The Wraith Queens Veil by Lou Hoffman, Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Lou Hoffman - Wraith Queen's Veil Banner

Hi guys! We have Lou Hoffmann visiting today with her upcoming release Wraith Queen’s Veil, I pinned Lou down long enough to have a live interview with her, we have a brilliant excerpt and a fantastic giveaway! So check out the interview, enjoy the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Lou Hoffman - Wraith Queen's Veil Cover s

Wraith Queen’s Veil

(The Sun Child Chronicles 02)

Lou Hoffmann

When Lucky arrives in Ethra, the world of his birth and destiny, he expects a joyful reunion, but the first thing he notices when he reaches the Sisterhold—his home—is something false behind his mother’s smile. In a matter of weeks, the Sisterhold becomes agitated with worries and war plans. People he trusts—like the wizard Thurlock—frequently can’t be found. His mother seems angry, especially with Lucky. Even Han Shieth, the warrior uncle he has come to rely on and love above all others, maintains a sullen silence toward him.

When Lucky’s resentment builds to the breaking point, his bad decisions put him and his friends, L’Aria and Zhevi, in unthinkable danger. Han arrives to help, but he can’t claim invulnerability to the hazards and evils that threaten at every turn. Events launch Lucky, alone, on a quest for he knows not what, but every step brings him closer to his identity and full strength. Self-knowledge, trust, and strength lead to smarter choices, but even his best efforts might not render his world truly safe, now or for the future.

Release date: 6th October 2016 

Continue reading “The Wraith Queens Veil by Lou Hoffman, Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Not the Doctor by Charley Descoteaux (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!

Charley Descoteaux - Not the Doctor Mended_FBbanner_DSP

Hello peeps, today we have Charley Descoteaux and her Mended Daily Dose Not the Doctor. I had the chance to interview Charley, so I did 😉 and I also got to review this nice little story which has a slight May – December relationship. So I will leave you to it with the usual message… leave a comment for a chance to win your very own copy of Not the Doctor and give that Rafflecopter a click if you haven’t already…. and remember to click it again to earn extra chances by tweeting daily! <3 ~Pixie~   

And our winner for Mars Novak’s Move as Water in a Basin iiiissss Jbst 🙂 Congratulations!  

Daily Dose MendedLG


Various Authors

Life comes with a bit of hurt, but luckily for these men, it also comes with the right amount of comfort to mend their breaks, both of the body and the heart. From facing deranged exes to economic trials, the men in these tales have faced trial by fire–or in some cases water–for the right to love and live. Step into their shoes as they rebuild their family after a gutting betrayal or traverse the stars with an unexpected partner. The Mended Daily Dose package delivers stories about all kinds of second chances built on love. 

Felicitas Ivey Zahra Owens Emily Moreton Cardeno C. S.A. Garcia Elizabeth Noble M. Lee Ellis Carrington Kim Fielding Ari McKay E.T. Malinowski Bru Baker K.C. Wells Gwynn Marssen Lee Comyn Ashavan Doyon Eli Easton Charley Descoteaux Therese Woodson MA Ford Kenzie Cade Coral Moore L.D. Blakeley Chloe Stowe Ronnie Matthews Jayden Brooks Diane Lennox C. Callenreese Mars Novak Emma Wilson

Continue reading “Not the Doctor by Charley Descoteaux (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!”

Move as Water in a Basin By Mars Novak (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!

Dreamspinner Daily Dose Banner

Hiya guys, today we welcome Mars Novak and his Daily Dose Move as Water in a Basin, I got to interview Mars and he is a little bit shy, and I reviewed his interesting fantasy story. For your own chance to win this little number just leave a comment, and just to jog your memories 😉 click that Rafflecopter link for a chance to own all the Daily Dose collection <3 ~Pixie~ 

And the winner of Chloe Stowes Ravenscar is H.B.! Congratulations 🙂  

Daily Dose MendedLG


Various Authors

Life comes with a bit of hurt, but luckily for these men, it also comes with the right amount of comfort to mend their breaks, both of the body and the heart. From facing deranged exes to economic trials, the men in these tales have faced trial by fire–or in some cases water–for the right to love and live. Step into their shoes as they rebuild their family after a gutting betrayal or traverse the stars with an unexpected partner. The Mended Daily Dose package delivers stories about all kinds of second chances built on love. 

