Hiya peeps! We have Helena Stone popping in today with the tour for her new release Equality, we have a great new excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and my review, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Helena Stone
Love is love. But what if the fight for equality gets in the way of building a relationship?
Lorcan Barratt has never considered himself relationship material. After his parents made it perfectly clear they’d never welcome a partner of his into their home, he learned to love his own company and can’t imagine sharing his life with another. After a single passionate kiss with Eric Kavanagh—the night before he travels to Canada for three months—Lorcan’s no longer sure he wants to be on his own. The problem is, he has no idea what sharing his life with someone else might entail.
Eric Kavanagh grew up in a loving and supportive family and always assumed he’d end up in a committed relationship. Sure that he’s found the one, Eric doesn’t worry about the fact that Lorcan has no experience when it comes to love and relationships. They are good together, so what could possibly go wrong?
When both men get involved in the marriage equality referendum in Ireland, it appears to bring them even closer together until Lorcan’s insecurities get the upper hand and he shuts Eric out. Will the fight for a yes-vote cost them their relationship or will they be able to find a balance between the love they share and the need for equality?

When a government minister had come out as gay in January, Lorcan had hoped it might make his parents less judgmental. They’d always been supportive of the politician and Lorcan wanted to believe they wouldn’t suddenly change their opinion based on his sexual orientation. He’d been both right and wrong. Their position had been that while they didn’t think the fact that the minister was gay would affect his political decision making, they would have preferred it if he hadn’t gone public with the news. Frustration ate at Lorcan as he wondered, not for the first time, how his parents managed to navigate their way through life while wearing blinkers.
Lorcan didn’t really see the titles of the books he was staring at as he recalled how he’d all but begged them to watch Panti Bliss’s Noble Call. He didn’t know how anybody would be able to watch those poignant ten minutes and not understand why it was important to allow people to be who they were without fear of repercussions. They’d flatly refused and Lorcan had stormed out of the parental house when they’d told him they would never be able to take a man dressed as a woman seriously.
He glanced at his watch for what felt like the umpteenth time since he’d entered the airport and realized he’d somehow managed to miss the plane’s arrival. Eric had touched down on Irish soil twenty minutes ago. Nerves and happiness renewed their battle in Lorcan’s stomach as he strode toward the doors which would open to reveal Eric before too long. He pushed his way through the other people waiting until the barrier stopped him from going farther, and fixed his gaze on the entrance.
Forcing his parents and their negativity out of his mind, Lorcan concentrated on the last conversation he’d had with Eric.
“Are you sure you can put me up? I don’t want to be a nuisance,” Eric had asked.
“Of course I’m sure,” Lorcan had answered. “I wouldn’t offer if I wasn’t. Besides, what else are you going to do? Move in with Xander again? Book yourself into a hotel until you find a place of your own?”
The grimace on Eric’s face when Lorcan had mentioned Xander had been priceless. “I’m sure Xander would offer me his spare room again, but…”Lorcan hadn’t needed the rest of the sentence. He had known that Xander would never leave his best friend stranded, but he’d also realized Eric might feel uncomfortable in the apartment Xander shared with Troy. Those men were as in love and demonstrative about it as they had been when they’d first gotten together. Eric would be welcome to use Xander’s spare room again, but Lorcan was sure he’d prefer not to intrude on the lovebirds.
When Eric had agreed to consider the idea, Lorcan had been elated, convinced that Eric would end up saying yes. Now that the moment of truth had arrived, he wasn’t sure what he wanted anymore. If Eric agreed to stay with him for the time being it would answer any questions Lorcan had about them. He couldn’t decide what would be worse—to discover that they were indeed irresistibly attracted to each other, or to find that the pull between them hadn’t been strong enough to survive three months apart. One thing Lorcan had no doubt about was that he would be hurt if Eric decided to move into a hotel. And that was just stupid. Lorcan didn’t do love or relationships. He didn’t need anybody in his life—he was more than good on his own, and yet…the rejection would be devastating. Of course, acceptance of the invitation would be terrifying.
He watched while people who weren’t Eric entered the arrivals hall and made their way either to those waiting for them or toward the exit. He hated the insecurity he experienced. He hadn’t been as uncertain about meeting another man since he’d been a teenager. This situation would have been easier to handle if Troy and Xander had been here, too. But when they’d called to say it would be impossible for them to make it to the airport on time, Lorcan had told them not to worry about it since he would be there anyway.
Of course, now he was the one worrying about it. Would Eric think it strange Lorcan had come on his own? Would he mind? And where would Lorcan end up taking him? His mind went into overdrive again when the sliding doors opened once more and Eric walked through them. All worries and nerves evaporated momentarily as Lorcan lost himself in the sight of the tall man who somehow managed to look distinguished and fresh, even after a seven-hour flight. Then they were back with a vengeance—he who always planned his life down to the minute details had no idea what would happen next, and he hated it.

