Title: The Merry Executioner Returns
Series: A Strange Place in Time III
Author: Alyx J. Shaw
Genre: High Fantasy
Length: Novel (294 pages)
ISBN: 9781603706988
Publisher: Prizm Press, Torquere Press (March 12th, 2014)
Heat Level: Low
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts
Reviewer: Thommie
Blurb: With the last member of the Court returned home, John Arrowsmith and his group of friends prepare to defend their land from ancient adversaries bent on their destruction. With enemies advancing on all sides and attacks coming from within their own home, it’s difficult to determine where to strike.
With friends succumbing to assassins and attacks, John Arrowsmith must use his abilities to their utmost to prevent tragedy befalling his adopted homeland. But tragedy comes in many forms, and his long-time lover has been gone a very long time… Will the band of friends save the day? Find out in this third installment of the Strange Places in Time series!
Purchase Link: http://www.torquerebooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&manufacturers_id=17&products_id=1940
Review: The third and final part of this saga picks up exactly where it left on the second book. Our nine incredible members of the Court have finally some clue as to who is behind the incidents happening in Dargoth and why. And just like the previous two books, this one as well starts with a power kick of action, attacks on all fronts, hideous and crippling losses, even death among the fellowship. The pace is fast and furious alternating between fights, unexpected attacks, and even more unexpected relationships forming between our guys.
Dubious characters that were somewhat in between good and evil take form now and even more plots are discovered as the story goes. Frankly, this was one hell of a ride when it came to conspiracy and having the enemy no two steps ahead but a whole damned mile. If you have ever played a high fantasy MMORPG and taken part in raids with big bossed that needed a huge amount of planning strategy in how to freaking down them; if you’ve ever gone into wipefest after wipefest trying to down the same boss for hours then you definitely appreciate this entire sage, and even more so this final book. For me it felt the same way as when I was raiding Icecrown in World of Warcraft, and this final scene quite literally reminded me of the damned Lich King who in the end, even after you killed him, he still continued to go on.
That means I simply loved it. I love everything about his story. I loved how things panned out with Misty and Blue, and yes, I cried for Misty. I loved Arrowsmith and Infamous’ story even as it literally ripped my heart apart, stomped all over it only to have it put back yet again a bit raw, a bit tender, but definitely mellow and sweet in the end. I died with joy, laughter and pain for my beloved Ice Prince Monshika. I cannot begin to tell you how freaking brilliant that relationship was and how much an emotional rollercoaster it turned out to be. I still wonder at what became of Sly and was finally satisfied with his role and the fact that we got to finally see in his soul.
Gosh, there are so many thing to say, this book was so intense and with a nonstop action pace, but I fear I cannot spoil it for you. For me it was fantastic, it reminded me why I loved playing games so much and if you’re a lover of high fantasy, if you are and/or were at some point a gamer, I feel you will adore this trilogy just like I did. Definitely recommended!