behind his mother’s smile. In a matter of weeks, the Sisterhold becomes agitated with worries and war plans. People he trusts—like the wizard Thurlock—frequently can’t be found. His mother seems angry, especially with Lucky. Even Han Shieth, the warrior uncle he has come to rely on and love above all others, maintains a sullen silence toward him.
When Lucky’s resentment builds to the breaking point, his bad decisions put him and his friends, L’Aria and Zhevi, in unthinkable danger. Han arrives to help, but he can’t claim invulnerability to the hazards and evils that threaten at every turn. Events launch Lucky, alone, on a quest for he knows not what, but every step brings him closer to his identity and full strength. Self-knowledge, trust, and strength lead to smarter choices, but even his best efforts might not render his world truly safe, now or for the future.
Review: This story picks up where book one leaves off. Lucky is struggling with his new life. He feels he’s the reason for everything going wrong. Everyone else seems to have a place except Lucky. I found Lucky to be a bit self depreciating but that was to be expected given his new circumstances.
War breaks out and his Uncle is sent to where the troops are, leaving Lucky and his bodyguard and love interest, Zhevi behind. Zhevi wants to protect Lucky from all that is dangerous so the two set off on a dangerous mission when L’Aria is kidnapped. This adventure leads to finding out knowledge Lucky needs to come into his own and mature into the man he was destined to become one day.
I loved this story. Lucky was bit melodramatic but I understood why. Being thrown into a new world must have been stressing to say the least. The characters all had a roe to play in creating a wonderful story as the adventure unfolded. I loved everything about it.
Hi guys! We have Lou Hoffmann visiting today with her upcoming release Wraith Queen’s Veil, I pinned Lou down long enough to have a live interview with her, we have a brilliant excerpt and a fantastic giveaway! So check out the interview, enjoy the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~
Wraith Queen’s Veil
(The Sun Child Chronicles 02)
Lou Hoffmann
When Lucky arrives in Ethra, the world of his birth and destiny, he expects a joyful reunion, but the first thing he notices when he reaches the Sisterhold—his home—is something false behind his mother’s smile. In a matter of weeks, the Sisterhold becomes agitated with worries and war plans. People he trusts—like the wizard Thurlock—frequently can’t be found. His mother seems angry, especially with Lucky. Even Han Shieth, the warrior uncle he has come to rely on and love above all others, maintains a sullen silence toward him.
When Lucky’s resentment builds to the breaking point, his bad decisions put him and his friends, L’Aria and Zhevi, in unthinkable danger. Han arrives to help, but he can’t claim invulnerability to the hazards and evils that threaten at every turn. Events launch Lucky, alone, on a quest for he knows not what, but every step brings him closer to his identity and full strength. Self-knowledge, trust, and strength lead to smarter choices, but even his best efforts might not render his world truly safe, now or for the future.
Hi guys! We have Lou Hoffmann visiting today with the fantastic cover to her upcoming release Wraith Queen’s Veil, we have a short intro post from Lou, a brilliant excerpt and an awesome giveaway! So check out the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~
Wraith Queen’s Veil
(The Sun Child Chronicles 02)
Lou Hoffmann
When Lucky arrives in Ethra, the world of his birth and destiny, he expects a joyful reunion, but the first thing he notices when he reaches the Sisterhold—his home—is something false behind his mother’s smile. In a matter of weeks, the Sisterhold becomes agitated with worries and war plans. People he trusts—like the wizard Thurlock—frequently can’t be found. His mother seems angry, especially with Lucky. Even Han Shieth, the warrior uncle he has come to rely on and love above all others, maintains a sullen silence toward him.
When Lucky’s resentment builds to the breaking point, his bad decisions put him and his friends, L’Aria and Zhevi, in unthinkable danger. Han arrives to help, but he can’t claim invulnerability to the hazards and evils that threaten at every turn. Events launch Lucky, alone, on a quest for he knows not what, but every step brings him closer to his identity and full strength. Self-knowledge, trust, and strength lead to smarter choices, but even his best efforts might not render his world truly safe, now or for the future.
Hi peeps, we have Cheryl Headford visiting us today with her new release Hostage, we have a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Shorty’s review so enjoy the post and click that rafflecopter link <3 ~Pixie~
Cheryl Headford
Astrin Raphael wakes up in a strange place, frightened and confused. He is told to trust someone who seems to hate him, and he tries—he really tries. However, things change rapidly when he discovers his friend is actually his archenemy, Rowan Gabriel, whose abusive behavior stems from a deeply ingrained, if unwarranted, hatred over something that happened many years before, and simply wasn’t Astrin’s fault.
When Rowan’s uncle and Astrin’s father are kidnapped by Strebo Michael, the two crown princes are catapulted into an adventure that forces them to work together, and along the way their feelings for each other grow. Rowan is quick to let his hate go, but Astrin can’t release his inhibitions. It takes Astrin almost dying from a poisoned dagger before he finally accepts Rowan’s love.