Felicitas Ivey Zahra Owens Emily Moreton Cardeno C. S.A. Garcia Elizabeth Noble M. Lee Ellis Carrington Kim Fielding Ari McKay E.T. Malinowski Bru Baker K.C. Wells Gwynn Marssen Lee Comyn Ashavan Doyon Eli Easton Charley Descoteaux Therese Woodson MA Ford Kenzie Cade Coral Moore L.D. Blakeley Chloe Stowe Ronnie Matthews Jayden Brooks Diane Lennox C. Callenreese Mars Novak Emma Wilson

Continue reading “Move as Water in a Basin By Mars Novak (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!”

Ravenscar by Chloe Stowe (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!

Chloe Stowe Ravenscar Mended_FBbanner_DSP

Hiya guys, we now have Chloe Stowe & Ravenscar for today’s Dreamspinner Daily Dose it’s a sweet little number that many will enjoy 😉 We have a short interview with Chloe and my review of Ravenscar. Now you know the drill, leave a comment for a chance to win Ravenscar, click the Rafflecopter link for the Mended collection Giveaway and enjoy the rest of the post 🙂 good luck guys <3 ~Pixie~

And now the winner of Cardeno C’s All Of Me iiiisssss Joe! Congratulations Joe 🙂

Daily Dose MendedLG


Various Authors

Life comes with a bit of hurt, but luckily for these men, it also comes with the right amount of comfort to mend their breaks, both of the body and the heart. From facing deranged exes to economic trials, the men in these tales have faced trial by fire–or in some cases water–for the right to love and live. Step into their shoes as they rebuild their family after a gutting betrayal or traverse the stars with an unexpected partner. The Mended Daily Dose package delivers stories about all kinds of second chances built on love. 

Felicitas Ivey Zahra Owens Emily Moreton Cardeno C. S.A. Garcia Elizabeth Noble M. Lee Ellis Carrington Kim Fielding Ari McKay E.T. Malinowski Bru Baker K.C. Wells Gwynn Marssen Lee Comyn Ashavan Doyon Eli Easton Charley Descoteaux Therese Woodson MA Ford Kenzie Cade Coral Moore L.D. Blakeley Chloe Stowe Ronnie Matthews Jayden Brooks Diane Lennox C. Callenreese Mars Novak Emma Wilson

Continue reading “Ravenscar by Chloe Stowe (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!”

Never Let it Go by Emily Moreton (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!

Dreamspinner Daily Dose Banner

Hi m/m lovers, today’s Daily Dose is Emily Moreton’s Never Let it Go which is a sweet little number that packs a bit of a punch. I managed to snag an interview with Emily so why don’t you see what she has to say 😉 Enjoy my review and leave a comment to win todays Daily Dose Never Let it Go and if you haven’t already then click that Rafflecopter link for a chance to win all the Daily Doses from Mended! <3 ~Pixie~

And the lucky comment winner for Lucky to be Unlucky is… Hannah B! Congratulations Hannah B <3  

Daily Dose MendedLG


Various Authors

Life comes with a bit of hurt, but luckily for these men, it also comes with the right amount of comfort to mend their breaks, both of the body and the heart. From facing deranged exes to economic trials, the men in these tales have faced trial by fire–or in some cases water–for the right to love and live. Step into their shoes as they rebuild their family after a gutting betrayal or traverse the stars with an unexpected partner. The Mended Daily Dose package delivers stories about all kinds of second chances built on love. 

Felicitas Ivey Zahra Owens Emily Moreton Cardeno C. S.A. Garcia Elizabeth Noble M. Lee Ellis Carrington Kim Fielding Ari McKay E.T. Malinowski Bru Baker K.C. Wells Gwynn Marssen Lee Comyn Ashavan Doyon Eli Easton Charley Descoteaux Therese Woodson MA Ford Kenzie Cade Coral Moore L.D. Blakeley Chloe Stowe Ronnie Matthews Jayden Brooks Diane Lennox C. Callenreese Mars Novak Emma Wilson

Continue reading “Never Let it Go by Emily Moreton (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!”

All of Me by Cardeno C. (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!

