Almost by Sean Michael

20721525Title: Almost

Series: N/A

Author: Sean Michael

Genre:Contemporary/ Men in Uniform

Length: Short Story (47 Pages)

ISBN: 978-1-78184-979-8

Publisher: Totally Bound Publishing (February 7th, 2014)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts

Reviewer: Lisa


Blurb: Hammer let Lane drive him away, but now he’s determined to make Lane the one who almost got away.

Lane lost his legs while saving his unit overseas. It’s been two years and he’s doing his best to come to terms with things, including the fact that he dumped his lover to free the man up from being stuck with a gimp for the rest of his life. Luckily, Lane inherited his Gramps’ cottage—it just needs some renovations to make it wheelchair friendly. He’s determined to make the best of what he’s got.

Hammer was one of the men Lane saved…and his lover while they were in the Army together. He let Lane drive him away back when the man first got hurt, but now he’s hunting Lane, determined to make Lane the on

Stand To Attention Anthology
Stand To Attention Anthology

e who almost got away. Will Lane be able to see pas

t his injuries far enough to realize Hammer’s in it for the long haul?


Publisher’s Note: This story has been previously released as part of the Stand to Attention anthology by Totally Bound Publishing.

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Review: Sean Michael has a new follower. This story was amazing and so very heart touching. Soldiers give their all and sometimes way too much. For someone to come home from being injured while fighting for our country, only to have their parents disown them because they are gay just makes me even more mad than normal.


Lane had been injured by a mine, but he did manage to save everyone else in his unit. Feeling like he was a looser all broken, he ends his relationship with Hammer, who was also his Sarge. He had lost both of his legs and his face was scared but to Hammer he was a hero. Now two years later, Hammer musters out and finds his lover. Knowing he should have put up more of a fight, Hammer knows that the fight is getting ready to hit the fan now that he was back in Lane’s life.


I would recommend this story to anyone who loves military men, sacrifice, arguments, heart filled confessions, and true love. I loved this story and will definitely be checking out the rest of Sean’s stories.