When they return home, their problems continue as their Houses try to negotiate a way for the young men to be together. It soon becomes clear at least one of them will need to relinquish his throne.
Title: Hostage Series: N/A Author: Cheryl Headford Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Length: Novel (340 pages) Publisher: Harmony Ink Press, Dreamspinner Press (September 17, 2015) Heat Level: Low Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts Blurb: When Astrin Raphael finds himself held hostage in an unfamiliar place, he has no option but to try to have faith in someone who seems to despise him. Little does he know his captor is his nemesis, Rowan Gabriel, whose disdain for Astrin all started with a misunderstanding years ago.
The kidnapping of Astrin’s father and Rowan’s uncle leaves the two princes with no choice but to form a precarious alliance. Rowan casts off his hatred and reaches out to Astrin, but Astrin’s doubt and insecurity run too deep to let go of easily. It’s not until Astrin almost loses his life that he’s able to acknowledge what Rowan means to him and admit to the love forming between them.
Their struggle doesn’t end when they return home and their Houses attempt to broker a deal to determine their future together. Each prince might face a choice between keeping his title and finding happiness with the man he loves.
Review: This was an amazing book about two young men having to learn to trust one another despite their emotions for one another in the beginning. I have to say it really disturbed me that Prince Rowan blamed Prince Astrin for his parents’ death. He was too young to have done anything to them so I did not understand or comprehend his resentment for Astrin. I felt it was misplaced.
Prince Astrin I felt sorry for. Being held hostage by someone who despised him was not pleasant in the least. I wanted to hug him and tell him to stay strong everything would be alright. Astrin struck me as a strong young man despite the predicament he found himself in. He seemed resilient and determined at times.
Some of the scenes were sweet between these two once they learned to trust the other. Others had me holding my breath or gasping in astonishment. Wonderfully written, this story holds the reader’s attention to the very end.
I loved the entire story and the balance between good and bad so to speak. Absolutely fantastic story.
Highly recommended.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *
Title: Mad About the Hatter Series: N/A Author: Dakota Chase Genre: Fantasy/Young Adult Length: Novel (190 pages) Publisher: Harmony Ink Press (20 Aug 2015) Heat Level: Low Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts Blurb: This isn’t his sister’s Wonderland….
Henry never believed his older sister, Alice’s, fantastic tales about the world down the rabbit hole. When he’s whisked away to the bizarre land, his best chance for escape is to ally himself with the person called the Mad Hatter. Hatter—an odd but strangely attractive fellow—just wants to avoid execution. If that means delivering “Boy Alice” to the Queen of Hearts at her Red Castle, Hatter will do what he has to do to stay alive. It doesn’t matter if Henry and Hatter find each other intolerable. They’re stuck with each other.
Along their journey, Henry and Hatter must confront what they’ve always accepted as truth. As dislike grows into tolerance and something like friendship, the young men see the chance for a closer relationship. But Wonderland is a dangerous place, and first they have to get away with their lives.
Review:Mad About the Hatter is just a lot of fun with not a lot of romance, but a lot of friendship and adventure. Add to that this being something of a spinoff of Lewis Carrol’s Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (there are elements of both these classics here), much like the book Wicked, it’s a thoroughly enjoyable read.
This is a young adult (Henry, the MC is some weeks off of 18) but honestly if you don’t like young adult fiction it’s really easy to switch that part off in your mind if you just want to read a gay romance with some classic characters.
Ok, so it’s clear that I loved this book. The characters are quirky, the plot is fun and somehow in between all that you see a normal sibling relationship (well, for siblings that find it difficult to get along anyway).
The story starts with Henry. He and his sister, Alice, do not have an easy relationship, despite the fact that their only other family is their possibly alcoholic father and mysterious/random Uncle Leonard.
The main problem is that Alice likes to talk about her time in Wonderland which Henry knows that logically could not have happened at all (but she has a husband and kids, go figure, I was siding with Henry there). Then his sister gave him punch and then…
We meet up with the Mad Hatter.
The story is set after the story of Through the Looking Glass. The Red Queen seems to be getting more insane by the day and is having people beheaded left, right and centre. When Hatter is sent after “Boy Alice”, we have the quirky adventure throughout Wonderland not unlike the original. We also meet other familiar characters, aside from the Red Queen, including Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the Cheshire Cat (I thought of him as Stephen Fry’s voice like in the latest movie) as well as that opium fiend Caterpillar.
As I said there is not a lot of romance, there is very little in the way of sex but there are some rather sweet moments between Hatter and Henry. I particularly liked the end but it left me thinking “but I want more!!!!” I was practically crying because it ended as I was thinking this too.
What more can I say? We meet some quirky familiar faces and sights, as well as some new embellishments by the author. A wonderful and fun read, particularly of any fan of the original story.