Daily Dose Mended banner

Hey guys we have Cardeno C. visiting us with the incredible All of Me, I got to do a live interview with C.C. which was loads of fun and I finally got to read and review this wonderful story. Now you lucky minions will have a chance to win your very own copy and all you have to do is leave a comment 🙂 and remember to click that Rafflecopter link for a chance to win the entire Daily Dose collection! <3 ~Pixie~ 

And congratulations to Alaina who has won a copy of Elizabeth Noble’s Always Plan Ahead! Congratulations Alaina <3  

Daily Dose MendedLG


Various Authors

Life comes with a bit of hurt, but luckily for these men, it also comes with the right amount of comfort to mend their breaks, both of the body and the heart. From facing deranged exes to economic trials, the men in these tales have faced trial by fire–or in some cases water–for the right to love and live. Step into their shoes as they rebuild their family after a gutting betrayal or traverse the stars with an unexpected partner. The Mended Daily Dose package delivers stories about all kinds of second chances built on love. 

Felicitas Ivey Zahra Owens Emily Moreton Cardeno C. S.A. Garcia Elizabeth Noble M. Lee Ellis Carrington Kim Fielding Ari McKay E.T. Malinowski Bru Baker K.C. Wells Gwynn Marssen Lee Comyn Ashavan Doyon Eli Easton Charley Descoteaux Therese Woodson MA Ford Kenzie Cade Coral Moore L.D. Blakeley Chloe Stowe Ronnie Matthews Jayden Brooks Diane Lennox C. Callenreese Mars Novak Emma Wilson

Continue reading “All of Me by Cardeno C. (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!”

Lucky to be Unlucky by Diane Lennox (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!

Diane Lennox - Lucky to be Unlucky Mended_FBbanner_DSP

Hello minion’s, today we have Diane Lennox and her very first release Lucky to be Unlucky from the Dreamspinner Press Daily Dose, so be gentle with her guys Diane was sweet enough to let us interview her 😉 Now remember to win a copy of Lucky to be Unlucky you just have to leave a comment and if you haven’t already then click the Rafflecopter link for a chance to win all 30 Daily Dose from Dreamspinner Press <3 ~Pixie~

And our winner for Ellis Carrington’s Total Immersion is daleearnhardt03! Congratulations 🙂 

Daily Dose MendedLG


Various Authors

Life comes with a bit of hurt, but luckily for these men, it also comes with the right amount of comfort to mend their breaks, both of the body and the heart. From facing deranged exes to economic trials, the men in these tales have faced trial by fire–or in some cases water–for the right to love and live. Step into their shoes as they rebuild their family after a gutting betrayal or traverse the stars with an unexpected partner. The Mended Daily Dose package delivers stories about all kinds of second chances built on love. 

Felicitas Ivey Zahra Owens Emily Moreton Cardeno C. S.A. Garcia Elizabeth Noble M. Lee Ellis Carrington Kim Fielding Ari McKay E.T. Malinowski Bru Baker K.C. Wells Gwynn Marssen Lee Comyn Ashavan Doyon Eli Easton Charley Descoteaux Therese Woodson MA Ford Kenzie Cade Coral Moore L.D. Blakeley Chloe Stowe Ronnie Matthews Jayden Brooks Diane Lennox C. Callenreese Mars Novak Emma Wilson

Continue reading “Lucky to be Unlucky by Diane Lennox (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!”

Total Immersion by Ellis Carrington (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!

Ellis Carrington - Total Immersion banner

Hey guys today’s Dreamspinner Daily Dose is Total Immersion by Ellis Carrington and it is a cute story that you don’t want to miss, we have an interview with Ellis and of course the chance to win a copy of Total Immersion by leaving a comment, and don’t forget that all important Rafflecopter link where you could win the entire Mended collection! Good luck guys <3 ~Pixie~

JenCW you’re our lucky winner of M. Lee’s Nightsweats! Congratulations 🙂

Daily Dose MendedLG


Various Authors

Life comes with a bit of hurt, but luckily for these men, it also comes with the right amount of comfort to mend their breaks, both of the body and the heart. From facing deranged exes to economic trials, the men in these tales have faced trial by fire–or in some cases water–for the right to love and live. Step into their shoes as they rebuild their family after a gutting betrayal or traverse the stars with an unexpected partner. The Mended Daily Dose package delivers stories about all kinds of second chances built on love. 

