Heart by Kol Anderson

18815582Title: Heart

Author: Kol Anderson

Genre: Contemporary / BDSM

Length: Novel (400 pages)

Publisher: Kol Anderson

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥3~3.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: What if the person whose memory you held on to isn’t the person you thought he was?

Lucas Mayer is a hit man, running from his past, and the one person he can think of having a future with is Roman Woodrow, a guy who’s always had trouble keeping steady relationships. Among the many addictions of Roman, is the devious and manipulative, Daniel Jones. But Lucas can’t give up Daniel’s secret without giving up his own.

Product Link: http://www.amazon.com/Heart-Kol-Anderson-ebook/dp/B00HBUPIJA/ref=la_B00DN6IR8U_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1387548564&sr=1-1

Review: Ouch! Yes, that is the first thought/exclamation that hit my brain when this book ended. It was definitely a surprise ending, but then again the entire read was surprising.

Roman! Oh my God what a character; for half the read I thought he was a slut, for the second half that he was adorable, and in between I thought he was crazy or something definitely wrong with him for allowing things and people do what they did in his life. He’s such a complicated character that you have to be on your toes to understand the twists and turns his life gets. I was definitely shocked the first time he acted somehow unexpectedly and then started paying more attention to it all. I don’t know how to really feel about him though. You see, he meets this nice man, Luke – the fact he’s a hit man has nothing to do with how nice he is – yet he leaves him, even while giving him some faux hope that there might be something more for them in store. He meets him again three years later, and still he doesn’t take advantage of this beautiful thing that is right in front of his hands, but goes and gets involved with Daniel.

And oh my God, Daniel, could I wish for someone’s death more? I am speechless with how Daniel and Roman’s relationship started and, and continued (yes, the double “and” is intentional). I am speechless that Luke allowed it too. I am just speechless. But it happened and suddenly I’m finding myself reading a book where this wealthy guy is having a relationship with two men, one a con and the other a hit-man (he doesn’t know any of that of course) but I’m tearing my hair off by how he’s leading them both. Ah, frustrating!!! And just when I think I’ve figured things out, then everything turns around and laughs at my face for daring to think such a thing. Yeah, heads up, expect the unexpected or better yet, expect nothing and just let yourself go and feel whatever is given to you.

So, there were certain things that I liked and disliked. First of there were the sparse typos (hopefully it was just my copy that had them) throughout the book. Secondly and most important to my eyes was the assassin’s profile. For me that was a little bit hastily done. See none of the assassins I know (don’t ask) would have left a target alive in close range. They go and put one bullet in the heart and two on the head in order to avoid what actually happened in this book, a recovered target. I suppose the plot wouldn’t have flowed the way it was meant if the target died, but still the assassin’s profile failed big time there. The other was the fact that Luke tries for months to help Roman away from Daniel’s clutches, and I kept thinking the whole time why on ever-loving Earth doesn’t he put a bullet in his head? I mean, he’s a hit-man for crying out loud, why, oh why doesn’t he eliminate competition? Pff, such a wuss, made me think that he didn’t deserve Roman after all, especially when Daniel simply waltzed in and grabbed him.

And this brings me to the things I liked. Can you see the grin in my face? No? Imagine it then, because this book and its approach on the erotic parts will put one on your faces as well. Whew, what a stimulating part this was. From slow and loving to harsh and rough and tough, from vanilla to our of this earth BDSM, it had me panting and glowing and panting some more. I don’t know what I loved more Roman/Luke or Roman/Daniel when the sex scenes came out to play. Being a pervert deep in my heart, I can’t say no to kinky stuff, even though the way that kink began had my hair standing. And often I wished, oh how much I wished damn Luke were a bit more aggressive, instead of the ever-loving considerate partner. The merging of them two though was just fantastic and the end result was utterly erotic. The ménage was avoided however, no matter how possible that seemed at some point, but for lovers of heavier kink there are some multiple partners scenes there too. Dark and delicious is what they are.

Overall, this was a very interesting and quite surprising book, that wants you to be on your toes constantly, throwing twists of the plot at every turn, and enhancing it with some heavy power erotica. You think this sounds interesting? I definitely recommend you give it a try. Enjoy!

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