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *
Blurb: Born female, all Jordan wants is to slip under the radar and live the last year of high school as a boy. His parents and siblings support him, but he’d rather be recognized for his acting and musical talents than his gender issues.
When Shakespeare’s Puck gives him three magical potions—true sight, true seeming, and true love—Jordan discovers being true to himself isn’t as simple as he thought.
Jordan must navigate the confusion of first love, a controversial role in the fall musical, and his transgender identity, while fairy magic creates a net of complications over everything he does. In order to unweave the spells laid over his friends—his supportive older brother, James, his playwright friend, Pepper, and Maria, another transgender student—Jordan needs to understand exactly how far he’ll go to reach his goals of finding true love, true sight, and true seeming.
Review: Jordan awakes one night to find the mythical Shakespearean character Puck in his bedroom. The imp hands him three vials, explaining they are charms of “True Sight, True Seeming, and True Love” – and thereby hangs a tale. Jordan is a female to male transgender high school senior. Today he is auditioning for the school play, hoping to secure the role of Puck in a new play written by junior Pepper Sullivan. Pepper, who has caught Jordan’s eye, wants him to play the role of Viola, a woman whom Puck changes into a man, and Jordan’s gender identity dysphoria kicks in and sends him into a panic attack. He wants to turn the role down, but his growing attraction to Pepper convinces him to soldier on.
When it turns out the girl who originally wanted to play Viola decides to throw a fit, get her mother involved. Turning the play, with its controversial gender and sexuality themes, into a school board contention. Jordan, his brother James, Pepper and her brother Paul, James’s girlfriend Brittany and other cast members, including a gay couple, plot to oppose and defeat what they interpret as bigotry. In the meantime, Jordan accidentally unleashes the True Love serum first on his brother and Pepper and then on one of the gay boys and a girl, Jordan’s personal life, plans for transition, the play itself and Jordan’s transgender friend Maria are thrown into turmoil.
In many ways, this novel is the standard, and isn’t it amazing that we’ve advanced to a point where there is such a thing, story of a teen who is in transition in terms of his or her gender identity. Jordan, who has known he is a boy all his life and whose dysphoria resulted in a suicide attempt when he was eleven, is approaching eighteen and besides living as a boy fulltime is about to start taking testosterone injections. His parents have accepted his identity but are fiercely protective, fearing the sort of hatred and violence so common for transgender youth. What Jordan has not worked out yet is how to interact romantically with his remaining female biology, and that seriously complicates his desire to date Pepper, who does not know Jordan is not biologically a boy yet. So far, the usual transgender coming of age is typical and compared to other books an admirable dramatization thereof.
Where IF WE SHADOWS diverges from typical into extraordinary is in two respects, the framework of the play and its heritage in Shakespeare’s use of gender ambiguity and in the impact of the magical, the emergence of the trickster being Puck and his potions. The literary tribute to Shakespeare is brilliantly done, using the two comedies, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Twelfth Night seamlessly and insightfully, exploring ideas that are relevant as much to the modern youth as more subtly to the Elizabethan poet and playwright. The book made this reviewer appreciate anew his exposure to Shakespeare’s plays and world so he could truly appreciate Atwood’s skill at bringing these elements together to create something new and remarkable.
The potions are more a convenient plat device and connection with the play and its appeal than actually necessary’ the influence of the potions, whose efficacy is in doubt, individually and plurally. The same effect could arguably have been managed through less fantastic circumstances, but the author is a fantasy writer and the use of fantasy just makes the story richer and better in its influence from the play.
As a transgender person, this reviewer found a great deal of truth not only in the process of transition but also in Jordan’s hopes and fears. It is extremely difficult to both be the gender you know you are but also cope with the “inconvenient” reality of what Jordan calls “the bits”. On top of that other relevant issues brought forward, how one can be true to oneself without lying to others, such as Jordan’s concern that he is forcing Pepper to make out with a biological girl without knowing it, and how other people’s reactions can be so unpredictable from moment to moment. The book does not shy away from the fact that potential violence is part of every transgender person’s life, mentioning the Transgender Day of Remembrance, a memorial for people attacked and murdered or who committed suicide purely because their brains’ and bodies’ don’t match.
This reviewer has been impressed with the quality of YA transgender novels that have come out over the past few years. Atwood’s IF WE SHADOWS stands out for its intelligence and its artistry with the use of Shakespearean and fantasy themes.
Blurb: Jamie Thomas has enough trouble on his hands trying to get through junior year of high school without being pulverized by Billy Stratton, his bully and tormentor. But the mother he was always told was dead is actually alive—and she’s an Amazon! Sixteen years after she left him on his father’s doorstep, she’s back—and needs Jamie’s help. A curse has caused the ancient tribe of warrior women to give birth to nothing but boys, dooming them to extinction—until prophecy reveals that salvation lies with one of the offspring they abandoned. Putting his life on the line, Jamie must find the courage to confront the wrath of an angry god to save a society that rejected him.