Dublin Virtues series!
Patience (Book #1)
Renewal (Book #3)
Early download buy now: Pride
20th June: Amazon US | Amazon UK

About Helena!
Helena Stone can’t remember a life before words and reading. After growing up in a household where no holiday or festivity was complete without at least one new book, it’s hardly surprising she now owns more books than shelf space while her Kindle is about to explode.
The urge to write came as a surprise. The realisation that people might enjoy her words was a shock to say the least. Now that the writing bug has well and truly taken hold, Helena can no longer imagine not sharing the characters in her head and heart with the rest of the world.
Having left the hustle and bustle of Amsterdam for the peace and quiet of the Irish Country side she divides her time between reading, writing, long and often wet walks with the dog, her part-time job in a library, a grown-up daughter and her ever loving and patient husband.
Helena can be found in the following places:
Website | Blog | Facebook | Facebook Author Page | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon Author Page | Pinterest | Email: helenastoneauthor@gmail.com

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Title: Equality
Series: Dublin Virtues 02
Author: Helena Stone
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novella (156pgs)
ISBN: 978-1-78651-553-7
Publisher: Pride Publishing (23rd May 2017)
Heat Level: Low – Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Reviewer: Pixie
Blurb: Love is love. But what if the fight for equality gets in the way of building a relationship?
Lorcan Barrett has never considered himself relationship material. After his parents made it perfectly clear they’d never welcome a partner of his into their home, he learned to love his own company and now can’t imagine sharing his life with another. After a single passionate kiss with Eric Kavanagh—the night before he travels to Canada for three months—Lorcan’s no longer sure he wants to be on his own. The problem is, he has no idea what sharing his life with someone else might entail.
Eric Kavanagh grew up in a loving and supportive family and had always assumed he’d end up in a committed relationship. Sure that he’s found the one, Eric doesn’t worry about the fact that Lorcan has no experience when it comes to love and relationships. They are good together, so what could possibly go wrong?
When both men get involved in the marriage equality referendum in Ireland, it appears to bring them even closer together, until Lorcan’s insecurities get the upper hand and he shuts Eric out. Will the fight for a Yes vote cost them their relationship, or will they be able to find a balance between the love they share and the need for equality?
Purchase Link: https://www.pride-publishing.com/book/equality
Review: This book is part of a series and is best enjoy read in order.
Lorcan never really thought he’d ever have a relationship, while his parents might begrudgingly accept him as gay they made it perfectly clear that they would never accept any man that he was with, so he’s closed himself off. But when Eric came along Lorcan’s feelings blossom and now Lorcan eagerly awaits Eric’s return from Canada.
Eric has always been accepted by his family and his family welcome Lorcan with open arms, but Eric knows that something is gnawing at Lorcan and as they get involved in the marriage equality referendum in Ireland Lorcan finally begins to open up about his family.
This is a great story about two men with different experiences of family trying to find a balance in their relationship, while seeking equality from not only a country but from family as well.
Eric is the perfect boyfriend, he’s confident and secure in his place in the world and he knows what he wants… and he wants Lorcan. Lorcan has his share of worries; he has never had a relationship but Eric calls to him. Lorcan struggles to share his feelings with Eric, and he longs for acceptance from his family.
This story is about so much more than a relationship between two men, it’s also about the relationships that they have with their families as well. Because while Eric’s family are fully supportive Lorcan’s are far from it. We see Lorcan worry and angst about his family’s reaction to his having someone in his life, his gran turns out to be an angel and his sister and brothers supportive but his parents; well they are another matter completely.
Lorcan has a lot of internal struggle; it begins to test his relationship with Eric especially when he begins to pull away from Eric. Eric tries to be understanding and he tries to remember that this is Lorcan’s first relationship and he’s experiencing everything relationship for the first time.
This is a wonderfully written story, while Eric and Lorcan’s relationship does have its moments of tension it’s Lorcan and his family problems that draws the focus. We get an amazing feeling of realness as Lorcan struggles; we get the pure frustration that just pores off him as he just wants what everyone ‘hetero’ has… just to be treated the same as everyone else. Equality.
I recommend this to those who love characters who have struggles, who adore lovely couples just fitting together, who cheer for equality, and those that love a wonderful ending.

Check out the other blogs on the tour!