First Aid by J.L. Jensen

18518351Title: First Aid

Author: J.L. Jensen

Genre: Erotic Romance

Length: Short Story (26 Pages)

Publisher: Torquere Press (September 18th 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥4.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Jason is working at the Twin Cities Pride EMS/First Aid booth when he sees a beautiful woman take a fall. She twisted her ankle, can’t wear her high heels, and it’s hot out, so he loans her some socks to protect her feet. Casey loves dressing up, but some of his previous boyfriends have objected to being seen with a woman. When Jason stops by to pick up his socks, Casey wants more than the massage Jason offers. Jason’s bi, and doesn’t care how Casey dresses — he’s fallen in love — but how can he convince Casey of that?

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Review: Hot damn! This was one hell of a horny read. Uhm! Excuse me while I fan myself.

Right, so now that that’s done, let me get to the story.

What is it with authors and teasing? Hmm? Not that I mind, oh no, but this entire read is a teas. And it’s official; I have a fetish about stories that feature sexy men in woman’s clothes.

So here we have Jason working the EMS/First Aid booth at Pride when a sexy lady in a most alluring walk/prowl walks by. The gorgeous woman has both his and his partner’s heads turned around, but when a dog tangles in her feet causing her to fall it is Jason who jumps at the opportunity to offer First Aid.

And feel free to let you imagination run wild. Have you read a more blatant come on? Here it is, screaming loud and clear “you turn me on,” and damn it if it did had the same effect for this reader.

Moving on, this story for me was brilliant; I loved it and loved its characters. Jason is the most non-judgmental, sweet, sexy horn dog I’ve read recently, making me wish all people were just. Like. Him! As for Casey, God the imagery of that man is so damn sexy and hot, he could show Hell the meaning of true fire. He was not so much drag as he was just plain beautiful both as a guy and impersonating a woman. I adored him.

The story itself verged from extremely erotic to awfully sweet and that was a damn feat to accomplish.

So there you have it, if you like me, like this type of stories, and this short is just the thing to get you hot and bothered in no time.