Review: Jamie has enough on his plate with Billy, the jock, bullying him at every turn, but now he has to deal with the mother he thought was dead turning up claiming she needs his help. Jamie isn’t sure what to believe… that his father has lied to him for sixteen years, that his mother really is an Amazon, that a prophecy says he will save his mother’s people or that there really is a winged horse eating the grass in the back yard!!! With strange things happening at school Jamie, along with Billy, and his best friend Sarah band together to face the wrath of a God.
Oh my, this is an incredible story that follows a young adult who discovers the truth of his parentage and discovers he will be the savior of an ancient race. Jamie is a wonderful sixteen-year-old boy who is being harassed and bullied at school; his bully is Billy a boy in his year who ends up being an important part of Jamie’s life. Discovering the truth about his mother leads to many more discoveries that have Jamie and Billy becoming close. And they begin an adventure that is fraught with danger.
The characters in this story are all brilliantly written, from the teenagers to the parents and from the power-hungry adults to the standoffish Gods who try to help, we are treated to an incredible cast. The storyline has everything you could want, it’s a blend of contemporary and fantasy with young love and filled with confusion, danger, power-hunger schemes and forgiveness. The writing is wonderful and flows smoothly, never lagging always leading us to the next scene perfectly. The story itself keeps you gripped as you wonder what will come next and it is never quite, what you expect.
I have to say that I loved this story. Watching as Jamie came out of his shell, the friendship/romance that develops between Jamie and Billy, the discoveries and plans, the grabbing hold of life and accepting the fate. After the final battle, I was both sad but hopeful and then I came to the end, and I have never before come across an ending that is both heart breaking and heart-warming before… I wanted to both cry and grin as I read the final pages. It truly was a bittersweet ending.
I recommend this to those who love young adult stories, fantasy blended with contemporary, a blossoming young love, forgiving the past, accepting the future and a bittersweet ending that will have tears in your eyes even as you smile.
Blurb:Outraged by the destruction of innocent lives and the threat to his family’s safety, Torrant Shadow and Aylan Stealth-Moon ride to Dueance, the capital of Clough, with a desperate plan: Torrant will impersonate Yarri’s dead brother, Ellyot Moon, and infiltrate the Regent’s council to help change to the government’s policy toward the Goddess’s chosen from the inside.
But from the very first night, Torrant and Aylan are pressed into service in the shadows of the ghettoes, fighting for the lives of the brutalized people within. It’s a bitter job, made more so by close scrutiny and mockery from Consort Rath, the ruler whose policies have created the discrimination and cruelty wreaking havoc in their country.
Torrant’s only bright moments come from Aylan, whose love and loyalty never falter, and the hungry, compassionate minds of the younger regents. Believing that all they need is a worthy song to follow, Torrant sets about leading them to accomplish the salvation of their country. But not even Torrant can be everywhere at once. When faced with one disaster too many, he realizes one man alone cannot right the wrongs of an entire government—not even Triane’s Son.
1st Edition published as Bitter Moon II: Triane’s Son Reigning by iUniverse, 2009
Review: Book three in the Bitter Moon Saga comes to rip our hearts apart with its brilliance and wonderful poetic language. The story is yet again captivating, making you forget reality for a short while and take a journey in this fantastic, albeit dark and painful world.
Time has come for Triane’s Son to fight the evil that has defined his entire life. All he wanted was to handfast his beloved and live a peaceful life, but the poisonous hatred of everything joyful that comes from Clough and the Consort Himself make that dream impossible. Just as he’s always known, it is he and he alone that must go back, where the nightmare first started, and make a change.
But Torrant is not alone in this. His brother of the heart, Aylan, will not let him go and sacrifice himself like a lamb. Faithfully he follows him into the heart of horror and pain to help him save his people. Tearing his soul in many parts, a regent during the day and a vengeful protector during night, Torrant nearly loses his heart, and if it wasn’t for Aylan’s solid love and his new brothers, the regents that follow him with admiration and worship in their eyes, everything might have been lost.
The tale is amazing. The pace has picked up (not that it was ever slow) and the action really started. It’s a battle, its war on all fronts. We get to see the many layers of Torrant and we get to have our heart ripped to pieces as he gives more and more of himself in each and every line. This character has always been incredible, but in this book, he truly shines in a sad kind of way. Not even when he nearly died through Hammer Pass in book one did I feel so torn about Torrant. The emotions that blow him to the four winds are so strong, you can’t simply read this book without feeling them all deep in your bones.
But as much as there is pain and sorrow, there is also the incredibly awesome action that Triane’s Son brings with him. His shape shifting into the snow cat is marvellous and the non-apologetic violence the cat carries with it is plain gorgeous. I would have loved it anyway it came, it’s impossible not to, but Amy Lane balances that violence with emotions and turns it into one incredible work of art. You don’t know if you want to worship this character or cry for him when he can’t. At times, I think a fiction character has been made so real it easily makes you forget that it doesn’t exist.
