A Little Bit Langston by Andrew Demcak

Andrew Demcak - A Little Bit of Langston 3d Cover nj9239

Andrew Demcak - A Little Bit of Langston Cover 84jrnrfTitle: A Little Bit Langston

Series: The Elusive Spark 01

Author: Andrew Demcak

Genre: Other Paranormal, Science Fiction, Teen Fiction

Length: Novel (204pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 3, 2015)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Blurb: Being different can be dangerous, and discovery can be deadly.

High school freshman James Kerr is finding out he’s not quite like his classmates. Around the time he realizes he’s attracted to his best friend, Paul Schmitz, James starts channeling a dead writer’s poetry and also discovers he has an ability to manipulate energy—a super power. Before James can figure out why this is happening to him, tragedy strikes in the form of Paul’s abusive father, and James is sent to a government-run school, The Paragon Academy, which specializes in juvenile paranormal research. There, he meets Lumen, the daughter of a famous Korean actress. Lumen’s psychic ability might be the key to helping James understand both his poems and his own power.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63476-274-8

Product Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Interesting story about James who comes into extraordinary powers and struggles to understand what is happening to him. Then he’s sent off to a gifted school to help him in his quest for control where he meets other students like himself.

Meanwhile the boy he has feelings for, his best friend Paul, disappears.

I loved the mystery and the suspense surrounding James as he seeks for the truth. There are many twists and turns as the story progresses. A lot happens that gives the book an X-Men feel to it which I loved.

The answers are sometimes not what James was expecting when they are discovered. This was a complex story with many characters that added depth to the story. Not everything was self explanatory but that added to the story.

Great read.