Title: Loving Kit
Author: L.M. Brown
Genre: Futuristic, Science Fiction
Length: Novel (350pgs)
Publisher: Fireborn Publishing (February 19, 2018)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: 💖💖💖 3 Hearts
Blurb: When Logan McRae wakes from cryogenic stasis to see two aliens, he wonders whether he has lost his mind. As he gets to know Halor and Kit, he realises his mind is intact, but he may just lose his heart.
Logan McRae expected to wake on the spacecraft Mercury, ready to pilot the ship to New Earth. Instead, he finds himself facing two aliens whose help he’ll need if he wants to find his people.
Kit doesn’t know what sort of creature he has accidentally purchased, but it’s definitely male and not completely different from him and his lover, Halor. The language barrier might be a problem, but Kit knows the language of love doesn’t always need words.
Halor has been reluctant to expand his nest, but he’ll do anything to give Kit the happiness he deserves, even invite another man into their bed.
Logan has no idea that Kit isn’t quite like other men until their passion results in unexpected consequences. Now he must choose between his mission and the two men who have given him everything he has ever wanted, as well as things he never dreamed of.
ISBN: 978-1-947956-04-9
Product Link: Fireborn Publishing | Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: I wanted to love this book but for all the needless sex scenes regarding Kit needing semen I would have. There were too many sex scenes for my tastes. But Logan and Halor were interesting in the grand scheme of things. I loved the way these men made plan and set them in motion to save Logan and the people he feels responsible for.
I wished there more about Kit besides his sexual needs. I would have loved to know more about him as the story progressed. I did however enjoy the actual story and how the rescue plans were made and set in motion.
This is a story I would have normally fell into and enjoyed but the overabundance of sex and the lack of details regarding Kit threw me out of the story. It made it difficult to reconnect with the characters near the end.
O.k. read for me.