This book though is not only pain and sorrow and death and destruction. No, it has love as well and it comes in many forms. A specialty I think of this author; when she writes love there are no boundaries in the form that love takes. And it makes your heart soar with beauty, sweetness and joy. In addition, there is underlying humor that just makes my head spin. I love, love, LOVE the creativity when it come to the cussing choice of words. It’s mind-boggling really, how on earth could this author think of such colorful words. It made me laugh when laughing seemed impossible, giving lightness in the midst of a heavy, bloody scene.
So with this book things come together finally and all those flash-forward into the future/present from the prequels start making sense. The story this time is told under the covering of a song sung by Torrant in his old age. The losses of loved ones come slowly in the story and when it ends, it is not pretty as it leaves us with the ominous promise of worse things to come. Frankly, I can’t wait for the final part of the saga. This book left me too raw and the anticipation it generated nearly unbearable, but one thing is for sure; I absolutely loved it and it felt like yet another brick was put into that wall of worship I have for this author. Her brilliant writing always makes my day.
Blurb: Fifteen-year-old Treasa Prescott thinks she’s an alien. She doesn’t fit in with the preppy South African private school crowd and feels claustrophobic in her own skin. Treasa is worried she might spend life as a social pariah when she meets Gabriel du Preez. Gabriel plays the piano better than Beethoven, has a black belt in karate, and would look good wearing a garbage bag. Treasa thinks he’s perfect. It might even be love. As long as Gabriel doesn’t find out, she’s a freak.
As Treasa spends time with Gabriel, she realizes she might not love him as much as she wants to be him, and that the reason she feels uncomfortable in her skin might have less to do with extra-terrestrial origins and more to do with being born in the wrong body.
But Gabriel is not the perfect boy Treasa imagines. He harbors dark secrets and self-destructive tendencies. Still, Treasa might be able to accept Gabriel’s baggage if he can accept who she longs to be.
Review: This book was awesome! I loved it so much. Everything from the intuitive characters to the storyline. It was so mesmerizing I couldn’t stop reading it once I started. The characters are so interesting, so intriguing. The storyline is beautifully written and then some. I’ve come to enjoy this novel and it was the first I’ve read from the author.
As far as I am concerned, this author is on my top ten list of authors to watch. I cannot wait to find out what she writes next!
Blurb:Raised in a motorcycle gang, John Arrowsmith has a bad case of wanderlust. He’s not sure what drives him, but he knows he has to go, and he has the perfect machine to ride on; the big custom bike he calls Harley. When he and Harley get run off the road and wake up someplace completely unfamiliar, Arrowsmith knows something has gone pretty darned wrong.
With a cast of characters that include thieves, Moonhounds, and ogres, John has to find his way through this new world, trying to understand why he’s been transported there, and why he’s falling for a guy named Infamous. What Arrowsmith finds out surprises him, and might just kill him. Can he survive to find his way home?
Review: Oh my freaking God, I can’t believe the cliffhanger. Just kill me now! Or rather don’t, I have #2 waiting for me so I won’t suffer long, though I fear what the end of that book is going to bring.
But back at this one, well what an enticing book this was. The first thought that came into my mind was “I’m reading a really weird book. Nice weird. Tolkien weird. It’s fascinating!” and then again further into the story I was reminded of World of Warcraft’s Wrath of the Lich King. It was surreal somehow that this book mixed up an assortment of favourites for me. The World it was set upon, the magical creatures and the people who inhabited this world, they were all alluring slowly drawing me in and managing to capture my interest and hold onto it.
I admit at first the book was hard to follow. The information required to understand this world was a lot to digest and every turn you took something new popped up. It was really hard to keep up with at the beginning. Then there were the twists it took, and as things constantly moved with deeper meanings, hidden subtexts, and the eerie feeling that something is about to happen, yet you had to wait and wait and wait some more made the entire read a bit frustrating and challenging your patience.
I also admit that things only come into perspective after half the book was read and became clear as crystal when the end was reached. That however was another exercise at patience on itself. There were characters left to know and understand, there were dark evils and enemies hidden in the shadows that were not revealed, yet you know for a certainty that they are their bidding their time. There was the mother cliff hanger that makes your head spin and I don’t know how I would have felt if I didn’t already have book #2 to pick it right up.
And there was the romance part that was somehow crippled. We have the main character Arrowsmith and he’s human. Through a series of weird events, he ends up into a strange place that looked quite medieval. He ends up working at the Mountain Cabin and sharing the house for the winter with seven really weird people. Warriors of the Moon Goddess, wolves, wizards and mages, werewolves and shadowy thieves, elves and half elves, dragons and the stars know what else, this world has them. It’s a lot to take when you’re a human raised to believe them as myths. When he falls for the half elf though, it was weird as it gets. One moment he wants another guy, the other he falls deeply for the Master Thief because it felt right, it felt familiar. Hmm, I don’t know what to think of that. When they came together, their lovemaking lacked the intense passion that would perhaps solidify how their relationship came to be and where it was going to take them. I just felt that particular part was not written well enough to make the entire read explode. It could, but it missed.