Felicitas Ivey Zahra Owens Emily Moreton Cardeno C. S.A. Garcia Elizabeth Noble M. Lee Ellis Carrington Kim Fielding Ari McKay E.T. Malinowski Bru Baker K.C. Wells Gwynn Marssen Lee Comyn Ashavan Doyon Eli Easton Charley Descoteaux Therese Woodson MA Ford Kenzie Cade Coral Moore L.D. Blakeley Chloe Stowe Ronnie Matthews Jayden Brooks Diane Lennox C. Callenreese Mars Novak Emma Wilson

Continue reading “Total Immersion by Ellis Carrington (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!”

Deep Water by Coral Moore (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!

Coral Moore - Deep Water banner

Hiya everyone, we now have the pleasure of Coral Moore and her Daily Dose release Deep Water. Coral was gracious enough to do a interview with us so why don’t you get to know this author who is pretty new to most of us. Now remember you will get the chance to win Deep Water today if you leave a comment and if you haven’t already then click that Rafflecopter link for a chance to win the entire Mended collection! <3 ~Pixie~

And Trix you are are winner for Ashavan Doyon’s The Byte of Betrayal! Congratulations 🙂

Daily Dose MendedLG


Various Authors

Life comes with a bit of hurt, but luckily for these men, it also comes with the right amount of comfort to mend their breaks, both of the body and the heart. From facing deranged exes to economic trials, the men in these tales have faced trial by fire–or in some cases water–for the right to love and live. Step into their shoes as they rebuild their family after a gutting betrayal or traverse the stars with an unexpected partner. The Mended Daily Dose package delivers stories about all kinds of second chances built on love. 

Felicitas Ivey Zahra Owens Emily Moreton Cardeno C. S.A. Garcia Elizabeth Noble M. Lee Ellis Carrington Kim Fielding Ari McKay E.T. Malinowski Bru Baker K.C. Wells Gwynn Marssen Lee Comyn Ashavan Doyon Eli Easton Charley Descoteaux Therese Woodson MA Ford Kenzie Cade Coral Moore L.D. Blakeley Chloe Stowe Ronnie Matthews Jayden Brooks Diane Lennox C. Callenreese Mars Novak Emma Wilson

Continue reading “Deep Water by Coral Moore (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!”

Nightsweats by M. Lee (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!

Daily Dose Mended banner

Hey guys, today we are visited by M. Lee with her latest release Nightsweats from Dreamspinner Press Daily Dose, we got to interview M. Lee and also review this sweet little number, so boys and girls have a browse around, leave a comment for a chance to win Nightsweats and click that Rafflecopter link! <3 ~Pixie~

Congratulations to Rojoroaors who is our comment winner for Bru Baker’s Branded!

Daily Dose MendedLG


Various Authors

Life comes with a bit of hurt, but luckily for these men, it also comes with the right amount of comfort to mend their breaks, both of the body and the heart. From facing deranged exes to economic trials, the men in these tales have faced trial by fire–or in some cases water–for the right to love and live. Step into their shoes as they rebuild their family after a gutting betrayal or traverse the stars with an unexpected partner. The Mended Daily Dose package delivers stories about all kinds of second chances built on love. 

Felicitas Ivey Zahra Owens Emily Moreton Cardeno C. S.A. Garcia Elizabeth Noble M. Lee Ellis Carrington Kim Fielding Ari McKay E.T. Malinowski Bru Baker K.C. Wells Gwynn Marssen Lee Comyn Ashavan Doyon Eli Easton Charley Descoteaux Therese Woodson MA Ford Kenzie Cade Coral Moore L.D. Blakeley Chloe Stowe Ronnie Matthews Jayden Brooks Diane Lennox C. Callenreese Mars Novak Emma Wilson

Continue reading “Nightsweats by M. Lee (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!”

The Byte of Betrayal by Ashavan Doyon (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!

Ashavan Doyon - The Byte of Betrayal Banner

Hey guys, today’s Dreamspinner Daily Dose is The Byte of Betrayal by Ashavan Doyon, I managed to corner Ashavan and interview him and we have one copy of The Byte of Betrayal to give away, so remember to leave a comment. And don’t forget to click that Rafflecopter link for a chance to win all 30 Mended books 🙂 <3 ~Pixie~

And the lucky winner of  M.A. Ford’s The Way Things Turn Out is Rod B 😀

Daily Dose MendedLG


Various Authors

Life comes with a bit of hurt, but luckily for these men, it also comes with the right amount of comfort to mend their breaks, both of the body and the heart. From facing deranged exes to economic trials, the men in these tales have faced trial by fire–or in some cases water–for the right to love and live. Step into their shoes as they rebuild their family after a gutting betrayal or traverse the stars with an unexpected partner. The Mended Daily Dose package delivers stories about all kinds of second chances built on love. 

