Title: A Day Makes
Series: The Vault 01
Author: Mary Calmes
Genre: Mystery, Suspense
Length: Novel (200 pages)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (April 19, 2017)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3 1/2 Hearts
Blurb: Mob enforcer Ceaton Mercer has killed a lot of people in a lot of different ways—he stashed the last two bodies in a toolshed belonging to a sweetheart marine researcher in an idyllic island community—but he’s really not such a bad guy. Over time he’s found a home of sorts, and he even learns he’s found a place in the hearts of the people he works with… at least enough so that they won’t put a bullet in his head because he’s outlived his usefulness to the boss.
But he never thought he’d find one day could change his life, and he’s about to discover how wrong he is.
Because in a single day, he meets the man who looks to be the one, the love of his life. It’s an improbable idea—a man who deals in death finding love—but it’s like it’s meant to be. That single day gets weirder and troubles pile up, forcing Ceaton to take a hard look at his dreary life and accept that one day can change everything, especially himself. His future might be brighter than he expects—if he can stay alive long enough to find out..
ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-574-3
Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: I have mixed emotions about this story. On the one hand Mercer and what all has happened to him throughout his life to where he is now and what his mission is, is really interesting. On the other hand, I really do not want to say this, I thought Brinley, Mercer’s love interest, was over the top. I mean who actually acts like that. I kept rolling my eyes and wishing it would stop especially when tough guy Mercer joined in.
So needless to say I did not enjoy Mercer and Brinley at the beginning of their relationship. It was too corny and over the top for me. Now add in danger from Mercer’s boss, a mysterious man that Mercer knows from his past and battle scenes that I enjoyed and I was happy.
The Vault was fascinating. I was floored because it was not what I thought it was going to be. So I was pleasantly surprised. Well written story that I only enjoyed a portion of.
O.k. read. Sorry but Brinley and Mercer’s beginning ruined it for me.