However, when I take a step back and look at the entirety of this book, even as I feel it needed more length for the background storyline and a little bit more love-making, I still found it absolutely captivating and certainly a must read for fans of high fantasy, because as I said at the very beginning, I just can’t wait to get to #2. Strongly Recommended!
Genre: Young Adult/Action/adventure/Sci-fi/Fantasy
Length: Novel (233 pages)
ISNB: 9781610406024
Publisher: Prism Books (November 5th, 2013)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Eric
Blurb: Could life get any worse for Ashley, Brian, and Matthew? Their father abandoned them, they’ve been shipped off to live with a total stranger, and now they’ve discovered that everything they’ve ever learned about the world is a lie!
But to find the truth, they will have to battle evil faeries, risk their lives to claim magical talismans, and earn the respect of Elves who have vowed to kill them. Will they be able to prove that they are the legendary Co-Walkers who are able to travel between the Earthly and Faery Realms? Or are they merely pawns caught in the midst of a dangerous conspiracy that could lead to the destruction of both their worlds? It’s up to Ashley, Brian, and Matthew to discover their unique abilities and restore what magick alone cannot repair.
Review: I found this book to be amazing. A fun spin on the world of Fae, I was enticed and addicted to it from page 2. The more I read, the more addicted I was to finding out more. The characters were great and fun to read about. I learned a lot through the characters. And when the book was done, I was almost saddened to see them go. I think this book was fantastic. I cannot wait to find out more about them.
The plot is solid and quite thorough. I would highly recommend this book for anyone that likes to read of the Fae and how they co-exist (secretly) with humanity.
Blurb: Zirkua Fantastic has been running steadily since 1753, amazing its patrons with acts of otherworldly skill and prowess. But that talent comes at a steep price: each artist must give a year of his or her life to the circus. None of them knows why, only that the circus’ owners will go to whatever lengths are necessary to ensure it. Toby, the hoop dancer at Zirkua Fantastic and son of one of the owners, is content with his life: he enjoys performing and Zirkua’s wandering life, and even has a boyfriend among the circus’ hawkers. But when a new artist arrives, bringing with him a strange flask and a number of odd occurrences, Toby falls face-first into the truth behind the circus: Its contracts bind King Jester, the immortal embodiment of chaos.
Zirkua’s performances and contracts have held King Jester prisoner for centuries, but now something’s amiss. King Jester’s sister, Dragon, has escaped her own bonds and is working to free her brother, and his power is growing. If he is loosed on the world, it will mean the worst war in human history and the end of civilization… unless Zirkua Fantastic can find a way to stop him.
Review: I had a lot of trouble following this story. It is written very well, but I just couldn’t keep my attention on it.
Toby is a gentle and kind young man who is a hoop dancer. He even has a boyfriend who he likes a lot, even though his father warns him to not fall in love with him because he is a Hawk and all hawks leave. He actually likes what he does even though it cost you a year of your life to be in Zirkua Fantastic. He is someone who would capture your attention and make you just take him into your arms and coddle him. Although no one knows what exactly Zirkua Fantastic is about, Toby comes across the truth. King Jester has been held prisoner for many centuries and his sister who has escaped her own bonds keeps trying to free her brother. If he escapes, everyone dies.
This story has a lot of danger and excitement in it. It has its magical side to it, which I did like and comes off like genie in the bottle. It has a good story line one that if you were in to fantasy style stories with young people it would be a big hit. The only problem I had with this story is it just didn’t come across as real to me or even a possibility to be real.
Publisher: Devine Destinies, Extasy Books (August 1, 2013)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3.5Hearts
Blurb: After the tragic death of their mother, Daniel and Ben Dalton are left orphaned and forced to move in with a neighbor.
Soon after, questions about their past begin to surface. The boys discover an eagle key and map that takes them from their home in New York to a pirate world. This startling discovery opens the doors to a whirlwind adventure filled with mystery and danger.
With fierce pirates in search of the lost treasure, Daniel and Ben must cross the high seas, battle evil villains, and trek through dangerous jungles, to unlock the mystery of a thousand worlds.
Review: Treasure of a Thousand Worlds is a young fantasy novel by Shannon Rouchelle. It is the first book published under of the Dalton Twin Mysteries Series. The story stars Daniel Dalton and his twin brother Ben Dalton. After the sudden death of their mother, who was a single parent, the Dalton Twins find themselves inside a new world full of mysteries and adventure.
I liked this novel. I felt so sorry for Daniel and Ben. They lost their mom and had to move in with Miss Roth, a crazy old lady. I love the relationship between the teens and their struggles to build their life after their mom died and the mystery quest that followed it. But, sadly, that’s about it.
