See by Jackie Nacht

3783SEE510-220x330Title:  See

Series:  Ripples in the Water, #1

Author:  Jackie Nacht

Genre:   Young Adult

Length:  Novella (86 Pages)

Publisher:  Devine Destinies

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   When love allows you to see in your darkest hour.

Drew has had a tough couple of months. Coming out to his parents wasn’t too bad except it hasn’t been brought up since. However, coming out to his friends his freshman year in high school is a whole different story. His friends turn their backs on him and have become leaders in the daily tortures he has since had to endure. When a humiliation page pops up on the internet showing pictures of Drew being bullied, he decides to end it all.

Just before he takes his life, the fourteen-year-old Mason appears telling him that he will be Drew’s husband in the future and spirits are guiding him to help stop Drew from making an irreversible mistake. Mason will be advised to take Drew on a journey to see what his future would be like if he didn’t end his life. When Drew is still unconvinced, Mason will show Drew the impact his life will have on the others around him if he does end it all. Will Mason be able to show him that Drew has a future to live for and give him the guidance to help him get through his darkest hour?

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Reviewer:   John

Review:  Oh. My. God! I loved this novel. This novel stars Drew, who has had a very hard couple of months. Why? He was brave enough to come out to his family and friends as a gay guy. That bravery was short-lived because his parents are completely ignoring the fact that he’s gay and his schoolmates are not very gay friendly. They bullied him to the point that he decides to end his life. And that’s where the story takes off.

I loved Drew. He was so sweet and loving. He was simply trying to find his way in life and be happy. As he is about to end his life, a mysterious boy appears before him and shows him what his life would be like in the future. Yeah, pretty awesome. I don’t want to give the story away, but what I can tell you is that this novel was very surprising and thrilling. It left me wanting more. I really hope there is a part two because Drew’s life seemed so interesting and fun.