Felicitas Ivey Zahra Owens Emily Moreton Cardeno C. S.A. Garcia Elizabeth Noble M. Lee Ellis Carrington Kim Fielding Ari McKay E.T. Malinowski Bru Baker K.C. Wells Gwynn Marssen Lee Comyn Ashavan Doyon Eli Easton Charley Descoteaux Therese Woodson MA Ford Kenzie Cade Coral Moore L.D. Blakeley Chloe Stowe Ronnie Matthews Jayden Brooks Diane Lennox C. Callenreese Mars Novak Emma Wilson

Continue reading “The Byte of Betrayal by Ashavan Doyon (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!”

Branded by Bru Baker (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!

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Hey peep’s today we are welcoming Bru Baker with her Dreamspinner Press Daily Dose Branded, not only did I get to review this sweet baby but I got to have a nice chat with Bru as well which we will let you read 😉 Now you lucky guys get a chance to win Branded and all you have to do is leave a comment…. and don’t forget to click the Rafflecopter link for the chance to win all the beauties that Dreamspinner Press have in the Mended Daily Dose hmmm I do believe I set it up so you get extra points every day when you Tweet the Giveaway (unless I screwed it up LOL) <3 ~Pixie~

Oh and Sula, congratulations you are the winner of Zahra Owen’s Cleary Palit 🙂

Daily Dose MendedLG


Various Authors

Life comes with a bit of hurt, but luckily for these men, it also comes with the right amount of comfort to mend their breaks, both of the body and the heart. From facing deranged exes to economic trials, the men in these tales have faced trial by fire–or in some cases water–for the right to love and live. Step into their shoes as they rebuild their family after a gutting betrayal or traverse the stars with an unexpected partner. The Mended Daily Dose package delivers stories about all kinds of second chances built on love. 

Felicitas Ivey Zahra Owens Emily Moreton Cardeno C. S.A. Garcia Elizabeth Noble M. Lee Ellis Carrington Kim Fielding Ari McKay E.T. Malinowski Bru Baker K.C. Wells Gwynn Marssen Lee Comyn Ashavan Doyon Eli Easton Charley Descoteaux Therese Woodson MA Ford Kenzie Cade Coral Moore L.D. Blakeley Chloe Stowe Ronnie Matthews Jayden Brooks Diane Lennox C. Callenreese Mars Novak Emma Wilson

Continue reading “Branded by Bru Baker (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!”

The Way Things Turn Out by M.A. Ford (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!

M.A. Ford - The Way Things Turned Out Banner

Hello you lucky minions, today we have M.A. Ford joining us with their Daily Dose The Way Things Turn Out and M.A. even stuck around long enough for me to interview, so enjoy our post and read my review 🙂 . Don’t forget to leave a comment to win your own copy of The Way Things Turn Out and click that Rafflecopter link for a chance to win the entire Dreamspinner Press Daily Dose Mended collection! <3 ~Pixie~

Daily Dose MendedLG


Various Authors

Life comes with a bit of hurt, but luckily for these men, it also comes with the right amount of comfort to mend their breaks, both of the body and the heart. From facing deranged exes to economic trials, the men in these tales have faced trial by fire–or in some cases water–for the right to love and live. Step into their shoes as they rebuild their family after a gutting betrayal or traverse the stars with an unexpected partner. The Mended Daily Dose package delivers stories about all kinds of second chances built on love. 

Felicitas Ivey Zahra Owens Emily Moreton Cardeno C. S.A. Garcia Elizabeth Noble M. Lee Ellis Carrington Kim Fielding Ari McKay E.T. Malinowski Bru Baker K.C. Wells Gwynn Marssen Lee Comyn Ashavan Doyon Eli Easton Charley Descoteaux Therese Woodson MA Ford Kenzie Cade Coral Moore L.D. Blakeley Chloe Stowe Ronnie Matthews Jayden Brooks Diane Lennox C. Callenreese Mars Novak Emma Wilson

Continue reading “The Way Things Turn Out by M.A. Ford (Mended Daily Dose) Interview, Review & Giveaway!”