What I didn’t like about this novel was the fact that it didn’t contain any M/M Romance. Both of the main characters were straight. Another thing that was a huge turned off was the fact that this novel was just too short. It also seemed to be too fast-paced. One second they are here and the next, they are there. This novel would be much better if it was longer and even slow-paced.
What I really loved about this novel, was the plot. It was very solid, cool, fresh, and new. I love YA Fantasy novels with amazing little twists. Yes, this was too fast-paced for me and it didn’t contain a M/M Romance, but there’s no denying that author is very talented and really good.
I recommend this novel to anyone who loves short YA Fantasy novels, pirates, a good mystery, adventure, and a solid coming of age plot.
Blurb: All sixteen-year-old Alex Nevus wants is to be two years older and become his sister Alice’s legal guardian. That, and he’d like his first kiss, preferably with Jerod Haynes, the straight boy with the beautiful girlfriend and the perfect life. Sadly, wanting something and getting it are very different. Strapped with a mentally ill mother, Alex fears for his own sanity. Having a fairy on his shoulder only he can see doesn’t help, and his mom’s schizophrenia places him and Alice in constant jeopardy of being carted back into foster care.
When Alex’s mother goes missing, everything falls apart. Frantic, he tracks her to a remote corner of Manhattan and is transported to another dimension—the land of the Unsee, the realm of the Fey. There he finds his mother held captive by the power-mad Queen May and learns he is half-human and half-fey—a Haffling.
As Alex’s human world is being destroyed, the Unsee is being devoured by a ravenous mist. Fey is vanishing, and May needs to cross into the human world. She needs something only Alex can provide, and she will stop at nothing to possess it… to possess him.
Reviewer: Pammie
Review: A YA fantasy tale, first in the Haffling series.
I found this book quite hard going, although by the end I was rooting hard out for Alex and Jerod. The fey here are far from friendly. The world is complex, and interwoven with fairy tales we all know. Given it’s YA, some of the things that didn’t appeal to me, like the TV setting used, may appeal to a different audience. Alex and Jerod make a good team, and I really hope they ultimately have a HEA. May is a thoroughly nasty piece of work, instead of trying to save her own world, she seeks to enter the human world, and rule there, using Alex as her bridge. The power struggle to free Alex from her domination was edge-of-seat stuff.
If you like fantasy, twists on familiar fairy tales, series, YA, and a HFN, this is for you.
Blurb: In Viking Age Iceland, where boys are expected to grow into strong farmers and skilled warriors, there is little place for a sickly twelve-year-old boy like Kol until he catches the eye of a seið-woman—a sorceress—and becomes her apprentice. Kol travels to the sorceress’s home, where her grandson, Thorbrand, takes Kol under his wing. Before long Kol discovers something else about himself that is different—something else that sets him apart as unmanly: Kol has fallen in love with another boy.
But the world is changing in ways that threaten those who practice the ancient arts. As Kol’s new life takes him across the Norse lands, he finds that a new religion is sweeping through them, and King Olaf Tryggvason is hunting down and executing sorcerers. When a decades-old feud forces Thorbrand to choose between Kol and his duty to his kinsman, Kol finds himself cast adrift with only the cryptic messages of an ancient goddess to guide him to his destiny—and possibly to his death.
I have to admit that when I saw this novel and read the name, I thought I was in for a very boring book. But, after reading the first pages, I knew I had made a big mistake: I judged a book by its cover.
Seidman stars Kol. Now, Kol is a little farm boy who never seemed to fit in with his family. His dad found him weak and his brother hated him for being weak. But one day, he meets Alfdis, a powerful sorceress, and his life completely changes.
I don’t want to give the story away, but this novel takes place during the Viking Age. So you might find the names of several persons, places, and things a little bit confusing. What Iloved about this novel was the paranormal element in it. I found the goddesses, gods, and spirits fascinating and thrilling.
I absolutely loved Kol. He was like the Viking Harry Potter of his era. He was very shy, but incredibly brave. Even when death was staring him in the face he stood stall and strong. I loved Thorbrand. There was something in him that I loved. Maybe, it was the way he was so overprotective of Kol. He won my heart completely and the ending was very thrilling and exciting, especially, the final battle.
I recommend this novel to anyone who is looking for a very entertaining and historical book depicting young love, magic, and adventure. Trust me, you will not be disappointed.
Blurb: Lords of Arcadia: Act One Kane Vess may be gay, but he is also extraordinarily ordinary a crushing weight in Athens, Iowa, where a person s worth is measured by his uniqueness. But when he meets the school s newest student, Kane s ordinariness seems to evaporate. He is desperate to get to know the mysterious stranger and that leads him into danger. Hawk is an exile from his homeland, an otherworldly traveler with impossible abilities and a changeling bodyguard. He s generally disappointed in Earth, which seems common except for Kane. But while Hawk and Kane explore their mutual interest, the forces that made Hawk an exile are busy tracking him down. Kane s newfound feelings pull him into Hawk s shadowy fantasy world, where he learns he needs to grow up fast. Kane s life may now be extraordinary, but if he isn’t t careful it could cost him everyone he holds dear including Hawk.
