Mace Was Here by G.R. Richards, 2nd edition

91f2sLlCzgL._SL1500_Title:  Mace Was Here, 2nd edition

Author:  G.R. Richards

Genre:   Paranormal Romance

Length:  Short (15 pages)

Publisher:  G.R. Richards

Heat Level:  Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:   The laws are clear when it comes to the zombie virus: if you know someone who is infected, you turn them in. Nathan just can’t do it. Mace is the love of his life. They’ve been together for twelve years, after a one-night-stand grew into a great romance. Life isn’t so romantic anymore. The virus has made Mace vicious and violent. Still, Nathan can’t give up hope that one day he’ll get his boyfriend back…

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Reviewer:   Tams

Review:  Super short and super sexy. The story is set within the tiny four walls of the apartment that Nathan shared with his lover, Mace. The zombie virus has taken over and Mace has fallen victim. But everyday Nathan shares the story of how they met and how Mace’s name wound up carved into the bed post with him, in hopes of bringing him back. The way Mace stares at that bedpost every time Nathan tells him their story makes Nathan think his lover is still in there somewhere.

Like I said, super short and super sexy, definitely worth the read. In my opinion it was too damn short! I want to know how Mace contracted the virus and I want to know if, ultimately, Nathan brought him back. I would LOVE to see a full length story for these two.