Review: I absolutely loved this novel, but the one thing that turned me off was the damn cliff-hanger at the end. UGH!
After getting that off my chest, I can tell you that this story stars Kane Vess. He lives in Athens, Iowa, where being unique is ten times more important than wearing a damn label on your forehead. I loved Kane so much. He was unique and funny. Hawk, on the other hand, was the bomb. He was so mysterious that he immediately caught Kane’s attention. But as I said before, being unique was ten times more important in Athens. And Hawk was very unique.
Kane slowly begins to see that only he can see the mysterious and handsome boy. After being stabbed by Hawk without receiving any damage, Kane slowly finds himself between two worlds or…nine. For you see, Hawk, is the next king of Arcadia and ruler of all nine worlds. He, along with his Changeling protector, Spike, was sent to Athens to hide from the Dark assassins who want to see him dead so that they can take over his kingdom. Pretty cool, huh?
From the moment he made his appearance, I hated Spike. He betrays Hawk and tries to kill Kane because Hawk fell in love with him. He pissed me off so much! With that off my chest, this novel was awesome! It reminded me so much of I am Number Four and Thor. The way Hawk acted was exactly the way Thor acted in the film. Boastful and proud, but sweet and caring. I honestly want to read more. You have to read this novel. It is new, refreshing, funny and fun.
Blurb: After his fifteenth birthday, Blythe Midwinter finds himself in a bit of a pickle. It’s high time for him to be a productive member of his family, taking up work he detests in order for his older sister, Molly, to follow her dreams of success as a talented baker. Though the three orphaned Midwinter siblings — Molly, Bertie, and Blythe — are lucky enough to work, they still earn only enough to keep themselves clothed and fed. Blythe desperately wishes for more, and it doesn’t help that his best and only friend, Jack Wicket, refuses hard, honest work in favor of good luck as the only means for quick success and instant riches.
Blythe’s dreams of a better life get more desperate when he attracts the attention of another boy, the youngest son of a rebellious old artist, whose family rises well above Blythe’s in wealth and station. Embarrassment and shame muddle Blythe’s perceptions of luck, work, and the promise of love — that is, until Jack Wicket’s foolish decision to exchange his beloved cow for a handful of magic beans forces Blythe to look past castles in the clouds and understand what it is that truly measures a man’s worth.
Review: Blythe is fifteen and his sister, Molly, has decided it is time for him to start work. turfed out of bed every morning at dawn to sell bread is not Blythe’s idea of a decent job, but Molly is insistent that Blythe sells the bread while she concentrates on baking cakes. Blythe wishes for an easier life and it isn’t helped by his layabout friend, Jack, and his sore feet. But, letting Molly down isn’t an option, if he wishes to keep his hearing and not be strung up by his sister. When Blythe meets Edrik, a well off boy, he is tempted by Jack’s dreams of luck.
This is a great young adult fantasy story that shows a lad’s changing views, as he enters manhood and the hardships of adulthood. Blythe suddenly has to start bringing in the money when he turns fifteen. Although, he whines that he is too young, his sister, Molly, points out that both herself and their brother, Bertie, both started work at fifteen. As Blythe reluctantly takes over the bread selling, which according to Blythe is a girl’s job, he still dreams of an easier life. Jack keeps trying to tempt him with doing nothing, but hoping for luck. When Blythe meets Edrik, he can’t understand why the other boy would be interested in him. He’s poor and Edrik’s family is rich.
Blythe is like so many other young adults in his town. He’s at the age where he should choose what he wants for a job, but he wants to cling to the last vestige of childhood. Having a friend like Jack doesn’t help him. Jack believes in luck and that he doesn’t have to do anything and riches will fall in his lap. When Blythe is embarrassed in front of Edrik, he is tempted by Jack’s offer of instant riches. Hayden Thorne has created a wonderful fantasy world where gossip is abound about fairy-tale horrors. A boy catches the eye of a rich boy and where a friend has his head in the clouds. Blythe is a wonderful character who is down to earth and cheeky, Jack is obnoxious, Molly is trying to keep her family going, and Bertie has really bad night gas and Edrik is sweet on Blythe.
I thought this story was vastly entertaining, with its down to earth characters. With the simple dreams of the characters and with its gentle learning curve for Blythe. This story is all from Blythe’s perspective, so we get the unfettered view of life from a fifteen year old boy with his hopes and dreams, but, also with him learning that life isn’t perfect, but you can be happy with what you have. Jack’s a character that does get up your nose, Edrik you don’t see very often but he is a lovely character who is super sweet on Blythe and what we see of Molly and Bertie is good.
I recommend this story to those that love fantasy, young adult, obnoxious boys, growing up, finding a sweetheart, a touch of adventure and a happy ending.